Clark-Shaw Magnet School
of Science, Math, and Technology
As a school of choice, our mission at Clark-Shaw Magnet School is to develop students into globally aware and productive citizens who excel academically and are responsible, courteous, life-long learners. This will be accomplished by providing a challenging curriculum in a safe and nurturing environment.
April 4, 2022
Principal's Message
Hello Eagle Family,
As we conclude state testing and prepare for Spring Break, take a few minutes to breathe. We are entering the third week of 4th Quarter. I encourage parents to monitor student’s grades in Schoology weekly. We do not need course average surprises at the end of the quarter or school year.
If your child is returning to Clark-Shaw next year, complete the google link located on this newsletter. This holds a spot for your child during the 2022-2023 school year. Registration information for next year is included in this newsletter as well. Online registration opened March 28, 2022. All students are required to have updated online registration information.
The final magnet application window is now open. The application window will remain open until May. There are still student spots available for next year. Pass the word that now is the time to apply for Clark-Shaw Magnet School.
“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” - Jane D. Hull
State Testing 3/22 - 4/7
As always, please remind your student to bring their fully-charged Chromebook AND charger to school each day. Students may bring with them a water bottle and a book for after the test. Please ensure that they are well-rested and ready to do their best on the test!
Spring Fling is April 14!
Recommit to Clark-Shaw
What are your plans for next year? Please let us know whether or not your child is planning to return to Clark-Shaw for the 2022-2023 school year. We are asking each family who has a current 6th or 7th grader to complete this form (please complete it for EACH child who attends Clark-Shaw): link. Thank you for your assistance!
Magnet School Applications
Learning Leading Award
Regional Science Fair
Two Clark-Shaw students took home the top 2 awards at the show. Caidyn King (8th grade) and Leigha Newton (7th grade) won 1st and 2nd place Best in Show, in which judges considered the overall rigor, quality, and presentation of all entries. Both students won 1st place in their respective categories. In addition, three Clark-Shaw students won the Moore Statistical Awards, which recognizes excellence in data collection and analysis. Violent Borchert (6th grade) won 3rd place, Leigha Newton (7th grade) won 2nd place, and Madeline Borchert (8th grade) won 1st place.
A list of all the winners in each category can be found here: link. Congratulations to all who participated and who placed! Good luck to those who are participating in the virtual science fair for the state of Alabama from April 4-8, 2022.
Caidyn King (8th grade) and Leigha Newton (7th grade) won 1st and 2nd place Best in Show at the Mobile Regional Science and Engineering Fair.
State Science Fair
A number of Clark-Shaw students will be competing in the State Science Fair Competition during the first week of April. Good luck to these students!
Leigha Newton
Landon McDavid
Lauren Mullen
Violet Borchert
Piper Velaski
Max Norris
Brooke May
Landyn Randell
Mei-Ling Rollman
James Colleli
Avonlea House
Science Bowl Results
Our Science Bowl competed in a state-wide competition on March 12, 2022 and made it all the way to the final four! They represented our school well as they competed against schools from across the state. Pictured below are Edwin Perry, Mrs. Specker (adviser), Rachel Poole, Victoria Howell, Cooper Cox, and Allie Armbrecht.
Math Olympiad Winners
The Alabama School of Math and Science hosted a statewide Math Festival on Saturday, March 19, 2022. Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades participated in the third annual Math Olympiad which consisted of a one-hour written examination with problems requiring students to use imagination and creativity rather than advanced mathematical skills. Breakout sessions of interest followed the competitive portion. Clark Shaw students placed in ALL grade levels in this highly competitive environment against students from the entire State of Alabama. Go Eagles!!
The 2022 Middle School Math Olympiad winners for the State of Alabama included the following Clark Shaw students:
6th Grade:
3rd Prize - Daniel Kim
7th Grade:
2nd Prize - Thomas Luker
3rd Prize - Alex Choi and Piper Velaski
8th Grade:
2nd Prize - Jacob Kim
CONGRATULATIONS to all of the winners and participants!
Daniel Kim, Alex Choi, Piper Velaski, Jacob Kim, Thomas Luker
TRACK teams place 1st and 2nd!
Girls Track Team
Ella Ferguson, Julia Panchenko, Jordan Green, Mei-Ling Rollman, Andinique Washington, Ja’Nya Lewis, Makallee Hayes, Jael Lewis, Kylah McCants, Caidyn King, Saraiyah Burke, Kierra Stallworth, London Wells, Jordyn Bassa, Shi Erra Jones, Karma Davis, Whisper Saunders, J Kaia Harris, Kenadie Thomas; Coach Peabody
Boys Track Team
Jeffery Henry, Derek Binder, Blaine Thomas, Braylon Fogg, Jaiden Hopper, Landon Stewart, Vinny Palazzo, Chauncey Daffin, Kendrick Brady, Myles Johnson, Dyllan Dunigan, Mason Jackson, DeShawn Spencer, Malik Jackson, Kendred Rivers; Coach Winfield
Tech Fair Award
Extended Day Tutoring
After-school tutoring in math and reading/literacy is now being offered with funds from the American Rescue Plan. To learn more and sign up, visit the following link on our school website: link. Extended Day tutoring is coordinated by Mrs. Alecia Howell, who can be contacted at ahowell3@mcpss.com.
