Penrith High Towers-Alumni
Edition Sixteen - Term 4 2021
Principal's Message
Welcome to the final edition of our Towers Alumni for 2021. As the year ends, I have the same thoughts as last year. So much success, but with a strong hope that we can return to “normal” in 2022.
Class of 2021- our newest Alumni
Welcome to our recent Year 12 students. Following a delayed HSC that went incredibly smoothly once underway, we celebrated with both their formal and a stunning Graduation Ceremony in the Alumni Garden. It was the first time that most parents had been onsite for 2 years. We all now wait with eagerness for the HSC results on January 24, 2022 and hope that you will stay connected to the school and each other in a number of ways.
Alumni Garden - Update and new pathway
The Alumni Garden continues to be used in a way we never imagined when it was designed and constructed. The gazebo is regularly used for meetings and the full garden was a stunning backdrop for the Year 12 Graduation and due to COVID restrictions the audience members sat on chairs in the carpark and the pathway, roses and hedges provided the perfect backdrop for speeches and performances by our ensembles. Presentation Night has been moved to term 1 2022.
5 new flagpoles have been installed along the main driveway. 4 flagpoles are allocated to the school houses (Mitchell, Lawson, Wentworth and Blaxland) and a 5th pole flies the school flag. The winning house each fortnight flies next to the school flag on taller poles and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th placed houses fly from 3 shorter poles. These are updated by the teacher in charge of Houses (Mr Jack Rolls) and the House Captains and Vice Captains. The artwork for the flags uses the same designs drawn by former student Oliver Piekacz (2017). Oliver’s designs also feature in the school gym.
The class of 2021 has donated a number of pavers that will be placed in a new pathway to link the garden to the carpark. An updated video and paver purchase form are available on the school website and we welcome any purchases, which are Tax Deductable.
Honour Boards
The lockdown afforded us some time to dive deeply into the school archives as we aimed to fill in some of the missing gaps of the school’s history.
Honour Boards have been updated to include the full list of Vice Captains from 1950, filling in almost 40 years of missing names. The Defence Forces Service Board has had a number of new additions and we are very close to finalising (to the best of our ability) a full list of Duxes.
We were unable to find any record of an Honour Board for duxes for the period after the Leaving Certificate Honour Board and the board that recognises the selective students, starting in the mid 1990s. It will be wonderful to have the full history in the school hall.
We are aiming to do a major feature on all Honour Boards from our school and Penrith Public School in the Term 1, 2022 edition of Towers Alumni for all to see.
70th Anniversary Captains Book and Principals Gallery
A long project of collating profiles from past school captains is now with the printer. A copy of the front cover and a same page can be seen below. The result is magnificent and my thanks to staff members, Cathie Fayle (Library Assistant) and Clark Stone (Head Teacher History) for their work on this. A full list of all Prefects is also included after Cathie forensically located many missing names from the early days and a number of you filled in gaps for us via Facebook. The commemorative book will be available for purchase in the new year.
A full set of framed portraits of all 11 of the past Headmasters/Principals has also been finalised through a team effort led by long serving Penrith teacher, Maxine McNally. These frames are located in the school foyer and look wonderful.
Thank you to everyone for the time that has gone into these key 70th Anniversary projects.
The Wendy De Paoli Gallery
The Creative and Performing Arts staff has been showcasing student works in the A Block Hallway for over 12 months. The works are framed (frames funded by a student donation, Ana Maksimovic, Class of 2021 from a competition she won for her work) and have their artist’s statement below each piece. New works are selected each term following work in classes and enrichment programs.
Head Teacher, Anthony Vassallo, and Visual Arts Teacher, Iain Wallace initially considered recognising founding Headmaster, Hector McGregor but when it became apparent that the School Oval was named after him, a replica of the original plaque to mark his service was installed and a decision to recognise our only female Principal to date, Wendy De Paoli, seemed very fitting given her 10 years of service. An official opening will be held in early 2022 but the new signage was installed last week.
Thank you to Anthony and Iain for leading this project and to Wendy for allowing the school community to acknowledge her contribution and the works of students for many years to come.
