Meridian Newsletter
October 2022 Issue 1
Message from Head of School, Matt McCrea
Dear Families,
October brings many different things to our lives. The leaves start to change, the weather starts to get cooler, and sweaters and jackets start to come out of our closets. The beginning of October also marks the midway point of Hispanic Heritage Month, a national celebration of Hispanic culture and another reminder that our country is a quilt of individuals with countless different backgrounds that we can all learn from.
October is also National Principals Month, so I want to take an opportunity to celebrate and say thank you to all of the extraordinary work that Principal Stevens at the elementary school and Principal Barzey at the middle school do every day for our students, our families, and our staff. I encourage everyone to stop them as they see them at arrival, dismissal, or even around the building (or by email!) to show your appreciation for their dedication to our community.
Have a wonderful month, and I hope to see you all soon!
Mr. McCrea
Important Dates to Remember
Oct 6th - Final Day of the Book Fair at ES. The Fair will be until 4PM
Oct 7th - School Closed for Staff Professional Development
Oct 10th - School Closed for Indigenous People's Day
Oct 17-31st - Pulsera Project Jewelry Sale
Mark Your Calendars - Click on the images below to print your own!
Elementary School Calendar
Middle School Calendar
The Book Fair will be open through tomorrow, Thursday, October 6th until 4PM! Stop by the Multipurpose Room at the Elementary School. Full details here and check out Meridian's Scholastic page at bit.ly/3D5Q3LE.
Hispanic Heritage Month!
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, here is a link to a documentary that was released about a year ago and will be airing on PBS on Thursday, October 6th: www.thirteen.org/programs/america-reframed/america-reframed-la-manplesa-trailer/
Breast Cancer Awareness Month - Pink Out Day is Coming 10.24
Breast Cancer Awareness Feature | CDC
Tools & Resources | Susan G. Komen®
What is Breast Cancer? Breast Cancer Awareness Month for Kids (Educational Cartoon)
Join Kindred Conversations
Please call, email or use the QR shared below to participate! We hope you will join us in these important conversations and share your valuable insights!
Click to access Spanish or Amharic versions of the below graphic
Pulsera Project Jewelry Sale
Clubs are in full swing...
AND there is a club for everyone! Authorization forms are now digital. Please click below to sign up for clubs offered at ES or MS.
For Elementary School:
English: https://forms.gle/2xM3ib1iyVVHxvJn7
Spanish: https://forms.gle/UYhrhWTQTLTkv42W7
For Middle School:
English: https://forms.gle/FB1hp7dioUXY6fib7
Spanish: https://forms.gle/q1P1nmqxkUJqdX8i8
For any questions, please reach out to mguthrie@meridian-dc.org.
K-2 Graders, Join our First Ever Lacrosse Team
This year, we have our first ever Lacrosse team! Check out the video below for an inside look at their first practice last week. Spots are still open, so stop by the ES front desk to pick up a permission slip today!
EL Education - Projects at Home
Looking for cool projects that can engage students at home and support academic learning at the same time? Visit Projects At Home | EL Education for some simple projects that can be done in one session, and others that may take a few days or more. Kids can also view beautiful versions of completed projects, done by students of all ages from all over the world, to get inspired, get ideas, and set high standards for their work.
What to Know about World Teachers' Day
On September 19 world leaders met at the United Nations and committed to transforming education everywhere. Teachers are at the heart of this transformation; they must be trusted and supported to make quality public education a reality for all students. Observed since 1994, this day honors teachers for their contribution towards students, considers issues related to teachers and teaching and focuses on appreciation, assessment and changes required for teachers.
Under this year’s theme, “THE TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATION BEGINS WITH TEACHERS,” we recognize the immense impact teachers have on students’ lives and contribute to their education.
Let's Get Connected!
We have A FEW DAYS LEFT of our Metro ad social media gift card giveaway! Details below on how to submit photos for the chance to WIN the final drawings on on Friday, Oct 7th.
How to Participate:
Follow us on Facebook at @mpcsdcOWLS or Instagram at @mpcs_dc
Spot Meridian along the red, yellow, and green DC metro lines, and on the back of Metrobuses.
Take a picture of the Meridian advertisement, or a selfie with the advertisement
Post your photo and tag us at @mpcsdcOWLS or @mpcs_dc with the hashtag #ILOVEMPCS
Winners will be randomly selected every Friday until October 7th and will be notified via direct message on how to collect their prize. For staff, you could win a $15 lunch on us and for enrolled families, you could win a gift card!
Connect with your Local Community
Jacqueline and Jason’s Block Party at the Kennedy Center
Join the Kennedy Center at a FREE block party on the REACH Plaza hosted by Education Artist-in-Residence Jacqueline Woodson and Artistic Director for Jazz Jason Moran. The REACH Plaza will be covered in outdoor games, such as jump rope, hula hoops, massive hopscotch, double dutch lessons, fort building, and a roller skating demonstration!
Reserving tickets is not required, but recommended: Jacqueline and Jason’s Block Party! | Kennedy Center
Boo at the Zoo
The beloved family-favorite Halloween event, Boo at the Zoo, returns Oct. 28, 29 and 30 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. each night. Tickets include special after-hours access to the Reptile Discovery Center, Great Ape House, Small Mammal House and more!
So what are you waiting for? Purchase your tickets today: s.si.edu/3fazAfo
Volunteer as a Family this Fall
October School Menus
SY22-23 Family Calendars
- SY2022-23 Family Calendar in English - bit.ly/2223MPCScaleng
- SY2022-23 Family Calendar in Spanish / Calendario Escolar Familiar - Ciclo Escolar 2022-2023 - bit.ly/2223MPCScalspa
- SY2022-23 Family Calendar in Amharic / የ 2022-23 የቤተሰብ ትምህርት ቤት የቀን መቁጠሪያ - bit.ly/2223MPCScalamh
Grade Newsletter Links
Meridian Public Charter School - Elementary School Campus
Email: information@meridian-dc.org
Website: www.meridian-dc.org
Location: 2120 13th Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-387-9830
Meridian Public Charter School - Middle School Campus
Email: information@meridian-dc.org
Website: www.meridian-dc.org
Location: 770 Kenyon Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA
Phone: 202-793-2667