BISD Staff Board Newsletter
Monday, June 10, 2019
Board Members
President: Tom Talley
V President: Charles Mauldin
Secretary: Scott Hiler
Ass't. Secretary: Alan Powers
Member: Jim Bost
Member: Duane Sutherland
Member: Jessie DeLuna
No Place For Hate
No Place for Hate schools receive their designation by:
· Building inclusive and safe communities in which respect is the goal, and all students can thrive.
· Empowering students, faculty, administration and family members to take a stand against hate and bullying by incorporating new and existing programs under one powerful message.
· Sending a clear, unified message that all students have a place to belong.
Bridgeport Elementary, Bridgeport Intermediate, and Bridgeport Middle Schools each earned the designation for the 2018-19 school year and will display their banners on campus.
Consent Agenda
Interlocal Agreement for Decatur ISD Food Service Management Services
2019-20 Communities in Schools of North Texas Agreement
2019-2020 Hiring Schedule
The board approved to raise the beginning teacher salary to $45,000 with steps adjusted accordingly.
Administration to receive 3% or $2,500 increase (whichever is greater).
Support Staff 4% increase.
New Personnel
Alexis Sampley - Assistant Band Director
Rachel Bonham - ELA
Logan Davis - Math/Coach
Robert Deheck - Blast/Defensive Coordinator
Matthew Baird - History/Coach
Spencer Sims - Social Studies/Coach
Liz Cornett - Counselor
Ashley Carrizales - 2nd Grade
Beth McLemore - 2nd Grade
Elizabeth VanHoose - 1st Grade
Amber Jones - Kindergarten
Brenda Torres - 1st Grade Bilingual
Felicia Smith - Speech Language Pathologist
Megan Cardenas - Speech Language Pathologist
Megan Fulbright - Diagnostician
Jonathan Cangiano - BIC Teacher
Curriculum and Instruction - STAAR Scores update
May Budget Comparison
May checks payment report
May finance reports
Review TASB Initiated localized updates: "Policy Update 113" affecting local policies
BBE(LOCAL): Board Members - Authority
BDD(LOCAL): Board Internal Organization - Attorney
BJCD(LOCAL): Superintendent - Evaluation
CI(LOCAL): School Properties Disposal
CO(LOCAL): Food and Nutrition Management
COA(LOCAL): Food and Nutrition Management - Procurement
COB(LOCAL): Food and Nutrition Management - Free and Reduced-Price Meals
CRB(LOCAL): Insurance and Annuities Management - Liability Insurance
EHBAF(LOCAL): Special Education - Video/Audio Monitoring
FNF(LOCAL): Student Rights and Responsibilities - Investigations and SearchesSuperintendent Report
July 15 - School Board Meeting
July 29 - Budget Workshop
Bridgeport ISD
Website: www.bridgeportisd.net
Location: 2107 15th Street, Bridgeport, TX, USA
Phone: 940-683-5124