2018/05 - EUPHAnxt newsletter
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Less than 5 months to the 11 EPH Conference in Ljubljana
Have you registered to the conference? On the official website you can find all the information about registration, as well as travel and accomodation (see the "Upcoming events" section below).
Useful info
Intern at EUPHA Office
EUPHA looking for a communication and marketing strategic officer
Over the years, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) has increased its visibility and impact in Europe. For this, several tools have been developed (e.g. active twitter account, mailing list to key European-level policymakers), but is this enough?
If EUPHA wants to have an influence on European policymakers both at European level (EU and WHO Europe) as well as – through our national associations – at national level, EUPHA needs to set up a communication and marketing strategy. The short-term Communication & marketing strategic officer will look at:
- Which tools have been developed and are they effective?
- Which tools are missing and should be developed?
- Should EUPHA have a permanent presence in Brussels (European Union)?
- Should EUPHA have a permanent presence in Copenhagen (WHO Europe)?
- How can EUPHA put a long term communication and marketing strategy in place in the coming years?
EUPHA is looking for an enthusiastic and experienced communication specialist at European level, preferably in the Brussels region. Applications should include a CV and motivational letter and should be sent by 15 July 2018 to: d.zeegers@euphaoffice.org. For further information, please contact the Executive Director, Dr Zeegers Paget.
We want your input
#HaveYourSay - Share your opinion about priorities in the area of health services & health systems that must be tackled by research! Participate now in the @toreachEU consultation & share it with your network: http://to-reach.eu/survey/
> New Deadline < 15 July 2018
Upcoming events
EuroNet MRPH Meeting (12-13 July 2018, Valencia)
The programme for the upcoming EuroNet MRPH Summer Meeting in Valencia July 12th and 13th is now available! EUPHAnxt will be there, will you? For more information, or to register click here.
11th EPH Conference (28 November-1 December 2018, Ljubljana)
You can benefit from early bird registration fees until 1 September. We are expecting over 1,500 delegates. Don’t miss the largest public health event in Europe and register early to benefit from the reduced rates. Register here. students and Slovenian colleagues EUR 420 (all including VAT).
Click here to register .
Flights: we advise you to book your flights early.
Accommodation: Please book your accommodation as soon as possible. You can find hotel suggestions here.
Global Conference on Primary Health Care
This 25 & 26 October, the Global Conference on Primary Health Care will be hosted by the Government of Kazakhstan, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Astana, Kazakhstan. The Conference aims to strengthen primary health care as the foundation for UHC, seizing new opportunities to succeed and building on evidence of what works. The Conference provides Member States, people, civil society, health professionals, international development partners and other stakeholders the opportunity to renew support for primary health care.
Primary health care matters to everyone, everywhere. We hope you and your organization will participate in the public consultation on the new Draft Declaration on Primary Health Care. The call will be open until midnight CEST on 22 July 2018. Please consider sharing this widely in your networks.
Please visit the Conference & Public Consultation Website
How to join EUPHA
EUPHA is a big family and it's happy to welcome new members.
EUPHA has two sorts of membership. There is full membership, which is open for national public health associations in Europe (WHO/EURO definition of Europe). There is associate membership, open for individuals, public health institutions and associations outside the WHO/EURO region. Please find here more information on membership benefits and the application procedure.
As always...
f you are looking for an internship, EUPHAnxt could facilitate some internship positions among the different EUPHA sections. If this is something that you would be interested in, send us an email with your resume, preferred dates for the internship and your preference regarding sections.
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