Superintendent Weekly Update
Shelby-Rising Public Schools
Volume 1/Issue 18 - November 14th, 2021
Up Next at S-RC:
- Monday (Nov. 15th) - Focus Team Meeting (7:45am), BOE Meeting (7pm)
- Tuesday (Nov. 16th) - Curriculum/Schedule Meeting (9:30am), JH Wresting @ Dorchester (5pm)
- Wednesday (Nov. 17th) - State Education Conference (5pm), All-State Music, CRC One Act @ Cross County (TBD)
- Thursday (Nov. 18th) - State Education Conference (8am-5pm), SPED Team Meeting (8am), MTSS Meeting (3:45pm)
- Friday (Nov. 19th) - State Education Conference (8am-3pm), FFA Officer Meeting (7am), Guiding Coalition Meeting (7:30am), COVID-19 Update w/ Four Corners (9:30am), DAC-NSCAS Growth (12:30pm)
- Saturday (Nov. 20th) - One-Act @ Pender (TBD)
Staff Shoutouts
- Mark Nebuda - Shout out to "The Dude" this week for always teaching our students new skills that can be applied in the classroom and in the real world. Thank you for always keeping everyone grounded while providing a good laugh throughout the day. Keep up the great work!
- Emily Blackburn - Thank you for your continue dedication to all of our students and their activities they are in. We have many great pictures because of your photography skills and we appreciate you taking the time supporting all of our activities!
- Sandy Voss - Thank you for all the behind the scenes items when it comes to transcripts, college applications, online class organization, with many more things on top of being someone students can go talk to. Thank you for all your dedication!
Recap of the Week!
Veteran's Day Program
Thank you to all of our community members who were able to make it to honor our Veteran's yesterday. Thank you to all who organized, helped, & who made yesterday a special day! We were able to be in Rising City in the afternoon as well! Thank you to Mrs. Blackburn for capturing the moments!
Humphrey St. Francis Meet
The One-act cast and crew had a phenomenal performance at Humphrey St. Francis!!! They brought so much energy to the stage! This was a wonderful way to start our competition season!
Congrats to Fischer and Aurora for earning acting honors today! I also want to give a shout-out to Jenna L for stepping in to cover to an injured cast member and to Emily A for absorbing lines to cover for an ill cast member! Also to Wendy for making sure we left our area cleaner than we found it! We truly are a team!
One-Act at Fairbury (1 of 2)
Congratulations to Wendy, Fischer, and Elena for earning acting awards today at the Fairbury Invite!!!
One-Act at Fairbury (2 of 2)
Congratulations to Wendy, Fischer, and Elena for earning acting awards today at the Fairbury Invite!!!
6th Grade Ends the Year with a Bang!
Our Huskies got second place in the gold division on Saturday. They won all of their pool play games!!! Thank you Coach Kasey Hopwood for everything! The future looks bright for these lady Huskies!!!
All-Conference Volleyball Award
Congratulations to Ava Larmon for being selected 2021 CRC All-Conference Honorable Mention in volleyball! Here is the list of all 26 players who were honored!
First meet of the year!
Our JH wrestlers are off to a great start!
- Easton Henery - 2nd
- Jayden Williams - 4th
- Grant Eaton - 4th
- Coy Vrbka - 1st
- Dominic Pleskec - 2nd
- Eli Fjell - 1st
- Raven Riznicek - 3rd
- Carter Eickmeier - 4th
- Jett Vrbka - 1st
- Logan Lindsley - 3rd
Cell Division!!!
This week Mrs. Segner's Plant Science Class has been learning about Mitosis, we used cookies to demonstrated the Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophases of Mitosis!
Temple Grandin (1 of 1)
20 FFA members went to Kearney to listen to Temple Grandin speak about Animal Behavior. Temple is an Animal Science Professor at Colorado State University who has Autism. She explained to us some of the research she has done and how Autism relates to animals and how animals relate to her
Temple Grandin (2 of 2)
Awesome experience for all of our kids!
Unified Bowling at Central Valley
Shelby Rising City won 1st place today at the Central Valley Meet. Also won highest baker game! Nice job S-RC!!!
Unified Bowling at Columbus Lakeview Invite
Shelby Rising City Unified Bowling Team brings home 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place! Let’s go!
