Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
April 2023
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Voting platform, Forms, etc.
Bermuda Bay Office Hours and Contact Information
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Adriana Lein- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Property Manager: Josh McCollum, LCAM - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-902-7219
If you have an after hours emergency, please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 or reach out to a board member for assistance.
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse WiFi: Username: Bermudabayclubhouse (it should pop up)
Password: bbclubhouse
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
Contact the chairperson of the committee(s) you are interested in volunteering for and they will give you more details on meetings and purpose. Contact information below:
Environmental Committee - Vic Vena bigvic01@icloud.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Social Committee: Currently no chair
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison Imzchef@comcast.net
Stair Committee - Tori Elvir and Adriana Lein: bermudabaypresident@gmail.com and bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Josh McCollom bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Security Committee: Peg Daisley- MDaisley@msn.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - Meredith Bordman mrkbdn@yahoo.com
A Message from the President
Greetings Bermuda Bay Neighbors,
Happy Spring to all! We have so much going on in Bermuda Bay right now, but also so much to be
thankful for. First, we have never been so happy to hear lawn equipment! The new landscape company started on site Wednesday the 22, and really made a vast improvement with the ongoing issues we were having. For those of you who don’t know we had to fire the last company for not showing up over and over. These guys are making a great first impression and are going to continue to work diligently to get our property back in shape. Owners, PLEASE do not approach or direct the landscapers. If you have requests, they need to go directly to the office and our manager will make sure the tasks are being done by the appropriate workers.
Our back pool and night swim permit are all good to go! The temperature is nice, and owners and
guests are enjoying a little late night pool time as well! Thank you to the team of people including Chris Boyd, Dan Walker, Jennie Creighton, and Josh who have worked on this project and finally got the results we were after!
Our shuffleboard courts are once again being used and enjoyed! Thank you to Robin Ward, Ed
Brabham, and the entire Sports and Courts Committee for all the time and energy they have put into
rejuvenating the courts and bringing them back to life!
WKM finally received the permit for the wood stairs behind building 74 which needed to be rebuilt so that the final front stairs can be completed. It seems that the stair project is wrapping up and on its final phase. The Florida Boys are done with balcony demo and have moved offsite, and the new stairs should be completed early summer. At that point Clout can finish off the balconies and we will be able to focus on something else to improve the property! Clout is still waiting on permits from the city to get started on decks but expect them to be in at any moment.
Our new handicap ramps are complete and up to code. The next stage of that project will be complete once we are able to repave and repaint the lot. We also have a new security guard that Dave has been showing the ropes to. Say hello to Jim Schapperoew if you see him out and around.
The sad news is that Josh has decided to take his career in a different direction and will be leaving us April 6. The board is looking at several candidates to fill the position and we hope to continue
moving forward as well as we have with Josh at the helm. He truly has been an asset to this community and has worked extremely hard during an exceedingly challenging time at Bermuda Bay. He will be missed.
We are also looking for potential candidates to take over the project management of the final leg of the stair project and the balcony rebuilds. We have several people in the process of interviewing for this position and will hopefully have a strong individual in charge that can keep the process moving forward and hold the vendors accountable as well.
Josh has hired a young man to fill our janitorial porter position who is now going through the process of onboarding at CA so that he can start as soon as possible here in community. This has been an extremely hard position to fill for some reason, but we are all crossing our fingers as Jimmy and Robert can use the extra hand.
Finally, as “season” is winding down I just want to personally thank all of the local and off-site owners who have been using their spare time to help with all the things around the community that get put on the back burner so often. This season there has been work done in the laundry rooms, the pool, the beach, all over with landscaping, and so many other projects that have only helped to improve the overall feel and saved the entire association money at the same time!
As always, the board welcomes suggestions and ideas for the improvement of our property! We have
enough problems to keep us busy, but we are so grateful of SOLUTIONS that help us move forward.
Thank you,
Tori Elvir, Board of Directors President
Pickleball gaining more participants!
Skills and Drills – Thanks to Mike Noonen on 3/9 approximately 20 people had a wonderful time
learning how to improve their game. He will hold another session on 3/27.
Beginner Monday Night Play – continues to draw new players
Regular Morning Play – typically draws more than 20 people daily
Tournament – 28 people signed up. Players are randomized. with each participant playing a
minimum of 4 games. Individual points as well as wins/losses will be tallied and play. The final
game will use all courts as follows: the 4 highest scorers, the 4 lowest, the 4 with most wins and
the 4 with the fewest. Prizes will be available for choosing using player ranking. Every participant
will get a prize.
28 athletes participated, there was 3 officials, and there were over 25 spectators.
Bermuda Bay joined the Broadwater Garage Sale on March 11. Owners donated items to sell and the proceeds went to help fund the Social Committee. A BIG Thank You goes out to Gail Oliveira, Michelle Whisnant, Michelle Lubotina, Patty LaBlanc, and Gail Cunningham Coen, who helped man the sale. All of the left over items were driven to Good Will as a donation. Total sales were $368.00. We appreciate everyone who donated to the sale.
Volunteer Landscapers Hard at Work
All plantings at Bermuda Bay are approved by the Landscaping Committee, who are well versed in what should be planted and what should not. You can fill out an ARC form that will go to the Landscaping committee if you are looking for approval on certain plantings or contact Barbi (chair of the landscaping committee) to find out if what you can plant is legal and uniform to the community plantings. If you wish to have a voice - please consider joining this committee. Review past newsletters for the printing of legal acceptable plantings at Bermuda Bay. You can also get an approved list from Barbi. We will keep a copy in the office for the association's convenience. Better to be safe than sorry.
