Linn Lion's Roar
November 2022
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Turn back clock one hour.
November 8 -
Picture Retakes
November 17 -
Music Program
4th and 5th Grade
November 23-25 -
Thanksgiving Break
November 29 -
Site Council Meeting
Autumn Weather
As we move into cooler weather be aware that students go out for recess
if weather is above 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
Please send students with appropriate clothing.
Kinder News
Happy November!
This is such a fun time of year in Kindergarten.
In ELA, we will continue to focus on letter names and sounds (review: m, t, a, s, p, we'll soon be learning: c, i) and retelling stories, as well as identifying characters and settings. We also have several sight words we are practicing recognizing: I, am, the, little, to, a, have, is, we, like, my, he, for. And of course, we'd love if you kept working on beginning sounds with your child at home!
In Math, we're starting to learn about shapes and their attributes like number of corners, number of sides, whether they have straight lines or are curved, etc. You can help by having them name shapes at home or while driving (e.g. the microwave is a rectangle) and tell you what makes it that shape (e.g. 4 straight sides, 2 long sides and 2 short sides, 4 corners, closed).
It's getting colder outside so just a quick reminder to make sure to send your child to school with a coat so they can keep nice and warm at recess and while going into/out of the building.
1st Grade News
Hello parents!
We are continuing to see lots of growth in the classroom. Currently in math we are learning how to solve addition and subtraction word problems. In reading and writing we are working on our opinion. This means we are taking what we are reading and saying what we think about the characters or the actions of the character. For example “I like” or “I don’t like”. This would be easy for you to start practicing at home as you are having conversations with your student. Remember to keep encouraging reading at home. Read to your student and have them look at books. The lego set from conferences can still be used to build characters or setting. Another idea to build their math and conversation skills would be to have your child help you with supper. They can count the ingredients or dishes/silverware to set the table. Anything you can think of to get your child counting will be helpful.
Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
2nd Grade News
In math, we will be working on “Addition and Subtraction within 200 with Word Problems to 100”. Please support us at home by reading every night with your child and working on basic math facts.
Just a friendly reminder that second grade has first recess/lunch. With that being said when we go outside in the morning it is pretty chilly. Please send your child to school with a coat everyday. As long as the wind chill is 20 degrees, they will still go outside for recess so it is very important to dress appropriately.
3rd Grade News
Greetings 3rd Grade Family & Friends,
It is officially starting to feel like fall and the clocks will change soon!
Speaking about time, we have been deep into our Measurement Unit in math. Students have been finishing up with telling time, measuring in grams, kilograms, liters and milliliters. There are many ways your student can make connections with these concepts and skills at home. While at home, remember, students need to concentrate on helping to close their learning gaps by reading and practicing math facts every night. Since we are in the 2nd Quarter, the expectations have increased for fluency with facts!
In Science we have completed Unit 1 about Animals Through Time and are now headed into several weeks of Social Studies learning.
Reading has been centered around creating pictures in our mind as we read, defining unknown words, finding main ideas and evidence to back up our answers, along with learning the writing process to complete strong paragraphs with expanded sentences.
As we celebrate this month of thankfulness, we are thankful to work with your students and assist them in their learning potential.
Enjoy your time later this month as you gather with family and friends over Thanksgiving Break. Make wonderful memories!
The 3rd Grade Team
Mrs. Cuellar, Mrs. Salmans, & Mrs. Laskowsky
4th Grade News
Greetings Families!
We want to start off by thanking those who brought snacks to make our Boo-k athon special. We had so much fun and we think the students really enjoyed it.
This month, we will be starting narrative readings. That means we will be talking about characters, settings, problems and solutions. When your student is reading at home, make sure to ask them about all of these things to reinforce what we are doing here at school.
In writing, we will be doing the same, narrative. Students will be writing narratives about characters who have solve a problem. Along with describing the setting in detail.
In math, we will be continuing division and multiplication. At home, please be practicing those multiplication facts. This helps us a lot when it comes to multiplying big numbers and long division.
Of course, please reach out if you have any questions!
-4th Grade Team
5th Grade News
Hello Families!
We have a lot going on in 5th Grade right now and would like to share some of the highlights
with you!
Science: We just finished learning about Ecosystems and decomposers. Be sure to ask your
students about the worm experiment we did!
ELA Reading: We are getting ready to start our new Module in reading. Our first book will be
The Road to Freedom. This will be an exciting book for our students.
ELA Writing: We are beginning to write Opinion pieces in writing. This will allow the students to express their opinions in a structured and academic way.
Math: We are learning how to convert measurements in math as well as divide and multiply with fractions. We are also working on word problems.
- Picture retakes are Tuesday November 8th.
- The 5th Grade will be doing a grade wide Pajama Day on November 22nd.
Reminders: Please make sure your student is reading at least 30 minutes every night and
practicing their multiplication facts.
Counselor's Corner
We have been studying bullying. This has been an eye-opener as students realize they can help by standing up for others and treating them respectfully. We have identified caring adults in the building. We are practicing recognizing, reporting, and refusing to bully. We’ll take a break for healthy choices and have some fun during Red Ribbon week. Then we will finish with more about bullying, including cyber-bullying, and more practice with goal setting and a growth mindset before we move to work on managing emotions.
As it gets colder, if you are struggling to find resources for coats, please let us know. We have several resources and want you to remember that students will be outside every day unless it rains. Help them dress appropriately.
Thank you so much for allowing us in your child’s life!