CJSHS Raider Family Weekly Update
Central Jr/Sr High School: May 21, 2023
Upcoming Events
Monday, May 22nd
NO JH eligibility
WIN Time: Rise Time Family Groups
HS Athletic/Activity Award Banquet 6:00 p.m. CJSHS Gymnasium
Grades pulled at Noon to determine HS students with D/F who are not eligible for finals exemption
No salad bar at lunch remainder of week
Girls Summer Weights Meeting 3:35 p.m.
Tuesday, May 23rd
WIN Time: MTSS Growth Celebration in Gymnasium
Signed Finals Exemption Letters Due to Office
Kindergarten Graduation @ CES 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 24th
Odd hour block Finals- see schedule and details below
Pickles & Popcorn 3:40 p.m. Storm Shelter. $1 each.
Thursday, May 25th
Even Hour Block Schedule Finals - see schedule and details below.
7th-11th Grade Academic Awards - CJSH Gymnasium 2:15 p.m. Open to families & community members.
Student Check Out Sheets Due To Office by 2:15 p.m.
End of 4th Quarter/2nd Semester
Friday, May 26th
State Track @ WSU
Saturday, May 27th
State Track @ WSU
Central Alumni Banquet @ Central Elementary 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 30th - Friday, May 2nd
State FFA Conference
Monday, June 12th
Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. CJSHS Conference Room
Monday, July 10th
Board of Education Meeting 6:00 p.m. CJSHS Conference Room
Last Week of July
2023-24 Enrollment
August 10th
School Begins
Course Enrollment Information for 2023-24 School Year
Students and Families,
Please check your email for enrollment information from Mrs. Miller. The emails were sent around April 19th. If you did not get an email, please contact her at amiller@usd462.org. Students will need to complete pre-enrollment tasks as soon as possible. See Mrs. Miller for questions. This is for in-person enrollment for the 2023-24 school year. If you are interested in virtual school enrollment, please contact Mrs. Henning.
Driver's Education Plans Are Underway For Summer - Space Is Limited & Eligible Students Have Been Contacted For Enrollment. A System of Order - Oldest Students Eligible First According To Date of Birth Was Used To Determine Student Eligibility Until Enrollment Was Filled.
Semester Finals
Teachers will notify high school students if they are exempt from the final closer to that time of the month. Mrs. Henning has notified those that do not qualify due to discipline by email. For clarification- they must have an A in the 1st quarter grade card and an A in the 2nd quarter (not an A semester average).
High School Students who are not required to take the final will have the opportunity to be signed out by a parent and not attend school during the time they are exempt from the final. Or they can stay in the storm shelter and watch a movie or play games. Signed papers are will be passed out Monday and are due to the office on Tuesday.
Students who are not exempt from finals will be required to stay with their classroom teacher, in the classroom in which they are assigned for that class hour for the entire block time.
Check Out Sheets/Locker Clean Out - students will receive check out sheets from the office on Wednesday, May 23rd. All student fees must be paid and students must return check out sheets to the office by 2:15 p.m. on Thursday, May 25th. Students will have time on Thursday, May 25th to clean out lockers, check in chromebooks, and turn in check out sheets. We will determine students who do not have to take any finals and allow them to get signed out with teachers on Tuesday, May 23rd and discuss the requirement of attending the Awards Ceremony on Thursday, May 26th.
Academic Awards Banquet for 7th-11th graders. 2:15 pm in CJSHS Gym. Parents/community members are welcome to attend. Students exempt from finals required to return to school and attend.
If you have any questions/concerns about the schedule for the final 2 days of school, please reach out!
FREE Family Experiences Across Kansas!
Summer is right around the corner. The weight room will be open this summer for students in 6th-12th Grade (2023-24 school year) to utilize to get faster and stronger. See the pictures for more information. Please note scholarships are available. Please contact Mr. Lampert at tlampert@usd462.org for any questions. Forms need to be completed /returned to Mr. Lampert.
Coming Soon - Summer Athletic/Acitity Schedule
May Hot Lunch Menu. No Salad Bar Remainder of Week
Stay Connected
Email: jhenning@usd462.org
Website: www.usd462.org
Location: 700 North Main Street, Burden, KS, USA
Phone: 620-438-2215
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentralUSD462
Twitter: @Usd462