English 100
Prof J.Mitchell-Lambert
Welcome to our class! Everyone has an opportunity to succeed in this class and at the college. Because your life is your greatest teacher, I invite you to share the richness of your ideas and your cultural and life experiences with our learning community which will meet on Tuesdays/Thursdays from 1:00-2:50 in Room MP 211.
Theme & Microthemes:
* Learning Power * The Wild Wired West * True Women & Real Men * Revolutionary Writing *
Course Description:
This 4-unit college-level course develops your skills as an analytical reader, writer, and thinker; it prepares you for the academic writing required of you at Cerritos College and 4-year institutions, as well as the persuasive and stylish writing employers seek.
My hope is that you will discover personal growth and value in the writing process. In this class, we will embrace different types of knowledge, not just our own; value different ways of knowing; center student experiences; engage one another as partners; facilitate a group-centered process; and build collectivism and empathy. Please think of our class as a public forum. Throughout the semester, you will be expected to share your writing with others and to participate in class discussions. Active participation is crucial for all students to insure a more rich learning experience.
NOTE: Teacher TRAC - This course is targeted for future teachers, but open to all students.
Required Books & Supplies:
● Colombo, Gary; Cullen, Robert; and Lisle, Bonnie. Rereading America 10th Edition.
● Stockett, Kathryn. The Help.
● Hacker, Diana. A Writer’s Reference 9th edition.
● Access to a computer, wifi, & Canvas
● 1 spiral notebook OR journal just for journaling (100 pages+)
● Tape, highlighters, post-its, lined 3x5 cards, and a mini-stapler.
● Various handouts printed out from Canvas
Rereading America 10th Eition
by Colombo, Gary; Cullen, Robert; and Lisle, Bonnie
The Help
A Writer's Reference, 9th edition
Critical Course FAQs
The following will help answer you questions about our class:
Wisdom Wall: Advice from Former Students to You
Grades and Assessing your Learning
Cerritos College Services: AIME, Counseling, DSPS, Financial Aid, Health Center + Food Pantry, iFALCON, Scholars Honors, and the Success Center
Tips for Success in College Courses
A Word about Electronic Devices . . .
Safe Zone Ally
Undocu Ally
Vet Net Ally
Contact Information
CRN # 22150
Office: LA 233Office Hours: Mondays 11:00-12:30; Tuesdays 12:30-1:00; 11-12:00; Wednesdays 11:00-12:00
I answer email Mon-Fri within 24 hours unless otherwise noted; please send a second note if I don’t respond.
Suggested guidelines for emailing professors.
Email: jmlambert@cerritos.edu
Website: http://www.cerritos.edu
Location: 11110 Alondra Boulevard, Norwalk, CA, USA
Phone: 562-860-2451 (2823)
Twitter: @janetml1