Towers Magazines - Updated Online
As many would know, we digitised the full collection of the annual Towers Magazines with the intention of publishing these. The legislation doesn’t allow this to occur when images are involved after 1955, but the front cover and Principal messages from each edition have now been uploaded to the school website and I’m sure these will bring back many memories. The full collection can be found here. Thank you to our administration staff, Brooklyn Dicker, Cathie Fayle and Judy Shearer for this time consuming, but important task. As noted previously, Towers was not published in 1951 or 1988.
Finally, the school continues to be incredibly busy but an exciting place to be each day. I hope that you find the articles below interesting, and I particularly look forward to meeting many of you at the twice delayed 70th Anniversary Luncheon. Please support the organising committee by sharing with your former classmates and joining us.
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday period and I hope that it affords you and your family time together, filled with fun and relaxation.
Thank you for your ongoing support of and connection to the school.
Warm regards,
Mark Long
Penrith High School's 70th Anniversary Reunion is to be postponed to Saturday 10th September 2022.
Tickets already purchased will be transferred to the new date. If the new date is not suitable for you, a full refund will be made.
Venue: Penrith Paceway.
Years: 1950-2010
Time: 12 noon, for lunch at 1:00 p.m.
Tickets went on sale on Monday 21st June and will continue until all sold and will cost $75 each.
Tickets are only available from Eventbrite
PHS - judged to be Excelling!
External Validation- An external school benchmarking/ auditing process
Some Alumni would be aware that the NSW Department of Education conducts a rigorous process of reflection and validation as part of the commitment to school excellence. Until this year, the process was a 5 year cycle. This has been compacted into a 4 year cycle to align to the new Strategic Improvement Plan.
The process, known as External Validation involves the school compiling a very significant amount of evidence to outline what is in place at the school and then self assessing our performance against the School Excellence Framework (SEF).
The school's senior executive, led by the Principal then responds to questions in a panel format led by two externally appointed senior educators: a Principal- School Leadership and Peer Principal. Our External Validation panel was held for just over 2 hours this term.
The Department of Education notes:
The School Excellence Framework (SEF) supports all NSW public schools in their pursuit of excellence by providing a clear description of the key elements of high quality practice across the 3 domains of learning, teaching and leading. Through their self-assessment processes, schools draw on a range of evidence to determine their impact, progress and achievements. The SEF defines the core business of excellent schools, enabling them to reflect on quality practice and ensures consistency across the state.
Our last External Validation was held in September, 2016. Since then, the school has used the SEF to reflect and strategically plan with a goal of reaching the highest level (of a 3-tiered model: Delivering/ Sustaining & Growing/ Excelling) in all 14 elements. In 2016, 10 out of 14 elements were validated at Sustaining and Growing. In November, the External Validation panel validated our School's Assessment of Excelling across all 14 elements.
We are all very proud of this incredible achievement. It has been a true team effort from all staff, students and families. Neither external panel member had been involved in an External Validation process where a school was deemed to be Excelling in all elements, indicating just how special this milestone is.
As with any school, the work must continue in pursuit of our yet to be met aspirations and we outlined for the panel what our next steps are.
I wish to thank everyone involved in supporting the hard, but rewarding work over the last 5 ½ years. I can't understate the role that parents and families play in schools that perform at the highest level and Penrith families are fundamental to our success- thank you!
(Adapted from the December, 2021 newsletter)
Welcome Back: Ralph Weatherley - Class of '53
My mother moved my family to Mt Druitt in 1950 comprising Mum, (Dad died in an accident in 1943) 2 older brothers and a younger sister to keep the family together and to allow access to a better education than was provided in Mudgee.
Eldest Laurie was already working in St. Marys as an apprenticed carpenter and Doug was in his second year at Sydney University studying Civil Engineering on a Commonwealth Scholarship.
I was halfway through 2nd year at High school and took myself off to Penrith to begin. I caught a steam train from Mt. Druitt to Kingswood where it was compulsory to catch a bus to PHS for safety reasons costing one penny while in the afternoons we walked down to the Penrith Railway Station through the town.
Penrith High School was located in the Primary School building next door to the west and I was in 2A with about 25 other pupils.
At lunch on that first day Ellis Rippon and Ralph Dunstan asked me to join them thus beginning a lifetime friendship with Ralph until his death. I hope that spirit of friendliness still exists at the school.
The new building was almost finished and my class was the first 3rd year in the new building in 1951 occupying the third room from the end upstairs on the north wing (now A.2.3). We progressed room by room to the end room in 5th year in 1953 and our Leaving Certificate examination was conducted in the hall.
