Hannum Happenings Parent Edition
August 23, 2022
Thank You!
No Dogs Allowed
Now that everyone will be coming back to school, our traffic issues will return as well. Please see the attached map for where to drop off and where you can park if you want to get out and walk your child to their line.
Here are some reminders for helping us get kids in and out of school safely:
- PLEASE pull up as far as you can go when you are letting students out of the car.
- PLEASE do not park across the street and have kids run across to get either to the school or back to your car.
- PLEASE be patient as kids are getting out of the car.
- PLEASE do not block the entrance and exit of the school parking lots and
- PLEASE do not park in the driveway of St. Germaine School. (You may pull into the spots in their parking lot, but do not park in the driveway.)
Tripp Avenue Concerns
Dismissal of Siblings
Older siblings can walk around the outside of school to the K/1 doors OR if you are not comfortable with that, they can wait with their teacher until you make your way around to them. I know this is inconvenient, but it does work. Thank you for your understanding.
Breakfast and Lunch
Our school will be serving nutritious breakfast and lunch every school day. If you qualify, you can receive free or reduced lunches. Please call the office if you need information about how to qualify. The cost of breakfast is $1.50 and the cost of lunch is $3.05.
BREAKFAST will be served in the main hall of our school beginning at 8:10-8:25am. Students will enjoy their breakfast in our multi-purpose room and then will go to their line to start the day.
LUNCH will be ordered with your child's classroom teacher every morning. Students will be able to choose from 2 choices. Students can also bring a home lunch and only order a milk. Milk only is 60 cents and students can choose white or chocolate. You can add money to your child's meal account through Skyward. https://www.d123.org/departments/operations/lunch-menus
DOUBLE LUNCH Many of our older students like to order a double lunch. I ask if they have permission and they say they do... then parents are surprised that the lunch balance goes down so quickly. I have told our 4th and 5th grade students that they need to have permission to do this, so please speak to your children about this.
Grade 5 eats from 11:00-11:25
Grades 3 and 4 eat from 11:25-11:50
Kindergarten eats from 11:55-12:20
Grades 1 and 2 eat from 12:20-12:45
Click the link below for a visual on how our lunch procedures work.
PTA News
Mark your calendars and join us on Friday, September 16th from 5:30-7:30 for our annual Welcome Back Bears Block Party! Come out and play some games, eat some food (hot dog and other consessions will be sold), and listen to some music while meeting up with old friends and making new ones! This is a free event but all children must be accompanied by an adult.
We are also looking for parents to help at this event. Check out our Sign Up Genius link below and see how!
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4EAEAE2EA4FEC70-welcomeHannum Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hannum
Location: 9800 S Tripp Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @d123hannum
Mrs. Anne Marie McGovern - Principal
Email: amcgovern@d123.org
Website: d123.org/hannum
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @McGovernAnne