Panther Press

For the Week of September 17, 2023
Upcoming Events
September 19: Options Based Drill
September 20: Open House and Book Fair 6:30-7:30
September 21: 6th Grade to STARBASE
September 21: Book Fair Cont'd 3:00-6:00
September 22: 5th Grade to STARBASE
September 23: Book Fair Cont'd 9:00-12:00
September 26: Caverly’s Younger Preschool Picture Day (Rain Date: 9/28)
September 27: Caverly’s Older Preschool Picture Day (Rain Date: 9/29)
September 28: 6th Grade to STARBASE
September 29: 5th Grade to STARBASE
October 4: Title Meeting for Families
October 9: Indigenous People's Day (NO SCHOOL)
October 20: Early Release Day
Campus Priorities in Action
Promoting Creativity
Facilitating Joyful Experiences
Cultivating a Love of Reading
The next generation of Lothrop musicians!
Promoting Critical Thinking and Creativity
Learning to Follow Directions
Engagement, Belonging, and Teamwork
Critical Thinking in Math
Engagement, Belonging, and Teamwork
Lunch Menu for September
Important Events
Our Back to School Open House will be held on September 20, from 6:30-7:30. The PTO will also be hosting a Book Fair. More info to come!
Important Info to Note
Students in grades 3-12 will be asked to complete a survey that will
help our educators monitor their progress and design meaningful and responsive
social-emotional learning opportunities. See more info here.
Mrs. Bruce is looking for volunteers, with building experience, who would be willing to help build sets for this year's 3/4 musical, James and the Giant Peach. We are also looking for donations of materials (lumber, hardware, paint, etc) to help build the set. Please contact her if interested at cbruce@rnesu.org. Thank you!
School safety is a priority for us here at Lothrop and in the district. Our emergency evacuation plans are designed to evacuate the school in the most efficient and safe manner without panic. By practicing drills, we ensure that learners and staff members will know how to implement emergency action plans if emergency conditions arise warranting the complete evacuation of the school in a timely manner. Therefore, we will be conducting emergency evacuations throughout the year. We successfully completed a fire drill on Wednesday, and on Tuesday, September 19, we will be practicing another type of emergency drill. These drills can cause anxiety for some of our students and we want to ensure that we are discussing with them the purpose and importance of these drills. As always, please let me know if you have any questions.
Student cell phones MUST be left in backpacks and turned off. They also can be turned into the front office for safekeeping. If you need to reach your child please call the front office. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
Lunches are free for everyone this year. We still ask families to fill out the Vermont Income Information form. Only one is needed. Without this information, we may not have access to critical resources. I have included the links below:
Please complete the electronic form here:
Household Income Form FAQs
Cavely Newsletter
This is the link to this week's Caverly Newsletter https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LesiC-t7Tcb3vkpFazR81jSnnn3xcE6DzL1y9dwoj0w/edit?usp=sharing
From the Nurse's Station
Medication at School
All medication must be brought to school by a parent/guardian for safety reasons.
All medication must be in a pharmacy labeled prescription container or the original container for non-prescription medication.
The nurse needs signed permission from a parent/guardian to administer medication of any kind.
The nurse will request an order from the prescriber for prescription medication
News from the PTO
Other Community Events & Info
Email: ewilliamsharryman@rnesu.org
Website: https://lothrop.rnesu.org/
Location: US Route 7, Pittsford, VT, 05763
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LothropSchool/