Unified Bowling at SRC Invite
Let’s roll! S-RC Unified bowling brings home 4th place! Great job today bowlers!!!
FBLA Dodgeball Tournament (1 of 3)
FBLA dodgeball was a HIT (pun intended) this evening! A sincere thank you to all who participated this year. Here are the results of tonight's event:
MS bracket winners: 8th grade (Thanks Owen K. for sticking around for a picture!)
Best dressed: 12th grade
FBLA Dodgeball Tournament (2 of 3)
Best dressed: 12th grade
FBLA Dodgeball Tournament (3 of 3)
HS bracket winners: 9th grade
Also want to give a quick shout-out to our FBLA dodgeball committee members who put together a great event for our students and thank you Mrs. Peterson for helping referee tonight
ICU Setup
ICU Done!
And the completed project!
ICU update for this week
November - Family Learning Planner
Where in the World is Tejkl?
November 8th - In District
- BOE Meeting (7pm)
- Curriculum/Schedule Meeting (9am-11am)
- Lunch Coverage (12pm-1:20pm)
November 10th - In/Out of District
- CRC One-Act
- Leaving to Omaha (4pm)
November 11th - Out of District -
- State-Education Conference
November 12th - Out of District -
- State-Education Conference
Message from Mr. Tejkl
“The meaning of trust..."
Good morning!
I hope that you are enjoying your Sunday with a little sunshine and not the scattered rain that we had on Saturday. Hopeful that all those that have crops have everything out and those that have livestock have them closer to home. I know Dad was getting that all done while he could. Big THANK YOU to all of those that came to SRC for our Veteran's Day Program and thank you to all of those behind the scenes that put together a great program. Great job to all of our student singers and instrumentalist who sounded amazing! Lastly, thank you to all of our veterans in our communities who served our country! We owe you every day!
Trust...trust is one of the hardest things to earn and the quickest to destroy. In our profession, trust is earned and given each day with many people involved. Parents trust that our teachers/coaches/sponsors are doing everything in their power to give their child(ren) the best experience they can give. Students trust that their school is there to help them become better individuals they socially can be. Teachers trusting that their administration is there to provide guidance while not micromanaging and that admin is looking out for them. Administration is looking to the superintendent for the same while the superintendent trusts his/her board to provide the guidance of what the communities are looking for their school.
What a crazy circle of trust that we sometimes just assume happens. As we have discussed and experienced, there is plenty of ups and downs that happens but we are hopeful that our trust in others will be rewarded by being there when in needed. I'm aware that we are battling time constraints, the constant pull of many activities and where is this time needed to accomplish all items? Whether you are a student, teacher, parent, board member, admin, etc...we all are searching for those answers.
Trust that all of us are continuing to look out for those solutions and that we can continue to have each others back. There may be a day where it seems doubtful but don't lose faith in anyone. We are all battling and doing our part to be the best for those around us. If there is one thing for certain, those in SRC love your kids, we love our profession and we will continue to give our best and build that trust. Staff, trust that your admin is looking out for you and trying to find ways to limit those unnecessary items from your plate. We are all in this together and the quickest way to fail is trying to accomplish a task as individuals.
Turkey break is on the horizon. Let's continue to push through those obstacles and find those solutions. I thank everyone for there dedication to our district and everyone that is involved within our communities.
Have a great Sunday and let's have a great week!
Quote of the week to make you think:
"Trust is the glue of life. It's the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It's the foundational principle that holds all relationships."
- Stephen R. Covey
Tucker Tejkl
Staff of the Month
Innovation- Grant Gabel
Integrity- Shelly Denbo
Accountability- Matt Carley
Service- Steve Stewart (not pictured)
Do you have events coming up? (Community)
November Newsletter (Elementary)
Activities Update through the week:
HS Winter Practice begin Monday: Time to go! Looking to continue to build our programs with great participation
One-Act - Two meets from Humphrey and a 5th place start at Fairbury!
Unified Bowling - Three meets in a week! Results listed above!
SRC- Preschool and Kindergarten Pages!
Husky Hoops for 3rd - 6th graders
Find me
Email: ttejkl@shelby.esu7.org
Website: https://www.shelby.esu7.org/
Location: 650 North Walnut Street, Shelby, NE, USA
Phone: 402-527-5946
Facebook: facebook.com/tucker.tejkl
Twitter: @SuptTejkl