Miller Elementary Weekly Update
October 28, 2022
Mrs. Goodman's Message
Hello Miller Families!
We want to thank all families for taking the time to meet with your child's teacher for conferences over the past few weeks. This time together helps us to share all the great things we get to experience with your child each day and the goals we have for the remainder of the year. We are honored to be partners together so that your child can thrive socially, emotionally, and academically. Another big thank you goes out to our Aurora Elementary PTO for providing a special dinner for our staff during one of these conference evenings. This was greatly appreciated by all!
Our students and staff enjoyed a special HAT DAY celebration for filling our PBIS Pom Pom Jar! We had many fun creative hats and hairstyles that came to school on Thursday. Please enjoy a few photos from our special day!
Next week we will hold our Fall Festival and Costume Parade on Monday, October 31st. We have been sharing specific details for the past few weeks and you can find these reminders below along with the parade route map. You will be standing in the bus lane which will be blocked from cars to ensure safety for all. Please make sure your car is parked in a parking space or you can use Aurora Farms as an alternative. The Leighton parking lot will be closed as they too have events for their building. If the weather is poor, we will communicate if the parade is canceled.
AM Preschool and AM Kindergarten Costume Parade will be at 10:20 AM
PM Preschool and Full Day/PM Kindergarten Costume Parade will be at 2:30 PM
(Please see the family viewing map below!)
Have a wonderful fall weekend!
Maria Goodman
Miller Elementary School - Principal
Fall Festival Party
This year, we want to celebrate the fall season with our students as well as enjoy the traditions of dressing up in costumes at school. I want to share some of the guidelines that we will be implementing for our Fall Parties so you can plan accordingly.
Preschool Fall Festival: Monday, October 31st, 10:30 AM & 2:30 PM
Kindergarten Fall Festival: Monday, October 31st, 10:30 AM (AM Kinder) & 2:30 PM (Full Day & PM Kinder)
Save the Date and Time:
AM Preschool and AM Kindergarten Costume Parade will be at 10:20 AM
PM Preschool and Full Day/PM Kindergarten Costume Parade will be at 2:30 PM
- At Miller, we are asking that your child brings their costume to school in a bag and they will change before our party times. If your child needs to wear a portion of their costume (specific pants, leggings, or shirt) throughout the day, that is perfectly OK. Please advise that costumes need to be functional, school safe, no weapons can accompany a costume, and no full face coverings. Children will wear their costumes home on the bus.
- We will be working with our PTO headroom parents to plan fun games or activities, and specific visitors will be allowed into our school for the Fall Festival Party. All visitors will be checking in and no other siblings or guests will be able to attend. Thank you for your cooperation.
- We will have a weather-permitting outdoor costume parade where you can come up to the school and view all your wonderful children! A specific map will be shared next week! If the weather conditions are poor, the outdoor parade will be canceled and we will not hold an indoor event.
- The PTO will be supplying regular or gluten-free Oreos as a sweet treat for our party. If you do not wish for your child to have this snack or have a specific request, please reach out to your child's teacher or our school nurse and we would be happy to assist!
Please advise that our costume guidelines are different than the other buildings this year. Our children will not be wearing their costumes all day due to some challenges with restroom breaks throughout the day. We have learned from past experience that many costumes zip and snap in the back and children cannot manage this in the restroom independently. We will help them change before our party times and they can wear their costume home! Thank you!
No Glass Containers or Water Bottles
Scholastic Book Fair is Coming to Miller
We will be hosting a Family Shopping Night on Wednesday, November 9th from 5:00-7:30PM.
School Counselor Updates: Mrs. Ambrosia
Greetings Miller Families! I had the pleasure of visiting the Kindergarten classrooms to introduce myself and review playground expectations this month. I’m sure your full-day Kindergarten student would love to show you their favorite activities on the playground using these Miller Playground Safety slides. All students did a great job explaining how they can be respectful, responsible and problem-solvers while on the playground!
Aurora City Schools also partners with several community organizations, including our very own PTO, to connect with families in need of community resources, food, clothing, funds for book fairs or holiday shops, and assistance with holiday gifting or celebrations. This form can be completed when a need arises. As always, please contact me at any time for more information.