The long awaited permit is now here and so Night Swimming can begin at the Family (back) Pool. The hours of the Family Pool are from 7:00am - 11:00pm. These hours are in effect immediately. Enjoy a dip after sunset at long last!
Cars that are COVERED need to have a Bermuda Bay parking tag on the outside of the cover in plain view.
If you have a covered car, and you already have a Bermuda Bay parking tag on your windshield, you need to go to the office and get a FREE TAG to put on the outside of your cover. This way Security can see that your car belongs here at Bermuda Bay. Covers must not have any torn places and they must be appealing to the eye. The car needs to be fully covered with the parking tag clearly visible.
All cars at Bermuda Bay must be licensed and have updated registration to remain on site. Please take the time to take care of your vehicle, as the fining/towing process will begin to take place. Bermuda Bay is not a parking lot for broken down vehicles that are not current with their registration. They will be towed.
St. Patty Day Games - Bermuda Bay Style..March 18, 2023
The Canadians and Americans came together again under the leadership of Jeff Montgomery to participate in the "Fun" Games out by the Bay Pool. Activities included: Swim with a Sweatshirt, Pictionary, Beer Pong, Flip the Cup, Cabbage Toss, and Fill the Water Bottles! The teams were called the O'Shays and the McDuffys. I don't know the final scores, but I can tell you that everyone had fun. The dinner was put on by the Social Committee. Irish Music was provided by Susan and David.
Al - sporting a ponytail
The O'Shays were victorious
Beer Pong Champs: The O'Shays - Kent, Dave, Michelle, and Brian
Cabbage Toss Winners - The McDuffys- Robin, Cav, Julie, Dan, Mike, and Sue
The Victorious McDuffy's: Stephanie, Dan, Jim, Kathy, Yvonne, and Al
Everyone was cheering while...
Louie was busy cooking and grilling
Festive attire
Music provided by our favorite DJs
The Social Committee outdid themselves again. TKS Gail and Marcia
Brats, Pork & Beans, Potato and Pasta Salad, Hot dogs, BBQ, and Cookies
ARC Documentation Sheet for Lanais and Balcony Not Involved with Stair Renovation
The following document is for those owners who are not currently involved in the Stair/Balcony renovation. The ARC form below gives you the guidance to easily share your lanai/balcony measurements and structural make-up with the Association. This documentation is for reference, not approval. What you currently have, is what you can currently keep if we have your documentation on file. It provides a reference if work ever needs to be done in the future that would affect your balcony and/or lanai. Failure to provide this information on file could mean that if future work needs to be done, your balcony/lanai space would return to the original footprint. This sheet acts as documentation of what you currently have and what it can be returned to. Completed documentation forms should be given to the office and given to the Administrative Assistant. It will be kept in the homeowners file for safe keeping. We ask that owners begin this process at their convenience and will have until the end of the year (2023) to finalize.
ARC Committee members might be coming to your unit, after you have submitted your documentation for a final approval check. Once the paperwork is approved and signed, it will come to a Board meeting where approval for documentation will be recorded in the official minutes. This is for everyone's protection and documentation. We highly advise that you keep a copy for yourself.
Those currently involved in the Stair/Balcony renovation will have an opportunity at a later date to file an extension application with ARC. This procedure will be listed in the new ARC documentation and will be very specific. All owners involved in the Stair/Balcony renovation had the opportunity to extend with Clout with the discounted rate and that has been documented. At the conclusion of the Stair/Balcony project the ARC will begin accepting applications for new lanais and balconies. They will require "like for like" structural coverage such as waterproofing, support design, etc. If extension is approved it will be more or less using the same type of materials and construction that Clout will be using. More details will be forthcoming.
Thank you,
Board of Directors
DeGeorge makes progress on the required handicapped ramps and sidewalks
Bermuda Bay is a busy place with several contractors working at once. WKM on the Stairs, Florida Boys with the demolition, DeGeorge correcting handicapped ramps and sidewalks to make us eligible for our insurance, and Clout soon to begin. Please excuse our mess - as progress moves forward.
Happy 75th Birthday to Janis Crew 65F - Neighbors Celebrating Neighbors
Shuffleboard is back at BBB!
Schedule play every Tuesday and Thursday morning 9:20 AM!! All equipment provided— just bring your smile and come on down??
If you have any questions, call or text Peggy 760-782-7649.
A Word From Our Property Manager
Dear Bermuda Bay,
Over the last 16 months I have fallen in love with the idea of what Bermuda Bay could be and had hoped that I could withstand some of the difficulties being your manager comes with, but unfortunately, I will be leaving Bermuda Bay on April 6, 2023 with the hopes of remembering why I got into this profession to start with. There are a group of owners here at Bermuda Bay that have supported me, been kind to me, and truly have the best interest of the community at heart, and for those people I would like to applaud the hard work you have put in while facing the tough, unwarranted criticism of a few. The effort any volunteer puts into the community directly affects the overall wellness of the community. The amount of volunteers that aren’t just complaining or bringing issues to light, but are also helping to resolve these issues, is a sign that Bermuda Bay is heading in the right direction. Thank you to all the people who have been positive and supported me along the way.
Joshua McCollum
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP
Phone: 727-864-0735
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/