Wayland Union Board of Education
Regular Meeting
Monday, October 9, 2023
The Wayland Union School Board met on Monday, October 9, 2023 at the Wayland Union Middle School for their regular meeting.
Consent Agenda
All consent agenda items were approved.
Report on the Annual Audit
- Josh Gill from Plante Moran presented the report for the Annual Audit. There were no difficulties with the audits and no major changes from previous years.
Wayland Middle School Building Report
- Carolyn Whyte began by introducing and thanking her staff members who were able to attend the meeting. She also recognized student members from the MS Community Helpers and Student Council programs. A few Student Council members discussed different events they run throughout the year including pep assemblies, dances, affirmations, high school support, and community support. They discussed how the MS is incorporating Capturing Kids Hearts into their school days including good things and contracts. The Student Council fundraiser for the month of October is called Rufftober, they are asking MS members to donate items for a local animal shelter. Ms. Whyte continued on to give PSAT data, which is very strong. Ms. Whyte is also very thankful for having Officer Schaefer within the building and forming positive relationships with the students. Karyll Russel shared that the building is working hard to reinforce Capturing Kids Hearts lessons within the building, including the building's 5 values. The MS has built a behavioral team which includes a parent representative and they are looking at adding a student representative to help the building dive into what the data from SWIS means.
Governance Team Good News
- Janel Hott shared that the Wayland Union Education Foundation gave out $30,000+ two weeks ago for innovative grants and conferences. Dan Cassini gave a shoutout to the Equestrian Team on making it to states for the first time. Tim Reeves congratulated the football team on their win in the cold, wet weather last week. Norm Taylor shared his excited for the MSBOA Marching Band Festival being hosted by Wayland on Tuesday, October 10th, for the first time.
Committee Meeting Report - Athletics & Extracurricular Activities
- Norm Taylor shared that the committee met last week. There was one public comment in regards to the lack of funding for the Dance Team, Winterguard, and the Equestrian Team. Both athletic directors provided the committee with a summary report of the fall season. The only tournament the district has been granted to host this year is boy's basketball which will occur in early March.
Student Board Members Report
- Ava Makowski and Matthew Chubb shared that parent/teacher conferences are coming up next week. Student Council is working on planning Fall Harvest Hop and recently held a fundraiser for the Be Nice campaign in which they raised just over $8,000. SADD is fully focused on the annual Hallowed Halls event happening on October 31st. NHS is hosting the induction ceremony this Wednesday, October 11th. LOC Club just finished their first of 2 blood drives, they are looking at hosting an Art Contest in the future. Theater just completed their first one act play, No Substitutes, and are working hard on their next play at the end of October, The Red Velvet Cake Wars. Debate recently hosted their first debate day. The student representatives would like to congratulate the HS staff members who were awarded funding from the Education Foundation. Lastly, they discussed the fall sports results. Lots of teams are breaking records and holding winning streaks including Girls Swim and Dive and Equestrian.
- Tim Reeves shared that the board and himself received 2 pieces of correspondence. Both are a thank you from the Dorr Elementary Staff for the donuts and flowers provided by the district as congratulations for receiving the Blue Ribbon Award.
Public Comment
No public comments.
Administration Reports
Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations
- Leslie Wagner shared that the budget is right on track with last year.
Casino Revenue Sharing Report for 2022-2023
- Leslie Wagner shared that Wayland Union Schools received 1.9 million in cash in lieu of taxes from the Gun Lake Casino last school year. The 3 sections the funds are used for include Instructional Support, Community Support, and Public Improvement Support.
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
- Teresa Fulk shared that the K-12 Curriculum Committees are meeting and already discussing plans for next school year. Next week starts parent/teacher conferences across the district. She shared that staff members are busy working on reading improvement plans based on the reading improvement law. The HS will be hosting "School to Tools" on October 31st through the Millwright Center to expose students to workforce options beyond HS.
MESSA Insurance Rates for 2024
- Leslie Wagner shared the insurance rates for the 2024 year.
- Tim Reeves shared that he was able to participate in some of the delivery process of the Wayland Union Education Foundation. He also shared that last week, all of the district 3rd graders were able to attend the Gun Lake Tribe's Jijak center which was a great experience for all involved. Lastly, he shared that enrollment seems to be relatively flat, with an increase in elementary and a decrease in secondary students.
Strategic Plan/Bond Project Update
- Mr. Reeves said that the board will be presented with an in-depth look at Strategic Plan progress at the October work session. The plan is currently being reviewed by the district leadership team.
- On October 9th, drone pictures were shared of the HS roof and parking lot bond projects. The Pine Street bathroom rendition has been decided on, that will be shown to the board members during the next meeting. The next big task is deciding on the MS roof. In addition, the bond committee has decided on the stretch pool concept due to it's usability and overall cost.
New Business - Discussion Items
Summer Tax Resolution
- Dan Cassini shared that the tax resolution is an annual document that didn't change from previous years.
80/20 Insurance Resolution
- Dan Cassini shared that the insurance resolution remains the same from previous years. Pete Zondervan shared he has heard from word of mouth that the staff appreciate this being an option.
Snow plowing Contract
- Leslie Wagner shared that it's the same company that the district has been using for the last 3 years. There is a 2% price increase per the 5 year contract that was signed.
Old Business - Action Items
MASB Fall 2023 Delegate Assembly
- Approved
Erate Reimbursement Purchase for WiFi Service on Buses
- Approved
Board Topics
Janel Hott shared her congratulations to the MS Student Council Members for being able speak in front of a crowd. She also shared that she was able to volunteer with the Hand-to-Hand program at the MS, which is a program that provides meals and snacks to some of our students in need courtesy of local churches.
Jeff Koon shared that he is excited to get traction on the pool planning, since the main component of the bond was the aquatic facility. He also wished the Equestrian Team good luck as they move into the state competition.
Dan Cassini shared that he enjoys coming to the MS because he can see the next step being taken by the younger leaders. He also offers his condolences to the staff, it has been a difficult few years filled with loss for the MS staff and students.
Peter Zondervan shared that he would like to have a meeting with Mr. Reeves this week. He also shared that he witnessed the chaos of the MS office during lunch time, he is amazed with the procedures in place at handling behaviors.
Becky Hohnke shared that she would like to come in for lunch at the MS to have casual conversations with the staff. She loves the idea of Affirmation Friday's and is enjoying seeing images from the MS Washington DC trip. Ms. Hohnke also appreciates the changes that are happening within the district website and social media pages, she really feels that they capture the culture and variety of groups at work in the district.
Theresa Dobry would like to reiterate how excellent the MS presentation was, especially in regards to seeing how behaviors are being managed.
Norm Taylor didn't have any comments.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
*Please note: This is a summary of the meeting. Official board minutes will be approved at the next regular board meeting on Monday, November 13, 2023 at 6pm. The meeting will be held at Pine Street Elementary.