Archery State Championship
A number of Clark-Shaw students will be participating in the Alabama archery state championship on April 8. Wish them luck!
Paden Roberts, Jamorian Nettles, Eli Weatherford, Brady Burkett, Julien Agee, Conner Reed, Nicholas Thomas, Nathan Williams, Avonlea House, Julia Panchenko, Caroline King, Isabella Meade, Jordyn Adams, Aurelia Henderson, and Sophia Piper. The students are coached by Mr. Braswell.
Baseball and Softball Seasons
Our baseball and softball teams are winding down their seasons. Both teams have come a long way and are on a roll! The softball team has played fewer games, but our baseball team has improved their overall record with recent wins over Scarborough, Phillips, Pillans, and Alba. Athletes and coaches are to be commended for their hard work, persistence, and sportsmanship. Go Eagles!
Softball Team:
Addison Everett, Jazlyn Taylor, Sarai Gaston, Chianne Anderson, Jordan Brewer, Stormy Rinks, Whisper Saunders, Jada Henderson, Kadence Coats, Alyssa Hall, Katelin Taylor, Aubri Thomas, Rachel Wood, Brenesha Battles, Boston Cheeseboro; Coach Kelly Simmons
Baseball Team:
Donald Bryars, Joshua Williams, Ryan Freeman, Cameron Bethea, Darius Brown, Todrick Withers, Thomas Luker, John Armstead, Dane Saucier, Demaron Dunklin, Yadiel Santana, Nicholas Thomas; Keith Mattern (coach); Todd Saucier (assistant coach)
PLTW students featured
Ms. Reynolds receives grant!
Ms. Crystal Reynolds, Clark-Shaw Band Director, recently was awarded a grant from the Alabama Arts Education Initiative (AAEI). The grant is for $13,663 and will be used to create a piano lab at Clark-Shaw so that piano lessons can be offered as an elective. Great job, Ms. Reynolds!
Bookmark Design Contest
Robotics Team Recognition
WOW - Worship on Wednesdays
Come join us for WOW!!! WOW is a student led club on select Wednesday mornings that includes praise and worship songs, a short devotional led by our FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) student leaders, and a small treat. See Ms. Caz for a pass to place in your lanyard so you can attend our final five meetings for the year and start your day with a word of encouragement!
Time: 6:50 – 7:10am (no entry after 7am)
Place: Room 207 (Ms. Caz’s room in 7th grade hall)
Dates: April 6th, May 4th & 18th
WOW students show off their new t-shirts, which were designed by Laura Kate Wiley.
Cheerleading Tryouts
Football Try-outs
Football Tryouts Spring 2022
When: May 3-6 and May 9-12
Time: 3:00-4:30
Fee: $10.00
Please note that the tryout fee must be paid, and the DragonFly paperwork must be complete by April 29. If you have questions, please contact Coach Binkley at abinkley@mcpss.com. Click here to go to the Clark-Shaw athletics homepage for DragonFly information: link.
Volleyball Try-outs
Clark-Shaw Volleyball Tryouts 2022
Date: April 25-29
Time: 2:45-4:30
Cost: $25.00
(Fee covers trainers fee, t-shirt, water bottle)
Packets with permission slip may be picked up from Coach Woods. Questions? Contact Coach Woods at twoods1@mcpss.com or call 221-2106. Click here to go to the Clark-Shaw athletics homepage for DragonFly information: link.
Boys Basketball Try-outs
Boys Basketball Tryouts
April 11-14th
3:00 - 5:00 pm
Be sure to complete all required paperwork in DragonFly. Bring your own water to practice and have a ride available following practice each day. Click here to go to the Clark-Shaw athletics homepage for DragonFly information: link.
Calling all girls who love math!
Important Dates - Upcoming
Tuesday, March 22 - Thursday, April 7: ACAP Testing
Monday, April 18 - Friday, April 22: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
Yearbook Waiting List
April Menu
School Supplies
2022-2023 School Calendar
Eagle Eye News
The Eagle Eye News crew has been hard at work this year producing daily newscasts and interviewing students around campus. Make sure to participate in their weekly poll question on the Clark-Shaw homepage. Catch the latest announcements, Dad jokes, lunch menus, student interviews, birthday announcements, and other entertaining features from Mr. Sikes' broadcast team every day!
Students, Get in Rhythm!
PTA needs you!
To join PTA: https://clarkshawpta.memberhub.com/store/items/28462
To volunteer at Clark-Shaw: https://forms.gle/vcLRW66jdJ56gXW36
Link to PTA's December newsletter: https://www.smore.com/uf6ez
Follow Clark-Shaw on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clarkshawmagnet_eagles @clarkshawmagnet_eagles
Twitter: https://twitter.com/clarkshaweagles @clarkshaweagles
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH5jO4hJwMgEawGLisFn4Lw/featured
Clark-Shaw Magnet School
Timesha Taylor-Jackson, Principal
Website: https://clarkshawmcpssal.schoolinsites.com/
Location: 5960 Arlberg Street, Mobile, AL, USA
Phone: 251-221-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/clarkshawmagnet
Twitter: @clarkshaweagles
Newsletter compiled by Dena Van den Bosch, dvandenbosch@mcpss.com