Kwik Notes - 100th Years of KAHPERD
The comeback is always stronger then the setback!!
Past President Verneda Edwards parting words.
Please click on the Orange button to read Verneda's parting words.
Meet your new President of KAHPERD for 2021
Please click on the Orange button to read a message from your new President.
KAHPERD (100th year)Convention was canceled this year because of the Pandemic.
Click on the link below to watch a short video from each of the award winners from the 2020 (canceled) Convention.
Dr Watson's Shout Out
Please click the Orange Button for a short video from Dr. Watson on our 100th year Anniversary
KAHPERD 2020 Award Winners
Please click on the Orange Button to see your 2020 Award Winners
KAHPERD SpecialAwardsFX
Student Membership Award for 2020 - Pittsburg State University
Winter Workshop - Join us Virtually
Hope everyone takes the time to join the winter workshop. It is always nice to rejuvenate yourself within the profession.
KAHPERD Timeline by Rick Pappas
Click the Orange Button for the Timeline of KAHPERD events by years.
KAHPERD History Videos - 1940's - 2000's
Please take the time to thank Rick Pappas for all his hard work on these videos. Thank you Rick for preserving our history.
KAHPERD Video #2 1940s & 50s
KAHPERD History Video #3 1960s & 70s
KAHPERD History Video #4 1980s & 90s 1
KAHPERD History #5 2000s & 2010s
Vickie Deines - In Memory
Click the Orange Button to read the Memorial written by Rick Pappas
KAHPERD Advocacy Document
Click the Orange Button for more info on Advocacy
Advocate for Physical Education and Physical Activity
Please click the Orange Button to find ideas for Advocacy
The KAHPERD Model Schools and Grants Committee
Please click the Orange Button to read about the Grant and Model school awards for 2020
KAHPERD Mentorship Program
Please click on the Orange Button to read information about the new Mentoring program.
Purpose of Structure and Function
Please click on the Orange Button to review the purpose of structure and function within KAHPERD.
KAHPERD Slate of Officers for 2020-2021
Click the Orange Button for the slate of officers
Nominations, Nominations, Nominations
Please click on the Orange Button to nominate someone for a KAHPERD award.
Calling all Articles to be Peer Reviewed
Please click on the Orange Button if you would like to know more about submitting an article to be Peer Reviewed.
PE Kansas - For all your lesson plan needs.
Take a moment and check out this site. (click the Orange Button to visit the site)
Sanford Fit - Check it out!!!!
Click on the Orange Button - Sanford Fit has some great free resources including a weekly newsletter. This newsletter has ideas for activities, links to resources and free printable activities and posters.
Nitro Ball
Please click on the Orange Button to learn more about Nitro Ball. Instead of a "Nitroball" we used a regular volleyball or an old volley lite (which students preferred).
"Explore Chanute"
Please click on the Orange Button to see what Teri Lund is doing in Chanute. Our hope is that kids will be exposed to areas of their community they have not been too and want to come back with family and friends increasing physical activity.