Mr. W. Eason became Deputy to H.E.McGregor and Bill Eason attended our class reunion 35 years later in the Panthers Rugby League Club. Our most notable ex-pupil was the NSW Police Commissioner Tony Lauer.
My class comprised of a lot of European migrants including Helena Garin, Ferdo Suh and Alexander Boettcher, who was a brilliant pianist.
PHS conducted a “Play Night” in 1952 featuring the choir, an exhibition of senior boys “posing” under enhanced lighting with music and a production of the “Mikado” of which I was part. We performed to a full hall on 2 nights.
We watched the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth 2 in the local picture theatre owned by a local family whose son Peter Spence was in my class and now lives on Promised Land Road near Bellingen.
Sport played a big part in PHS life with the Annual Athletics Carnival held on the Showground, interschool competitions in tennis, cricket, rugby league and netball with our nearest high schools at Katoomba, Richmond, Liverpool and with Parramatta to the East. Our swimming carnival was held at Granville baths one year and then between pontoons in the Nepean River just below the road bridge. Some students learned rowing on the river.
Ralph Dunstan and I opened the bowling for the first 11 in 1952 and 1953. We were also in the first tennis team both years. My other achievements at PHS included being a Prefect, House Captain and a Leaving Certificate of 3As and 3Bs.
Dances were held in the hall a few times a year with a live band providing the music.
I recall my time at PHS with great fondness.
Ralph Weatherley
Tenterfield NSW.
Ralph with Mr Mark Long, our current Principal, on his recent visit back to PHS (Masks being the sign of the COVID restrictions)
1952 Tennis Team - Ralph - back row - 4th from left
1952 Prefects - Ralph - back row - 5th from left
2021 Year 12 Adviser Report – “The Final Farewell”
It was an absolute pleasure to watch this amazing group of young people finish their HSC and graduate earlier this month. I have a few words for Year 12 but I would be remiss in not making some short acknowledgements first. They say it takes a village to raise a child, well similarly it takes a whole school to educate and guide one. While I have been their Year Adviser for 6 years, I am but one of the team, so my thanks go to Mark Long, Principal, who had led us through the most troubled waters and inspired all to strive for the highest; to Brian Ferguson, Deputy Principal Year 12, my main partner in crime in keeping everything ticking over and supporting every student. I also would like to thank Carol Wallace and Konny Kwiet, who took over as relieving Year Adviser during the periods I was on maternity leave. Today’s achievements and successes are a credit to them as well. My thanks also go to Tom Hoekstra, Dimity Scardanas and Stephanie Micallef as Academic Advisers of Stage 6 who went above and beyond to help guide every student to be a better own self in the last 2 years. And of course, my thanks go to each and every teacher, Counsellor, Careers Adviser, Learning Support Coordinator and SASS member who have similarly supported these wonderful students across the last 6 years.
And to Year 12 - You have been my constant for the last 6 years and you will undoubtedly leave a hole in my teaching life that no other cohort will be able to replace. In saying that, however, I also couldn’t be more excited for you and send you along with my sincerest best wishes. Just remember, this is not the end, this is only the end of the beginning. So much lies ahead of you and there are still so many paths you can take. Just know, as you move along that path, you will always be remembered here. So, in my final address to you all, I wanted to share some final memories – this is a dedication to the Class of 2021.
