OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 5/15/22~
Hello Mustang Families!
Mustang Families,
We had an incredible turn out for our PTSA sponsored 5th Grade Open Gym and Parent Night last week. Thank you to our wonderful PTSA, OLHMS Ambassadors and new OLHMS families!! Last week ended on a great note as we once again celebrated the life of Abby Wujcik with the annual Live Like Abby Walk-a-Thon! Thank you to all of our supporters, donors and volunteers- over $30,000 was raised to support pediatric brain cancer research!
This week we are finishing the MAP Assessment, registering beginner band members, getting excited for the Spring Chorus Concert and finishing the week with iFest as we celebrate all the different cultures within our community!
8th Grade Dance Parent Chaperones
6-7th grade parents we need your help! We have a lot of 8th grade students who don’t want their own parents to chaperone the 8th grade Dance. So we are reaching out to our 6-7th grade families asking for some more chaperones. (If your a 8th grade family who already signed up via the volunteer form we have you written down) Chaperones are needs from 6:45-9:15pm on Friday, May 27th. If you can help please email Linsrae28@hotmail.com and/ or kifism@gmail.com
8th Grade Graduation Signs
If anyone who ordered a graduation sign was not able to pick up- please have an adult come to the OLHMS office during school hours for pick up. Signs can’t be sent home with students.
6th and 7th Grade Field Day
Field Day is coming on May 26! Please sign up to chaperone. We need a lot of volunteers.
Updates and Reminders
Here are a few updates and reminders:
School Bus Behaviors: Mustang families we need your help to communicate with each of our scholars safe and respectful behaviors on the bus to and from school. Please keep in mind that students unable to ride the bus safely, respectfully and responsibly will be given consequences for their behaviors and could be suspended or removed from this opportunity. We will continue to work with First Student on the timeliness of rides, but also need your support to reinforce proper bus behavior.
One Way On Oak Center Drive: We will open the 2022/2023 school year with a designated One Way Street on Oak Center. This proposal was approved by the Oak Lawn Village Board last month and will take effect for next school year! Here is the LINK for the picture of the one way plan.
Morning and After School Drop Off: Please continue to be courteous, safe and careful of one another, our scholars and our neighbors. Keep in mind drop off in the morning or the afternoon must take place on Oak Center Drive in the back of our building. We need the front lot for bus drop off and pick up.
Respecting our Community: Please remind our scholars to be respectful of our neighbors! Now that the weather has finally shifted, more students are walking, which is great, but we have had some concerned community members with the amount of traffic on their property.
Social Media: Continue to monitor and discuss the importance for the use of social media and potential implications for our scholars. Technology and information is at the tips of our fingers. It is all our responsibility to use these tools as positive resources and model respectfulness. Our school continues to be challenged by negative social media interactions affecting our school and scholars.
Dates to Remember:
5/19: Spring Chorus Concert:
5/20: iFest
5/24: Awards Breakfast- 6th Grade at 7:30 am, Jazz Night at 7:00pm
5/25: Awards Breakfast- 7th Grade at 7:30 am
5/26: PTSA Field Day (6th and 7th Grade)
5/30: No School
6/3: Final Day of school- Half Day (Dismissal at 11:30am)
Class of 2022 (Announced on Lunchtime Live April 13th)
5/25-6/2: Graduation Practices (Main Gym)
5/25: 8th Grade T-Shirt Distribution (To be worn on May 26th)
5/26: 8th Grade Class Trip
5/27: 8th Grade Gown and Ticket Distribution (2 tickets per Graduate), PTSA 8th Grade Dance at 7:00pm
5/31: 8th Grade Elementary Graduation Walks
6/1: 8th Grade Awards at 9:00am
6/2: Yearbook Signing, 8th Grade Graduation Ceremony at 7:00pm
District 218 STEAM Camps!
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Harold L. Richards
Alan B. Shepard
8th Grade Graduation Information
8th Grade Dance
Parent Chaperones NEEDED!
8th grade Graduation Signs
Signs can be picked up in the main office.
Counseling/Social Work Website
May/June Breakfast Menu
May & June Breakfast Menu
School Menu
May/June Lunch Menu
Supply Kit for the 2022/2023 School year
Join Music boosters
High School Corner
St. Laurence High School - Summer camp & spring admission information
Mother McAuley - Shadow day opportunities