May 2023 District Newsletter

May 2023 Hurricane News
We hope you'll take a few minutes to catch up on our Hurricane News. In this newsletter you'll find:
- April Board Corner Report
- Open Enrollment
- Kindergarten Parent Orientation
- Upcoming Events
- Student Celebrations
- Hurricane News
- Community News: Summer Lunch Program and Community Activities for Kids and Families
- The last day of school for students is May 24th
- WHS Commencement is May 26th
Board Corner
To catch up on Board business, check out our April 2023 Board Corner Report for a quick summary of the recent BOE Regular Meeting Agenda. The next regular meeting of the Board is May 22, 2023 at 6pm and will be held at Wilmington Middle School.
2023-24 Open Enrollment Opens May 1st!
Open Enrollment in WCS for the 2023-24 school year opens on May 1st. If your child is currently open enrolled in WCS or you are interested in applying to open enroll your child(ren) in Wilmington City Schools, the deadline is June 12th for the upcoming school year. Please review the information on open enrollment on our enrollment page.
Apply online starting May 1st at Open Enrollment Application 2023-24
Kindergarten 2023-24 Parent Orientation
WCS will be hosting information nights for incoming kindergarten parents - 2 in person and 1 virtual event. Register for Orientation at tinyurl.com/wcskparent-orientation for one of the following nights:
- May 4, 2023 (In-Person), 6:30pm
- May 9, 2023 (In-Person), 6:30pm
- May 16, 2023 (Virtual), 7:00pm
Additionally, there will be a kindergarten student orientation on August 14, 2023. More information will follow as the date approaches. Parents will have an opportunity to meet teachers, tour the building, and prepare their students for the first day of school.
May 2023
May is a busy month for our students, staff, and families. Check the May 2023 Event Calendar for a summary of events. Before heading out to one of our events, please check the building calendar for any updates at wilmingtoncityschools.com/calendars
2023 WMS National Junior Honor Society Inductees!
Congratulations to the newest members of the National Junior Honor Society! There will be 30 new inductees to the middle school chapter! We are so proud of your accomplishments and this honor!
Students will be formally inducted into NJHS on May 4th.
2022-23 WHS National Honor Society Inductees!
We are excited to congratulate our recent WHS inductees into the National Honor Society. We are #HurricaneProud of you! View the attached program for 2023 NHS Induction Ceremony and the list of new members.
2022-23 Phi Delta Sigma Inductees
Congratulations to the newest members of Phi Delta Sigma, the Wilmington High School Scholastic Honor Society sponsored by the Scholastic Achievement Council. Phi Delta Sigma is the High School's 1st academic achievement honor society. Each year, deserving students from all four grades who meet rigorous academic standards are recognized during a Spring convocation. Students can qualify each year during their high school experience. The requirements are reconsidered each year by the Scholastic Achievement Council and in collaboration with WHS teachers and administrators.
Visit the WHS Phi Delta Sigma website for additional information.
Denver Place Oustanding Students Recognized!
A number of Denver Place students were recognized at the April BOE meeting on 4/24. We are #HurricaneProud of these students and the positive impact they are having each and every day in the classroom and in their school.
High School Newsletter
May is a busy time at Wilmington High School. Catch up on their news and upcoming events in their latest Newsletter.
WCS Music Program Recognized for the 6th Year!
6 years in a row! Our WCS Music Program has once again been named a "Best Community for Music Education" by the NAMM Foundation. What a well deserved national recognition for our music educators and students, and the community that supports music education in our schools.
Ohio School Bus Driver Regional Safety ROAD-E-O Competition!
On April 22nd several of our bus drivers participated in the Regional Safety ROAD-E-O event. Professional school bus drivers get their chance to demonstrate their driving skills and knowledge specific to school transportation operations. They are judged and scored on a number of skills and the top scorers move on to the State competition.
Drivers that participated in the event:
- Melissa Colley, Bus #32: Finished in 6th place - State Qualifier
- Doriann Allen, Bus #33: Finished in 8th place - State Alternate
- Trish Carrel, Bus #1: Finished in 11th place
- Donna Oeters (Bus #23) and Sharon Carter Randolph (Transportation Coor) helped with judging
There were 38 regional participants from 7 counties in the SW region (Brown, Butler, Clermont, Clinton, Fayette, Hamilton, and Warren). Melissa Colley's 6th place finish earned her a spot at the State competition that will be held May 6th. We're proud of all our drivers and will be cheering for Melissa on May 6th!
US Representative Brad Wenstrup Visits WCS!
In April, Representative Brad Wenstrup visited our District and met with the Superintendent and other school officials. During the visit they toured Holmes elementary and discussed how ESSER Funds are going to be used to improve the school entrance at Holmes. The building was built in 1978 (45 years ago).
Further discussion was held regarding the implementation of School Safety Grant Funds that the District received earlier this year. With aging buildings that were not built for today's security needs, the District is continually looking for ways (and funds) to update our buildings for current day security needs to provide safe and inviting schools for all students.
(Pictured from L to R: Rep Wenstrup, Supt Jim Brady, Bldg/Ground Supervisor Marcus Wheeler, BOE member Kevin Snarr)
Levy 2023 Facts, Finances, and FAQs
If you are interested in learning more about WCS finances and the proposed School District Income Tax Levy that will be on the ballot in May, we encourage you to visit wilmingtoncityschools.com/Levy2023 for facts, finances, and FAQs.
Community News
The following articles from other sources are provided for our WCS families and community. Links and content from external sources are not under the control of the District.
Job & Community Resource Fair 5/3/23!
Explore local job opportunities from more than 30 local employers and/or agencies. Come see us at the WCS booth and learn more about employment opportunities in the District and around the community.
- Wednesday 5/3/23 from 4-7pm
- Expo Bldg at the Cl. Co. Fairgrounds (958 W Main St, Wilmington)
- Open to the Public
- Visit wccchamber.com/job-fair for a complete listing of local participating agencies.
Ohio Elections Information
May 2, 2023 is Primary Election Day in Ohio. Polls are open from 6:30am to 7:30pm. Visit boe.ohio.gov/clinton for precinct and polling locations in Clinton County.
REMEMBER: Valid Photo ID is now a mandated requirement for voting in Ohio. Visit ohiosos.gov/elections/voters/id-requirements for identification requirements.