A Dedication to the Class of 2021
This is a story all about how
We met Sai, Hemish, Aayushi and Annabel Zhao
January 29 was the momentous day
When we met Vidit, Dhanesh, Christina, Jamieson and Shrey
It was a day to remember, your PHS introduction,
By recess you were called to your first evacuation
That was your first chance to show us your resilience
It wasn’t too long before we also saw your brilliance
You were soon back in class with Miss Butcher, Young and Bales
Kai, Jola, Ann and Mandy I’m sure all have tales
Soon came peer support, swim school and camp
For me it’s when Daniel Biswas was revealed as a champ
By the time the end of Term 3 came along
Ayesha, Shuvoraj, Aamir, Barathkumar, and the rest, had all met Mr Long
The year ended with a JRC project at a hurtling pace
When Ankith, Ram, Tanisha, Susan and the team, staged an Amazing Race
In Year 8, in ‘17, we met Leeanna Yao
I went on leave and Miss Wallace showed you how
In Year 9 we met new friends before the year was through
Anav, Savera, Rida and, of course, Jasmine Zhu
Rynan, Rishabh, Eklavya and Alison gave us a go
It was this year we met future Senior Prefect, Alyna Arago
Nethmi, Lila, Archanaa T, that’s not all
We also met Chitvan, Jovel, Riddhi and Aakrist Nepal
Year 9 camp was a trek, you slept on hard ground
Darren bought a whole pumpkin, Rohit and Hana limped around
Your final go at NAPLAN was finally here
I’m sure you all joined Yayjin, Matthew and Megha in giving a big cheer
In 2019, you were all in Year 10
Sara, Ramica, Bubleen and Nevil all joined us then
So did Jasmine A and Michaella to round out the team
That already featured Flynn, Ishaya, Adrian, Cathy and Tanzeem
New shirts, new canteen line, wasn’t it sweet
I left you again, this time in the hands of Miss Kwiet
In Year 11 things kicked off, we welcomed Haryum, Siddak, Ziyan and Preetam,
As well as Wardha, Saket, Diya, Samirul and Nashrah Alam
Camp was a hoot, the boys won the challenge
Better luck next time Samuel, Godwyn, Noor, Harshini and Naman
Some time at the beach, entertained by Jumanji 2
I hope you enjoyed it Ariana, Jai and Frank Liu
We learned to study and to sleep and you didn’t make a fuss
When the trip took a bit longer due to a broken down bus
Now in 6 years it wasn’t all camps and studying and classes
In many other fields these guys showed us their prowess
If you’re talking about running then Luke set the pace
Followed closely by Nick and Marco to finish off the race
Evie was our dancer, and as for the cricket
No one could get past Sinduja at the wicket
For grade sport Jahin, Izabelle and Durga gave their best
Ravin, Eugene and Jaden put the pool blocks to the test
Miss Kwiet won’t let me forget the game of skill – Chess
So, shout out to the talents of Fabien, Rana, Arnav and Yaejnesh
Olivia, Jamima, Jasraj and Vishwa fought off the haters
As a very successful PHS team of debaters
Ana and Lachlan’s musical talents couldn’t be higher
Rebecca, Varsha and Tamara excelled in the choir
For the school club experience and giving back to the community
Ethan, Jahnavi, Ron, Heethavan and Jolene uphold the school unity
Memorable mentions for overall awesomeness go out to Victoria, Alex and Irene Santillan
As well as to the achievements of Beonrik, Manaswini and Hexuan Zhang
On behalf of the school, I’ll apologise to the following students
For any mix ups that may have occurred without our intent
As there are a few that are called the same
But they all have shown us that they’re more than a name
There are 2 Robins, 2 Simons, 4 Aryans, that is sure
2 Shrethas, 4 Singhs, 2 Isaacs, 2 Kaurs
Don’t forget the Patels, the Nicoles, the Darrens, the Jasmines and the Nairs
The Prasads, the Shahs, the Daniels and the Kumars, to be fair.
Whether your name is Anang or Prithviraaj or Royce, remember, you’re more than one of the crowd
And in Keeno and Minuli and Mystica, in fact in you all, we couldn’t be more proud
So, we have finally gotten to Year 12 with its trials and tribulations
However you look at it, it deserves a celebration
This year, the last one to join us was Zaid Tamim
And the grade was not hesitant in welcoming him in
In Year 12, you all led the school, Ashvini and Kokulaan the Captains
Liz and Shameer as well, the Vice Captains of champions
Joining Alyna as Co-Senior Prefect, was the compassionate Zach Wan
The prefect team also benefited from the talents of Maddy, Cedric, Yash, Abhijith and Paul Sebastian
As House Captains, Rohit, Jen, Rynan, Alison, Guntash and Vedika were awesome
But no one can beat Jerald and Ashley as my home team captains of Lawson
We had some fun times, we got our last cross country, athletics and swim in the pool
But one final highlight was the inaugural victory at Quad Schools
Year 12 has been tough, or at least one to remember
Ansh, Anaf, Navi and Sujanthan I’m sure are happy it’s December
The HSC is over and soon you’ll be on your way
To the next step in your journey and that journey starts today
So, my last words of advice as we put this high school chapter on the shelf
Be kind, work hard and always be true to yourself
Susie Grice
Year 12 Adviser 2021
The Sami Azmol Scholarship
The school will recognise amongst its awards this year, Sami Azmol, with The Sami Azmol Award for the top student in HSC Economics or Business Studies.
