Lincoln Bulletin
April 23, 2021
Last Day to Guess--Today-Where is Leo the Leopard?
Last Day to Guess--Today-Where is Leo the Leopard?
The final Leopard Contest for this school year will be starting this week and ending on April 23. Can you guess where Leo is at?
Highlights you will find:
- Upcoming Dates
- Principal's Desk
- 5th Grade Clap out Shirt order forms
- PTO Newsletter
- Fourth Grader--Band information
- Teacher's appreciation-Sign up genius and info
- Returning Student Registration Information
- Summer Camp
- Remote PTO Birthday Treats - come pick up, please
- Food Service April/May
- Rent and Utility assistance - info below
- COVID-19 Vaccine notification-info below
Lincoln School
Lincoln leopards are respectful, responsible, and safe---Roar!
Location: 211 South 6th Ave, St. Charles
Phone: 331-228-2501
Twitter: @Lincolnd303
Upcoming Dates:
Sunday, 4/25/21
Last day to order yearbook - see PTO newsletter
Monday, 4/26/21
Returning Student Online Registration begins at 9:00 a.m.
Friday, 5/7/21
5th Grade Clap-out t-shirts for Wredling - ORDERS DUE
Monday, 5/10/21
5th Grade Clap-out t-shirts for Thompson - ORDERS DUE
Tuesday, 5/11/21
6:45 p.m. - 5th Grade Spring Band Virtual Concert
May 10-14, 2021
After School Enrichment - see PTO newsletter
Thursday, 5/13/21
6:00 p.m. - New Band Parent Informational Meeting - Virtual
7:00 p.m. - New Orchestra Parent Information Meeting - Virtual
Tuesday, 5/18/21
7:00 p.m. - New Orchestra Parent Information Meeting - Virtual
Friday, 5/28/21
Last Day of School
Remember the 3 W's: Wear a Mask, Watch Your Distance, Wash Your Hands
From the Principal's Desk
The saying goes a picture speaks a thousand words and I couldn't agree more. Throughout this year I have tried to capture what is happening within the walls of Lincoln. I do this for two reasons, one is I really love photos and images, and the other is I know it is a challenging year and capturing and showing the happiness, the engagement, the joy in learning that is taking place day in and day out is a great way to put your mind at ease--your kids are doing well, in fact they are thriving!
Some highlights just from this week are the caterpillars have been delivered to all second-grade students, both in-person and remote students continue to investigate life cycles and have a first-hand experience observing and watching the metamorphosis of the caterpillar. Our kindergarten students are participating in their science unit and the eggs have also been delivered and are in the incubator onsite.
Today is World Book Day, kids were encouraged to dress as their favorite character or author. Yesterday was Earth Day but also my birthday and my day was filled with special greetings, songs, and kind faces, what a treat. We also had a virtual author visit which was extra special.
Finally, next Saturday is the fundraiser for The greater St. Charles education Foundation, the organization supports our schools and community with grants, scholarships, and much more. We are ready to bust out into the sunshine and hope you are too. We have partnered with Pollyanna Brewing Company for a safe but fun afternoon of music, food, drinks and raising money for our D303 teachers and students. Would love for you to join us! Tickets available here: I am sharing the link to their virtual auction. If you are unable to attend consider bidding on some of these great baskets.
Link to silent auction:
CALLING ALL 5TH GRADERS - Get your 5th Grade Clap-out T-shirts here!
Wredling Middle School - ORDERS DUE 5/7/21
Thompson Middle School - ORDERS DUE 5/10/21
Hey, Fourth Graders and Families! Let’s Get Excited for Band!
BAND UPDATE from Mrs. Rice
Save the Date!
The Premier of the 5th Grade Spring Band Virtual Concert is coming soon!
Tuesday, May 11 6:45 P.M.
(insert jpg)
Fourth Grade Families - Band Information
Did you know that playing a musical instrument benefits your child’s brain? Check out this short video to discover the many advantages of playing a musical instrument. How Playing a musical instrument benefits your brain!
You can enroll your child in the D303 band program by visiting:
Marianne Rice, Elementary Band Director
Teacher appreciation
Below is the Sign-up genius for teacher appreciation, please sign up to donate to make the week a special treat.
Parents can sign into the Returning Student Online Registration form located in the Parents/Community menu of the District website. Parents/guardians will use their Home Access Center (HAC) credentials to sign in and select individual students to complete each registration. See flyer for more information.
Summer Camp opportunities at Davis Elementary
Happy Birthday to our Remote Students!
The PTO has a special birthday gift for all our Lincoln Leopards! Any remote student that has a birthday in the months of August through March and has not picked up their birthday bag at the school, please come by at your convenience during office hours to pick it up!