CRHS Student & Family Weekly Update
Colonel Richardson High School
Nikki VonDenBosch, Principal
Jared Sherman, Assistant Principal
Brad Oberdorf, Dean of Students
Cia North, School Counselor (grades 9 and 11)
Office Phone: 410-479-3678
Google Voice Phone: 301-327-0714 (can receive texts)
Jennifer Reed, School Counselor (grades 10 and 12)
Office Phone: 410-479-3678
Google Voice Phone: 302-272-5313 (can receive texts)
Cindy Saathoff BSN, RN, School Nurse
Office Phone 410-479-3612
Emily Phillips, Attendance Administrative Assistant
Stephanie Carmine, Enrollment/Guidance Administrative Assistant
Wendy DuVall, Finance and Administration Administrative Assistant
Email: vondenbosch.nicole@ccpsstaff.org
Website: https://www.colonelrichardsonhs.org/
Location: Colonel Richardson High School, 25320 Richardson Road, Federalsburg, MD 21632, USA
Phone: 410-479-3678
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColonelRichardsonHighSchool/
Twitter: @CRcolonels
Week at a Glance
1/2 day
Tuesday 11/1
3-4 pm Art Club room 601
6 pm BOE meeting
Open Gym:
Boys 7 - 8:30pm
Wednesday 11/2
First Leo Club Meeting in Mrs. Bee's room right after school- must have ride here by 3:30 pm
Wellness Wednesday: Eat three healthy snacks this week!
Thursday 11/3
UMES field trip with Mrs. North
Open Gym:
Girls 7 - 8:30pm
Friday 11/4
1/2 day- Teacher Grades
Q1 Ends
10/30- Playoff Draw at mpssaa.org
11/4- Unofficial- Home Game against TBD- 6pm
Saturday 11/5
Cheer at Harford Community College for 1A Regionals (12:00pm Departure)
Attendance Reminders
Some parents have recently received a Chronic Absentee Letter, via email or USPS, regarding your student's unlawful absences. Absences may be documented in the following ways:
Parent and/or Doctor notes may be faxed to 410-754-3497 or emailed to Emily Phillips, attendance secretary, at attendance.crhs@ccpsstaff.org.
Reminder: Parent notes must include the date(s) of the absence(s) and the lawful reason a student is absent.
Lawful reasons include: student sickness, death in the family, court summons, college visits
Unlawful reasons include: oversleeping, missing the bus, babysitting
All excused notes must be received within 10 school days of the absence or they will not be able to be used towards the absence.
Thank you for your cooperation.
DUAL Enrollment
-You must have a 2.5 GPA or higher
-You must attend this information meeting on 11/10 at 1pm in the CRHS Auditorium
Graduation Spotlight Class of 2023
Week of October 31
Cap and Gown Orders:
Cap and gown ordering information has been given to seniors, emailed to families and shared via school social media. There are many Jostens products available: the cap and gown package (must purchase), announcements/thank you notes (optional), clothing (optional), class ring and other jewelry (optional).
There are three ways to place an order:
online at jostens.com
mailing the order form and payment
calling 1.800.JOSTENS
If you are ONLY ordering the cap and gown unit, you do not have to pay the $11.95 handling fee indicated on the order form. Cap and gown units can also be ordered without any money down.
If you are ordering other items with the cap and gown unit OR one of the packages, please include the handling fee when calculating the total cost. A deposit of at least $75 must be paid as well.
Cap and gown units and any stationery products will be delivered to the school. Clothing and jewelry will be delivered to your house.
Please try to place your orders before December 31. After that the cost of the cap and gown unit will increase.
Senior Portrait Retakes:
Senior Portrait retakes will be offered on November 16 in the CRHS Auditorium. This is for seniors who were unable to have their photo taken during the summer. THIS IS THE PHOTO FOR THE YEARBOOK AND IS FREE TO SENIORS. Purchasing a photo package is optional. More information on this will be coming soon.
If you have any questions or concerns about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. France at france.bernadette@ccpsstaff.org.
Promoting a healthy and safe environment for ALL students and staff:
CCPS is committed to providing a safe, respectful, nurturing educational environment where the worth and dignity of individuals are valued and their safety and rights are protected. Behaviors that compromise this environment, interfere with school operations, or are otherwise contrary to the basic mission of our public schools will not be tolerated. Bullying, hazing, harassment, or other discrimination affecting a student or a staff member should be reported by a victim, parent/guardian, witness, staff member, or other person having knowledge. Staff members with knowledge of such conduct are required to promptly report it to the building principal.
Caroline County Public Schools prohibits discrimination in its educational programs, and in employment, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or disability.