Mr. Sami Azmol (Class of 2001) passed away suddenly in December 2020 from a severe heart attack after being at the gym. Sami was a highly valued member of the class of 2001. A Chartered Accountant and graduated from Macquarie University. He was working as the Finance Performance Reporting Manager at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (A particularly complex role during COVID and the financial pressures that it presented for the health system). Prior to this role, Sami worked in senior financial positions in London for four years in large corporations. This award is sponsored for 5 years (2021-2026) by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. Presented annually, the recipient will receive a certificate and $300 prize. A plaque in the school library celebrates Sami's life and contribution to the school and wider community.
Now Sami has been honoured with a “Sami Azmol Scholarship” announced by the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and NSW Health on 22.11.2021 to celebrate his birthday and to remember him as an outstanding financial leader, and, help support to develop Australian financial leaders with the legacies of Sami. This Scholarship is for $10,000 annually for the years to come. The recipient of the scholarship will have his/her name added to the “Sami Azmol Scholarship” Honour Board.
Thanks to the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and NSW Health for such recognition.
See below for the article from NSW Health
Are you or anyone you know in any of these photos?
** Photos courtesy of Jim Mason**
Class 3A 1944 - Penrith Intermediate High School
PHS - 1957 Class 2C
PHS 1946 - B Grade Cricket
PHS - 1946 Rugby League
Penrith Central School 3A
PHS -1939 2C
PHS - 1st Grade Cricket
PHS - 1938 1C
A small excerpt from the Nepean Times Thursday 28 January 1943. Courtesy of Jim Mason.
A small excerpt from the Nepean Times Thursday 1 February 1945. Courtesy of Jim Mason.
Historical records of plans for a new building for Penrith High 1950
*Profiles as in the 70th Anniversary Captains Book
Angela Tillott
When I think of PHS, I immediately recall the close and supportive community. I probably didn't realise it at the time, but looking back, it really was a place where differences were embraced, individuals had freedom to express themselves, and we were all encouraged to strive for whatever goals we set for ourselves. The teachers were all so friendly and they really cared about each of us.
What did you think you would be doing after you left high school?
I have always loved education, so thought I would be a High School Teacher. I remember asking Steve Duclos (then Social Studies Coordinator) what he would be doing in 10 years as I wanted his job.
What are you doing now (and since leaving school)?
HSIE Coordinator at Rosebank College, teaching Economic and Legal Studies. I am also studying part time for a JD Degree at UNSW.
What is the best advice you could give to current PHS students?
Make the the most of the learning culture and opportunities available at PHS. The environment at PHS is very unique. It might just feel 'normal' while you are there, but it isn't until you experience other high schools that you realise how special the PHS culture really is.
Matthew McCarron
I am grateful to Penrith High for providing such a supportive and nurturing learning environment. I left school having made great(and lifelong) friendships, and having developed a belief in the power of lifelong education and hard work.
What did you think you would be doing after you left high school?
I always saw myself venturing in to politics. Alas as time has progressed, that avenue has become less and less appealing.
What are you doing now(and since leaving school)?
I am CEO of Lewis Land Group, one of Australia's largest privately owned property groups. I live in Sydney with my husband, Edmundo, and our five year old son Elliott.
What is the best advice you could give to current PHS students?
I'll offer two pieces of advice:
1) I am a strong believer in the power of networks to provide both opportunities and a source of advice. Capturing and nurturing networks at an early stage, provides a strong support base as well as skills that will be invaluable regardless of where your career takes you; and
2) The era of the linear career is over! Businesses are increasing to look for people with varied experiences and who have demonstrated a willingness to experiment. Be prepared to roll with the punches and be open to moving in new directions in order to grow.
School Captains Book in Celebration of our 70th Anniversary
At the time of this edition being produced the first edition of the school's Captains Book has gone to the printers.
Nonetheless, we would still like to hear further from the Captains listed below.
The Head Teacher History is gathering information about all of our past captains. The plan is to create a book which has the male and female captain for each year on a double page. There will be the name and year on each page. Each page is intended to have a school photo of the captain (when actually the captain) and a more recent photo beside it.
