Talley Street Update
May 17, 2021
An Update from the Principal
Dear Talley Community,
I hope everyone had a great weekend! It is so hard to believe that we only have nine days of school left. As the school year comes to an end, we will begin to collect Chromebooks and other materials that may have been checked out to students for this school year. CSD’s IT Department needs the Chromebooks returned to do some updates and repairs before the start of the 2021-2022 school year. In-person students will be turning in their Chromebooks and power cords on May 26th and May 27th. Teachers will be providing asynchronous work on those afternoons. Virtual students will be able to drop off their Chromebooks on June 1st and June 2nd from 11:00-2:00. Talley Staff will be outside to collect the devices. Students attending summer school may keep their Chromebooks until the end of June. Any student who has Fundations materials will need to turn those in as well. Pictures of those are below. Virtual students will also pick up their IB Learner Profile certificates.
The virtual orientation for our rising 3rd grade students is this Thursday, May 20th from 6:30 to 7:30. The link to the Zoom meeting is below. Have a great week!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 929 3537 5630
Passcode: 194007
CSD Updates
CSD and DEF Extra Mile Award
Hey students! Do you know a teacher or other employee who has gone the extra mile this year? Nominate them for the Extra Mile Award! The Extra Mile Award is an annual award that allows students to show their appreciation for the teachers or staff they feel go above and beyond what is expected of them. Students (not parents) at any grade level can write an essay describing how their teacher (or staff member) goes the extra mile (parents can help younger children write the essay). The essays should be detailed and describe how the teacher or staff member goes above and beyond.
Submit your nominations using this link: https://forms.gle/SehMw6njfL9we3MZ9. The deadline for submissions is May 26.
Thank you to Decatur Education Foundation for sponsoring this award!
Talley Updates
Talley's Summer Reading Website is LIVE!
Questions? Contact Ashley Long (along@csdecatur.net).
Last Day for Library Book Return Was May 14
Join the Girls on the Run Team at Talley!
We are in need of volunteer IN PERSON coaches for next season! Coaches are MENTORS who help inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum (provided by Girls on the Run), which creatively integrates running. At Girls on the Run we inspire girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind. Runners/Athletes/Female identifying individuals are NOT required to be a coach! We cannot have any teams at Talley if we do not have enough volunteers to coach. Please consider joining our coaching team next season! Here is what you can expect:
Fill out a coaches application and complete a background check
Attend a virtual training session
Commit to 1-2 days a week of coaching (Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs from 3:00-4:30)
Support your fellow co-coaches, take turns leading lessons
This program has proven to have a positive impact on the girls who participate. Be prepared for it to have a positive impact on you, too!
Please reach out to Natalie Bundschu at nbundschu@csdecatur.net if you or anyone you know is interested in coaching this season.
5th Grade Parent Information
5th Grade Moving Forth Ceremony and Exhibition
Attention 5th Grade Parents - Please save the date to join us on Talley's back lawn for your child's 5th Grade Moving Forth Ceremony and Exhibition.
For Rising 6th Grade Parents
Thank you to the 180 of you that attended the Renfroe 6th grade virtual parent orientation on May 4th. If you missed it there is a recording of the zoom webinar here.
World Language: Beginning in the 6th grade, students have the choice of taking Spanish, French, or German. Students will learn communication skills in regards to the Self, Family, Food, School Day and Community. Please have the conversation with your child now about their choice for World Language. In the next week or two, all rising 6th graders will complete a google form in school indicating their choice. RMS administration will confirm all student choices via email over the summer. Questions about World Language? Email Kelsey Ulm, Department Chair, at kulm@csdecatur.net
Band, Chorus, and Orchestra: Renfroe has an amazing music department! Band, Chorus and Orchestra are different from the other connections classes we offer in that taking them is a full year commitment, rather than a 12-week course. Students must sign up for these classes, as they are not assigned. Students registering for these classes do not have to have prior music training or know how to read music. There will be an instrument selection period at the beginning of the year, so Band and Orchestra students can make decisions about what instrument they like and play the best.
For questions and to sign up for either Band, Chorus, or Orchestra, use the links below:
Band: ckraemer@csdecatur.net | LINK to the Band Registration website
Chorus: dhirschorn@csdecatur.net | LINK to the Chorus Registration website
Orchestra: hmccranie@csdecatur.net | LINK to the Orchestra Registration & website
If that’s not enough, the music department will host its own webinar on Wednesday, May 12th at 6:30 PM to answer any questions you may have. Here’s the link.