Mrs. Lindsey Ambrosia
School Counselor
Miller Elementary
330.562.6199, ext. 5414
Craddock Elementary
330.562.3175, ext. 1260
Important Dates and Events
Monday, 10/31 - Fall Festival & Costume Party - 10:20- AM Parade & 2:30 PM/Full Day Parade
Wednesday, 11/9 - Miller Book Fair Family Night 5:00-7:30 PM
Monday, 11/14 - Miller Picture Retake Day
Wed. 11/23- Sun. 11/27 - No School- Thanksgiving Break
Monday, 11/28 - Aurora BOE Meeting @ 7:00 PM C&I Building
Wednesday, 12/21 - Winter Party
Thursday, 12/22 - Tuesday, 1/3 - Winter Break
Wednesday 1/4 - School Resumes
School Wide PBIS Skill of the Week
We have finished explicitly teaching all 9 of our school wide PBIS expectations! These skills have been taught and practiced during the first 9 weeks of the school year so that your children can become responsible, respectful, and problem solvers throughout their school day. It's important to remember that many of these skills will need continued practice and repetition so that they become more automatic. We will continue to take notice of areas of strength and areas we need to practice throughout our school day. Here is a reminder of the big ideas that we have been working on.
- I can use walking feet!
- I can have a safe body!
- I am ready to learn!
- I can share, take turns and wait!
- I can stop, think and do the right thing!
- I can listen and follow directions right away!
- I can clean up!
- I can be a good friend and use kind words!
- I can be a good role model and worry about myself!
We will continue to earn Greenmen Proud Poms and celebrate our great choices. As soon as we fill up our classroom buckets and school wide buckets, we will enjoy some fun rewards! Please let us know if you need any support at home reinforcing any of these skills across other settings at home or in other settings.
Reporting Absences
We ask that you call Miller School at 330-562-6199 to either speak with Vicki Wolf or leave a message. Please share your child's first name, last name, teacher, and the reason for the absence. If they are going to an appointment, please ask for a doctor's note to have on file here at school. Thank you!
If your family will have a planned absence due to an event or vacation, you will need to fill out a planned absence form for our schools. Please send in a note requesting this form as soon as you know your anticipated date.
If your child is experiencing illness symptoms and you have questions for our school nurse, Jackie Pawlowski, you may call 330-954-2286. She can help answer any questions.
Important PTO Information
Hello Millier Families!
1. Monday, October 31 - Fall Festival!
Thank you to all our volunteers who have been busy planning the classroom parties!!
2. Deadline to join the Aurora Elementary PTO is Monday, October 31!
3. November 7-11 - Miller's Scholastic Book Fair
Family Shopping Night is Wednesday, November 7 from 5:00pm-7:30pm in Miller's gymnasium.
We still need volunteers to help with the book fair. If you are interested in volunteering, please use the link below to sign up.
Miller Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up
4. Wednesday, November 9 at 6:30pm - AEPTO Meeting at the C&I Building (119 W. Pioneer Trail)
5. Save the dates for AEPTO winter family fun events!!
Saturday, January 28, 2023 - Join us for a family night at the Cleveland Monsters Hockey game! Please see the attached flyer for more details. Additional information will be sent out later.
Thursday, February 16, 2023 - Join us for a family night at Kalahari indoor water park! Please see the attached flyer for more details.
School Nurse: Jackie Pawlowski
- Check your child each day for illness symptoms. If they begin to feel ill, please know she will assess your child and make contact with a family member when necessary.
- Students sent home with a fever, may not return to school until they are fever free without medication for at least 24 hours. This means if your child was sent home on Tuesday at 12:00 p.m. with a fever, he/she may not return to school until Thursday. If your child does return the next day, our school will be calling for you to come and pick him/her up. Please help to support our efforts in this area.
- Please make sure your Final Forms medical information is up to date. We will closely read the health sections to address any medical concerns.
Important Updates from our Superintendent Mike Roberto
Miller Elementary: Preschool & Kindergarten
Vicki Wolf
Email: mgoodman@aurora-schools.org
Website: aurora-schools.org
Location: 646 S Chillicothe Rd, Aurora, OH 44202, USA
Phone: 330-562-6199