Welcome Back Edition (23/24)
Each student’s academic growth will be monitored and advanced through engagement in Sumner’s four shared instructional principles: close observation and analysis, evidence-based writing, higher order questions, and academic conversations.
Sumner High School, a community of excellence, will inspire unity through diversity by building authentic relationships.
NEW Bus/Arrival/Dismissal Procedures-- PLEASE READ
You can visit the route website at https://webquery.sdhc.k12.fl.us/livewq/webquery/
Please scan the Bus Pass Request QR code to receive a bus pass. Bus passes will be distributed during lunches. Bus passes are required and will allow you to take the bus home.
NOTE: a bus pass is not required to board the bus on the morning of the first day of school.
New Student Drop-off/Pick-up Procedure
Student Homeroom Locator
Volunteer Opportunity for Sumner Students
Assistant Principals for Student Affairs
School Counselors
Join Sumner HS PTSA
YOU belong in the Sumner HS PTSA!
Today’s PTSA is a network of millions of families, students, teachers, administrators and business partners with community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools.
Click the link to join today!
Sumner Volleyball Team Store
Use the link below to purchase Sumner Volleyball Team Merch!
Your Sumner Yearbook Staff is already hard at work trying to make this years book the best yet! We are happy to let you know that this book will be the biggest book yet!
Use the link below to buy your 2024 yearbook. Use the following codes to get your back-to-school discount:
- EARLYBIRD24 to get $10 off your yearbook purchase!
- FOR SENIORS ONLY! Use code SUMNERSENIOR24 to get a 10% discount for your senior ad
Musical Auditions
Student Nutrition Information (Flyers Below)
Information below (attachments)
Sumner Student Handbook-- PLEASE READ
Parents and Students,
Please take time to read the 2022/2023 Sumner Student Handbook. The handbook is a resource guide that contains personnel contact, academic, student affairs, athletic, and club information.
Please check the attachment (Sumner Student Handbook) below for the entire handbook.
Attendance MATTERS Every Period Every Day!
REMINDER: Attendance Matters Every Period Every Day. We cannot educate our students at an optimal level if they are not present and/or late to school.
Attendance of every student enrolled at Sumner HS is required in order to benefit from the continuity of instruction and classroom participation. School attendance shall be the responsibility of parents/legal guardians and students. Absences shall be reported to the school attendance office by the parent/legal guardian on the day the absence occurred. The number to be called to report an absence on the day of the absences is 813-378-8626 ext.4000.
The following factors are reasonable excuses for time missed at school:
A. Personal illness of the student
A student who has demonstrated a pattern of absences due to illness may be required to present medical verification the principal.
B. Court appearance of the student
C. Medical appointment of the student a note from a health care provider may be required.
D. An approved school activity. Absences will be recorded but not reported.
E. Emergencies that are acceptable to the principal
F. Other absences as approved by the principal. A written request from the parent/legal guardian is submitted to the principal at least three days prior to the date of absence. The parent will be notified of the decision.
G. Attendance at a center under Children and Families Services supervision
H. Accident resulting in injury to the student.
I. Significant community events with prior permission of the principal. When more than one school is involved, the Area Superintendent will determine the status of the absence.
J. Observance of an established religious holiday
K. Death of a close relative. For purposes of this policy, close relatives shall be defined as the father, mother, brother, sister, husband, wife, son, daughter (or in-law), stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, half-sister, half-brother, stepchild, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, grandparents, grandchild, or members of his/her own household.
State Law requires that students, 14 to 18 years of age, who have not earned a high school diploma, who have 15 unexcused absences in any period of 90 calendar days, be ineligible for driving privileges. School districts are required by this legislation to report to the State of Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), the names of any students who have accumulated 15 unexcused absences in any period of 90 calendar days. The student who is reported will be informed by the DHSMV that his/her name has been received and he/she may lose the privilege to drive. Should a student be contacted by DHSMV with information, he/she may initiate a request for a hardship waiver or a request for reinstatement of driving privilege through the Office of Student Affairs.
