Arnall Middle School
Weekly Newsletter
Week of 8/27-8/31
Monday, 8/27
4:30p VB game at ECMS
Tuesday, 8/28
5p Football Game at Evans
Thursday, 8/30
4:30p VB Game at Madras
Week of 9/3-9/7
Monday, 9/3
Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
Tuesday, 9/4
3:35p Beta Club Meeting
Wednesday, 9/5
5p Football Game (AMS at Lee)
Thursday, 9/6
4:30p Volleyball Game (AMS at Lee)
Coin Drive!!!
Academic Bowl Tryouts 2018-2019
Academic Bowl is a competitive team activity where students use their knowledge in various fields to compete against other teams across West Georgia. We are looking for motivated, hard-working 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who have various forms of knowledge! No previous experience required to try-out!
Tryouts will be held Wednesday, August 29 and Thursday, August 30 from 3:45 until 4:30. Sign up with your homeroom teacher for the ONE day that works best for you! Be sure to have your ride here in front of the school before 4:30 on the day you tryout!
Tryouts will be held in Ms. Rimedio’s Room, Room 807.
Christain/HeartBeat Club
Heartbeat/Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a non-denominational faith-based organization. This club sponsors Operation Christmas Child and in cooperation with the VFW Auxiliary, they correspond with our soldiers overseas and let them know that Arnall cares about them.
Meetings will be held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month we are in school.
If your student would like to join the club, please have them stop by the front office to grab a form.
Arnall Ambassadors Meeting August 30th @ 3:30-4:30 Mrs. Parmer’s Room# 314
Arnall Ambassadors will hold their first meeting of the year next Thursday, August 30th.
We are a group of students and staff members dedicated to the positive promotion of Arnall Middle School and supporting the Coweta Community.
Students must return their parent permission letters to attend. Returning members, see the Arnall Ambassadors Google Classroom, or one of the counselors for your permission letter.
**New 6th grade members should have received an invitation.
Arnall Middle School
Location: 700 Lora Smith Road, Newnan, GA, USA
Phone: (770) 254-2765
Twitter: @ArnallKnights