Totem Middle School
October Newsletter
A Message From the Principal
Hello Thunderbird Families and Friends,
It always seems that once the school year starts, time goes by so fast. We are already in October. What a privilege it is for our staff to teach your kind and responsible scholars. Thank you for sending us such great group of kids!
Student safety is the highest priority here at Totem. During the month of September, we implemented a range of new systems and routines in order to create a safe learning environment. We have worked diligently on walking to and from the cafeteria in straight, orderly lines. This has helped to reduce the congestion we encounter as we switch between lunches. Our scholars are also doing a great job displaying safe hallway expectation. They are getting to class as quickly as possible, while not pushing or stepping on each other. Additionally, teachers are walking their students all the way out of the building to the buses at the end of the day. This way, we can ensure your scholar has safely boarded the bus or has been picked up by a parent. We know last year was a bit crazy with the fire alarm going off unexpectedly. I am happy to report all fire alarm pulls now have a safety cover and our alarm box has been serviced and is in prime working condition.
I want to thank all of you in supporting our new cell phone policy. Scholars are doing a fantastic job of keeping all cell phones and ear bud devices inside their backpacks throughout the day. Please continue to remind your student of this policy, as we are not responsible for lost or stolen phones.
A warm thank you to all the families and friends who joined us on Sept. 17th for our Open House. It provided a great opportunity to meet you and for you to meet all the new Thunderbird staff who have joined our community this year. If you should ever have a question about your scholar’s learning, please don’t hesitate to reach out to their teachers. Our teachers are here to partner with you in your scholar’s education and want to work collaboratively with you.
As I said at the beginning of this note, the year is off to a great start. I know your scholar is going to show large academic achievement this year! We are thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of their educational journey.
In Partnership,
Shana Watkins
Box Tops For Education
Life After High School College and Career Fair
Multicultural Night
WHEN: Tuesday, October 29th
WHERE: Totem Middle School
*Buses will be available for transportation purposes*
WHEN: 6:00 - 8:00 PM
WHAT TO EXPECT: Our ideas include games, food and FUN which includes spending time with other TMS scholars, their families and the staff members. We are so honored to represent so many languages and cultures at our school and want to celebrate and showcase our amazing community.
Do you have any ideas/suggestions/interest in a particular activity, dance, music, food item or game that will represent your culture? Feel free to include contact us for an exciting collaboration. Thank you for your input and for supporting Totem Middle School and our scholars!
Football Schedule
Girl's Cross Country Schedule
Girl's Fastpitch Schedule
Cell Phone & Headphone Policy
10/9- Early Release 1:00 p.m.
10/11- No School- District PD Day
10/24- Picture Make-Up Day
10/29- Cookie Dough Delivery
10/29- Multicultural Night 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.
10/30- Early Release 1:00 p.m.
"Because of You" School Nominations
Hey, Scholars!
Any scholar in grades 3-12 have a chance to nominate any Federal Way Public Schools staff member in the district you believe has positively impacted you, your school, and/or your community with the “Because of You” award. Scholars from the superintendent’s advisory created the awards nomination process.
Nominations will be reviewed and selected by the Superintendent’s Scholar Advisory team and each month educators will be honored. Nominations forms can be completed online, or your school's main office, and are due by the 30th of each month.
Stay tuned as we highlight these extraordinary staff members who make a difference each day in our schools!
Click here for the nomination form.
Totem Middle School
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Email: mnelsen@fwps.org
Website: https://www.fwps.org/totem
Location: 26630 40th Avenue South, Kent, WA, USA
Phone: 253.945.5100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TotemFWPS/