A hardship for employment is based on verification of need. The factor to be considered is the extent to which a student provides a substantial financial contribution for his or her livelihood or his or her family’s needs. A hardship for medical care is based on the need for transportation, for the student or his or her immediate family members living in the same household, to access required treatment. Consideration should be given to whether there are any other licensed drivers residing in the household.
Students who accumulate 15 unexcused absences in any period of 90 calendar days will be reported by the school to the DHSMV. Please follow the attendance procedure that has been established in order that students not be reported unexcused when they should be excused. Please reach out to our Student Services Team and/or Administration with questions and/or concerns.
Whenever any student has a total of 15 days of unexcused absence from school during any semester, the student will be considered habitually absent. The school will inform the parent of excessive absences and the district’s intent to notify the Department of Highway Safety of Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) of the student's excessive absences.
Tardiness to Class: A student is tardy when the student arrives after the beginning of the school day or when he/she is not in his/her assigned seat or station when the tardy bell rings. A student’s tardiness shall be excused when the reason given is acceptable to the principal or designee. Examples of acceptable reasons for tardiness are the same as the examples of acceptable reasons for excused absences.
Sign-in Procedures: Any student arriving to school after the session has begun at 8:40 must report to the Main Office or Office of Student Affairs. An admit shall be issued indicating excused or unexcused tardy or absence. For the student to receive an excused sign-in, a parent or guardian must accompany the student to the Main Office and give an excusable reason. More than two sign-ins in a grading period shall require medical or other documentation. Students will not be allowed to sign out later than 3 PM Tue-Fri and no later than 2 PM on Mondays. Please understand that students are close to dismissal and sign-out at these times disrupt the learning and dismissal process.
Secondary Students: Once students arrive on campus, they may not leave without permission from the assistant principal for Student Affairs. Students who must leave school during school hours must have their parent/guardian request this release by phone or in-person to the Office of Student Affairs in order to obtain pre-approval. More than four sign-outs’ in a grading period shall require medical or other documentation and/or a parent/guardian must be present in order to be considered excused.
All students need to take hold of their commitment and potential to be the best they can be for themselves...and that commitment and potential starts with being on time and present to each class Every Day.
Social Media Expectations/Policy
Parents and Students,
We wanted to remind our students and families that any type of social media disruption and/or degradation will NOT be tolerated at Sumner. We are requesting that parents review the below HCPS social media policy with their children. Any student found in violation of the social media policy is subject to a consequence. We ask that you support this important initiative. Thanks.
Per HCPS Student Code of Conduct--
Social Media Disruption (SMD):
• This section was added to assist schools in addressing the increasing volume of disruptions and behavioral offenses related to the use of social media.
• SMD is defined is the intentional use of digital devices such as cell phones, computers, tablets etc. to send, post, or share negative/harmful content that creates an adverse impact on a school’s learning environment. Negative/harmful content can in turn cause discomfort or humiliation, or unreasonably interfere with the school’s ability to maintain routine safety and order on campus.
• This offense includes the transmission of negative/harmful content regardless of who the initial recorder was; i.e. if a student is sent the information and then, in turn, sends out the same information, they too are held accountable.
• This offense includes the intentional posting or sharing of messaging that is insensitive, inappropriate, harmful, and/or slanderous to individuals and/or to groups.
• This offense is not dependent upon the subject(s) awareness of being recorded. Negative/harmful content includes, but is not limited to:
o School fights
o Bathroom incidents
o Vaping/smoking
o Hazing
o Intentionally creating a disturbance
o Destruction of property
o Sexual conduct
HCPS will continue to use Canvas as a learning and communication tool in 22/23. The BELOW LINKS provides parents and guardians with helpful information for using Canvas to support and monitor student academic progress.
To access the Canvas Family Guide, please click one of the following links:
Student Guide https://sdhc.instructure.com/courses/36524
To Log in https://sdhc.instructure.com/courses/3146
Family Guide https://bit.ly/canvasfamilyguide
Please follow us on Twitter @HCPS_SumnerHS
#RAYSup #bethedifference
About Us
Email: christine.wasylkiw@hcps.net
Website: https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/sumner
Location: 10650 County Road 672, Riverview, FL 33579, USA
Phone: (813) 378-8626
Twitter: @HCPS_SumnerHS