Principal Update
Mills Elementary, October 10 - October 14
All About Reading from our Reading Interventionists!
Reading IS rocket science! In fact, decades of research have shown evidence of the complex process involved in learning how to read. This research based approach to reading is called the Science of Reading (SoR).
How do we teach the Science of Reading at Mills?
- By using programs based on SoR
- Kindergarten - Countdown
- First Grade - Blast
- Second Grade - HD Word
- Intervention - Take Flight and Reading By Design
How can you help your students at home?
Read 15-20 minutes each night with your child. Make sure to take time to read for pleasure and not just while doing homework. Pick a book that you can read together. Take turns reading out loud to each other. Listening to books is also a great way to get your child interested in reading. Audio books improve comprehension and vocabulary skills and activate the same portion of your brain that reading independently does.
Lexile Levels are a valuable tool for teachers and parents. They measure a child’s reading ability and the difficulty or level of the book they are reading. The higher the lexile level, the higher the child’s ability to read difficult text. Anything below a 10L wll be considered a beginning reader BR. Once you know your child’s lexile level, you can search for books that match their level and will be able to read easily without being frustrated.
You can find your child's Lexile Level by asking your child's teacher!
Supporting Typing & Keyboarding Skills at Home
Here is the message from 3rd grade teachers and a link to the free resources:
There is never enough time in the day to squeeze it all in! Keyboarding skills are something that students need to have, especially as they enter the upper grades. If you are wanting to work on keyboarding skills with your child. HERE is a list of free websites and games that teach keyboarding skills.
Counselors' Corner
These last couple of weeks have been focused on Self-regulation, Mindfulness, and Problem-solving. We have been teaching our students how to be proactive "Problem Detectives", with a focus on learning prevention and self-awareness skills in order to reduce reactive behaviors that invite problems. A question that underscores many student concerns: "Is it a Big problem that is a dangerous situation and requires adult intervention right away, or is it a Small Problem that can be solved using Kelso's Choices or the Peace Path for respectful communication?" Our students are learning about their emotions and what is happening in their brains during times of stress and frustration, problem-solving, and peaceful engagement. Research shows us that developing self-awareness of our emotional experience can lead us to choose specific strategies for specific situations. All students are learning a variety of mindfulness techniques and other ways to self-care when experiencing uncomfortable emotions.
Here are just a few of the resources and accompanying activities that we use with our students:
Kindergarten: "The Way I feel", "Heartprints", "When I Feel Angry" ,"Howard B. Wigglebottom Learns"
1st Grade: Kelso's Choices, "Leo the Lightning Bug", "Giraffes Can't Dance", "Eggbert, the Slightly Cracked Egg"
2nd Grade: Kelso's Choices, "Personal Space Camp", "My Mouth is a Volcano"
3rd Grade: " Your Fantastic Elastic Brain", "Whole Brain Solutions and Hand Model of the Brain" - Dan Siegel for kids
4th Grade: "Just Kidding", "Social-emotional Triggers", "Hand Model of the Brain"
5th Grade: " Seven Habits" of highly effective pre-teens
We continue to be available to meet with students individually as needed upon student, teacher and parent requests, and always welcome dialogue to answer questions, consult and learn as we work together. Coming soon: Counselor Coffee and Tea- date TBD!
With warm regards,
Mills Caring Counselors
October 10 - Oct 13 is National School Lunch Week
On the menu Wednesday, Oct 12, the cafeteria will be serving organic, grass-fed hamburgers and veggie burgers. In addition, we will have local roasted okra as samples for all students who come through the line. Talk about delicious and nutritious!
This Week & Looking Ahead
Monday, October 10
Indigenous People's Day
National School Lunch Week Kick-off
Tuesday, October 11
2022 Bond: Community Conversations - Bowie High School Join us from 6–7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 11 at Bowie High School (4103 W. Slaughter Lane Austin, TX 78749) to learn more about the 2022 Bond.
To participate virtually in English visit: https://bit.ly/3R0TQOv
Wednesday, October 12
Safe Routes Walk to School Day!
Friday, October 14
Student Holiday; Staff Professional Development Day
Looking Ahead
October 19- PTA Spirit Night, Chipotle 4pm-8pm (see flyer below)
October 19- Kindergarten Field Trip Crow's Nest Farm
October 24- Apex Fundraiser Kickoff
October 24-October 28 SEL Love Your Brain Week
October 26- Chris Barton, Author Visit, 3rd-5th Grades
October 27- Dirt Club Workday 5pm-6:30pm
November 2- Principal Coffee (HSR Family Orientation)
November 4- APEX Fun Run
Nov 7-Nov 11 Book Fair
November 8- Voting Day- Student Holiday- Staff Professional Development Day
November 9- Mills Family Math Night & Book Fair
November 16- UIL Campus Meet, 3:30pm-4:30pm (3rd-5th)