Underneath this will be four questions:
1. What is your best memory of Penrith High School?
2. What did you think you would be doing after you left high school?
3. What are you doing now?
4. What is the best advice you could give to current PHS students?
We may be able to get some of these responses from the profiles in the back of The Towers but would enjoy hearing from as many former captains or their families as possible.
If you were a past captain or family member could you forward a suitable photo and your responses to the four questions. This will be passed on.
If you know the contact details of any past captain could you pass this information onto the school via the school email penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au and make it attention to Clark Stone.
The intention is to present the First Edition of the Captains Book to the school late 2021 in celebration of our 70th Anniversary with copies for sale and one to be placed in the school foyer.
We still need to hear from: Please note the asterisk means deceased
Robert Smyth 1951
Pat Parkinson 1951
Dennis Harrison* 1953
Margaret Eckford* 1953
Brian Bowles 1954
Margaret Schubach 1954
Vida Vladickaite* 1955
Kenneth Smith 1956
Suzette Brown 1956
Doug Taylor 1957
Noelene Neville 1957*
Lee Carroll 1958
Aina Alnis 1958
Greg Nicholls 1960
Barbara Crossing 1961
Rex Kinder 1964
Kim Longmore* 1965
Christine Borec 1967
Darryl Honeysett 1970
Margot Jensen 1970
Anic Vasic 1972
Stephen Cowan 1976
Joanne Wickes 1976
Elizabeth Doyle 1978
Gary Smith 1979
Elizabeth Jones 1979
Glen Bootle 1981
Michael Wholohan 1983
Carol Harris 1983
Andrew Thompson 1984
Nancy Thonton 1984
Colin Gardiner 1985
Marina Marjanovic 1985
Debbie TaylorVC 1986
Amanda Gibbons VC 1986
Grant Healey VC 1987
Robert Blair-Hickman 1988
Elizabeth Gyler 1988
Adam Haines 1989
Daniel Connolly 1990
Joanne Everingham 1990
Timothy Smith 1991
Karen Miller 1991
Qinton Single 1992
Alessandria Bosso 1992
Elizabeth Marchant 1993
Chantelle Vella 1994
Erin Reimer 1996
Michael Wong 1997
Anil Mishra 2000
Rachel Rowe 2000
Jonathan Freeston 2001
Vanessa Onden Lim 2001
Renee Yates 2002
Kieran Colreavy 2003
Sarah Walker 2003
Dillon Anderiesz 2006
Matthew White 2010
Emily Stone 2010
Angelica Manlangit 2011
Jonas Thomson 2014
Grace Shalders 2014
Simone Ferreira 2015
Deaundre Espejo 2016
Abirami Raveendran 2016
Janindu Kumara-Devage 2017
Manasa Bhatt 2017
Ethan Shackley 2020
Those Captains who will appear in full in the First Edition of the Captains Book
1950 - James Smith*, Ann Combet
1952 - John Day, Jill Fraser (now Farnsworth)
1954 - Margaret Schubach
1955 - James Short*
1959 - Brian Lewis, Diana Stewart (now Van Der Zande)
1960 - Barbara Fretwell (now Piirsalu)
1961 - Robert Munro*
1962 - David Henderson-Smart*, Juliet Clark (now Lloyd)
1963 - Peter Coburn, Penny Wensley
1964 - Christine Roberts (now Walker)
1965 - Gillian Anderson (now Kahl)
1966 - Ian Coleman
1967 - Ian Coleman
1968 - Paul Hansen, Prue Charlton
1969 - Gary Nelson, Linda Carr
1970 - Margot Jensen (now Legosz)
1971 - David Dunbar, Jane Reffell
1972 - Rodney Morphett
1973 - Peter Jackson, Sandra Warn
1974 - Patrick Shiels, Ann Hardy*
1975 - Michael Rosier, Kim Chandler (now Whealey)
1977 - Merrick Spicer, Manuella Pusic
1978 - Trevor Williams
1980 - Colin McDonald, Alison Monk (now Adams)
1981 - Tracey Aldred (now Lawson)
1982 - Michael Trist, Bronwyn Chalmers
1986 - David Dawson
1987 - Stephen Keens(VC), Madeleine Pusic
1989 - Donna Healey (now Fletcher)
1990 - Tara Van Dyk (now O'Connell)
1993 - Donald Frost -Last Comprehensive
1994 - David Tucker, Chantelle Vella (now Barber- photo only) - First Selective
1995 - Rajan Thangavelu, Dawn Harrison (now Comber)
1996 - Isaac Kuruvilla
1997 - Corryn McKay
1998 - Matthew McCarron, Angela Tillot
1999 - Mark McCartney, Amy Richardson (now Munro)
2002 - Anthony Samson
2004 - Nicholas Brenner, Emma Woods
2005 - Jude Holroyd, Georgina Fuller
2006 - Kirby Bryson (now Atwood)
2007 - Martin Robinson, Meg Ebelt
2008 - Stuart Bryson, Vashti Maynard
2009 - Alvin Tan, Elizabeth Cameron
2010 - Emily Stone
2011 - Geeth Geeganage
2012 - David Stone, Imogen Clark
2013 - Ross Penninkilampi, Grace White
2015 - Simone Ferreira
2018 - Adam Evans, Grace Faulder
2019 - Soham Desai, Aryenish Kavarana
2020 - Sophia Hadjimichael
An asterisk(*) denotes deceased
Michael Handley - PHS -'85-'87 - Finished Army Service as a Lance Corporal
Would you like to be recognised on PHS Defence Force Service Honour Board? Or, have your friend or relative recognised who attended PHS?
