SDSL's Cornerstone Newsletter
South Dakota State Library's e-newsletter
September 2, 2021
September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!
What better way to celebrate the start of the school year than with signing up for a library card at your local library? September is Library Card Sign-Up Month, and this year the American Library Association is partnering with Marley Dias, author, executive producer, and founder of #1000BlackGirlBooks, to spread the word about the importance of local libraries.
According to the American Library Association, “As honorary chair, Dias wants to remind the public that signing up for a library card provides access to technology, multimedia content and educational programming that transforms lives and strengthens communities.” Library Card Sign-Up Month is a great opportunity not only for the library to promote their services and welcome new patrons but also to encourage patrons to advocate for the library and encourage their friends and family members to sign up for a library card.
To see what’s happening online with Library Card Sign-Up Month this year, follow I Love Libraries on Facebook and Twitter and the hashtag #LibraryCardSignUpMonth. If you and your library would like to participate in spreading the word about Library Card Sign-Up Month, you can find images and messages to share on the American Library Association’s website: https://www.ala.org/conferencesevents/celebrationweeks/card. They also have tools your library can use to celebrate Library Card Sign-Up Month, like posters, BINGO cards, and yard and window signs.
South Dakota State Library encourages families to sign up their children for a library card. We understand that literacy begins at birth through exploration, play and social interactions. Through early interactions with books children begin to develop interest, motivation, and appreciation of reading. Therefore we have created the First Library Card brochure which is distributed to family’s by the South Dakota Department of Health and South Dakota Head Start Collaboration Office. Contact Laura Kelly (laura.kelly@state.sd.us), Children & Youth Services Coordinator, for copies of the brochure or any questions.
About SDSL
Email: library@state.sd.us
Website: library.sd.gov
Location: 800 Governors Drive, Pierre, SD, USA
Phone: 6057733131
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LibrarySD
Twitter: @LibrarySD