BCHS Weekly Update
May 17, 2020
The BCHS Weekly Update
Our Vision - We are Committed to Excellence and Success in All we do!
Our Focus for 2019-2020 - Expect Excellence Everyday, It Is The Redskin Way!
Congratulations to the BCHS Class of 2020
PAC TV will replay graduation on their local channel.
Once information is received regarding pictures, a call will be sent out to you with all the information you need if you would like to order.
Special Thank You to Parents & Guardians
Hopefully and Prayerfully we will be able to begin school on time and in our traditional fashion!
Chromebook and Other Item Return Dates
All students, grades 9 - 11 are should plan to return any items to the school that have been provided for them. This includes the following:
- Chromebook and Charger
- Textbooks
- Library Books
- Athletic Uniforms
- JROTC Uniforms
- Calculators
- Any other item the student has belonging to the school
May 18th - Grades 9 - 11 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
May 19th - Grades 9- 11 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Report Cards
On May 21st, 6th – 12th grade students and parents will be able to access the end of the year progress report through their PowerSchool Student/Parent accounts.
If you would like to have a hard copy of the progress report, you can pick that up from your school June 1st through June 4th from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The access page for the PowerSchool Student/ Parent accounts is found here: PowerSchool Parent and Student Portal.
Bryan County High School: Delane Blocker , Kara Shadrick , or Rhonda Brown
Summer School
Parents are responsible for the 100% of the cost.
Classes begin June 1, 2020.
If you would like more information, please contact your counselor Mrs. Grossman or Ms. Mosier.
Band Student Announcement
Mr. Edwards, our new band director, will be at the school Monday through Wednesday this week from 9-2 for any parents/students that either need to drop off a school owned instrument or need to pick up a personal instrument.
If there is anyone that needs to make arrangements for a time outside of that window, just email him, medwards@bryan.k12.ga.us and he can set up an appointment time.
You can also find this information on the band website at bchsband.com.
Yearbook Update
Yearbooks are scheduled to be shipped on June 8, 2020. Once the yearbooks arrive on campus, we will set up a time for student pick up.
Meals on Wheels
Thursday, May 21 will be the last day for Meals on Wheels. Check with Family Connections for summer meals.
Class of 2021
I know you do not want to miss anything regarding Class of 2021, so please update your info ASAP!
Class of 2021 Senior Picture Info - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ENc78e0g6FsuV4S1m4AlaStJrFQOOtinoNz-FxlerY8/edit?usp=sharing
Class of 2021 Senior Picture tips - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wv7Kd1KfPTjJUTOoQ3Ul2F8QDCpQ9waTbGNbbPgZdbs/edit?usp=sharing
Parent Tip of the Week - Keep Students Engaged this Summer
Stay Connected With The Redskins
Website: https://www.bryan.k12.ga.us/o/bchs
Location: 1234 Camelia Drive, Pembroke, GA, USA
Phone: 912-626-5060
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BryanCountyHS/
Twitter: @BryanCountyHS