If you are interested please email the school on: penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Attention Cathie in the library for further details
NOTE: the school was not established until 1950 so bear this in mind
In addition, if the Alumni listed below could also reach out to update some details:
Harry Grimes
Jason Peterson
Stephen Thompson
Brian Carney
Alan Ormerod
David Stevens
Ian Dickens
Bill Wheeler
Updating Honour Boards/Sports Records
We would like to confirm the Duxes:
1.from the 50s (see below)
2. 1966
In Addition, we are also trying to find the Junior Sportsman and Junior Sportswoman of the year for;
If you can help please email the school on:
Attention Cathie in the library.
Thanking you
Recognition of the Duxes in the 1950s and early 1960s (according to Towers)
If you or someone you might know could elaborate further regarding the information below please contact Cathie in the school library(when we return) or via the school email:
penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au ATTENTION Cathie
Duxes in the 50s and early 60s
During the 50s the Fletcher Award was given to students in all years to encourage them
to continue their studies. It included a monetary donation.
Students in 5th Year sat for the Leaving Certificate.
In 1950 - Margaret Duncan and Alan Holswich received the Fletcher Award in 4th Year.
In 1952 - Marcia Kirkness and John Day received the Fletcher Award in 5th Year.
John Day came 2nd in the state for Physics and Chemistry and was placed
in the top 30 in the state for the Leaving Certificate
In 1953 - M. Eckford and A. Bills received the Fletcher Award in 5th Year
In 1954 - PHS held its first Speech Day in April at the Nepean Theatre
Jocelyn Cooper and Anthony Walker received Fletcher Awards
In 1955 - Jill Reid and Anthony Walker were named Duxes of 4th Year
In 1956 - Dawn Morgan and Jim Finnimore were named Duxes of 4th Year
In 1957 - Dawn Morgan and Jim Finnimore were named Best in the Leaving Certificate
In 1958 - Joyce Anderson and Robert Cuckson were named Best in the Leaving Certificate
Robert Cuckson was mentioned in the state group of the Leaving Certificate
In 1959 - Margaret Finnimore and Michael Walker were named as Duxes of the School
In 1960 - Michael Smith and Meryl White (Prox. Acc.) were named Duxes of the School
In 1961 - Bob Munro and Yvonne Fripp (Prox. Acc.) were named Duxes of the School
In 1962 - Ian Jay was named Dux of the School
In 1963 - Elizabeth Finnimore was named Dux of the School
In 1964 - Richard Douglas was named Dux of the School
In 1965 - Herman Nacinovich was named Dux of the School
In 1966 - no Dux recorded in Towers
In 1967 - Stephen Johnson and Ian Coleman named Duxes of the School
Norm Webb has notified us that Yohanna Sherman, passed away on the 10th of August 2021 from cancer. They did manage to get to Penrith for the last High School Reunion.
May she Rest in Peace
Penrith Selective High School
Email: penrith-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Website: http://penrith-h.schools.nsw.gov.au
Location: 158-240 High Street, Penrith NSW, Australia
Phone: 02 4721 0529
Facebook: facebook.com/penrithselectivehighschool