Renfroe Gifted Program Parent Information Session
Dear CSD families:
Renfroe's Gifted Specialists are hosting an information session to share details about the gifted services we provide through our Bridges program. If you have a rising 6th grade gifted child, this session is for you!
Session date: Tuesday, May 25th, 6 p.m.-7 p.m.
Submit a question: Submit a Question for the RMS Gifted Information Session
The session will be in webinar form, and we will field questions through this Google Form. We will not have a live Q&A time, but you may submit questions before and during the session. Please submit any questions you would like to ask about the Renfroe Bridges program. We will attempt to answer all questions in the webinar session. The session will be recorded and posted on the Renfroe Bridges Program website.
PTO Updates
Hi, all! The Talley DEI Committee has a fun event coming up -- Join us for Black History Trivia to have fun and maybe even win prizes!
What: Black History Trivia
When: Wednesday, May 20, 7-8 p.m.
Who: Talley 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders
Where: Zoom and Kahoot! (Links will be provided)
Contact: Okera Hanshaw, okera.hanshaw@gmail.com
Sign up to participate below!
There are two rounds of brain-busting trivia for you to test your knowledge of the people and events of Black history and history in the making.
It’ll happen like this over Zoom:
- Round 1 of Kahoot!: separate games for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade.The Top 10 scores from each grade will advance to Round 2.
- Round 2 of Kahoot!: The Top 10 scores from each grade will go up against each other -- all are welcome to watch!
- Awards ceremony and PRIZE notification - gift cards to local stores or awesome treat boxes for all 30 top scorers
Sign up at the link!
Talley School Supplies 2021-22
The Talley PTO is partnering with 1st Day School Supplies to offer an online shopping option for purchasing your school supplies. You can buy everything on the lists with just a few clicks and the supplies will be delivered to your home over the summer. Visit 1st Day and order through June 15. You will also have the option to donate a kit to make sure each student has access to individual supplies.
The 2021-22 Talley School Supply Lists can be found here for your reference.
Community Updates
Decatur Education Foundation
Step Up for Teachers!
Take a break from the mayhem of May and show your teachers how much you appreciate their hard work with a Step Up for Teachers tribute. Just go to www.stepupforteachers.com, make a $25 donation and leave your tribute. We'll notify the honored teacher or CSD staff member and deliver a "We Step Up for Teachers" yard sign to your door in the coming weeks. The Step Up campaign supports our teachers in the classroom through Teacher Innovation Grants. Let's show them some love! If you’d like to leave a tribute but can’t give a gift at this time, you can send your tributes to info@decatureducationfoundation.org.
We Stepped Up for Our Seniors!
As a special gift from DEF to our DHS seniors, we are giving every member of the senior class of 2021 a “Congratulations Class of 2021” yard sign. The signs have been assembled by Wilson Support Center Staff (Thank You!) and are available for pick up anytime at the DHS Attendance Office.
Clarence Strickland Make a Difference Award
Our schools have been closed for most of the school year, but our CSD teachers and staff have continued to work tirelessly to support our students. Have you witnessed a teacher or staff person who has shown compassion for a student during a time of great need or crisis? Every year, DEF recognizes a CSD employee who has shown extraordinary compassion to help a student in crisis through The Clarence Strickland Make a Difference Award. Nominations for this award are accepted from community members or CSD staff and can be completed by filling out this form: https://forms.gle/YiF1pANPKnMfm26b6. Nominations must be received by May 26, 2021, and award(s) will be presented at the teacher’s Opening Day event in July.
Talley Street Passive Fundraising
We're now on Amazon Smile! Log into www.smile.amazon.com and log into your Amazon
account, then select Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, then save and the PTO will start getting quarterly deposits!
One important tip - you MUST be logged in via smile.amazon.com while shopping for us to
receive any funds.
Kroger Community Rewards
We are set up to receive funds from Kroger. From your account screens, select Community
Rewards and search for “Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO." Select it and then you
should be all set. Every time you use your Kroger card, the PTO will benefit!
Box Tops
Box Tops have gone digital! Download the app, Box Tops for Education. Enter your
information, select Talley St., scan receipts and done! We will no longer be collecting paper box
tops. If you have any issues using the app, you can submit (via the app) the item not being
recognized on your receipt for credit.
Publix Partners
Looking for an easy way to support Talley Street PTO?
Who knew Passive Fundraising could be SO easy!! You don' need the key chain card anymore.
Follow the easy instructions on the link:
We’re set up as: Talley Street Upper Elementary School – Decatur, GA
Go to www.minted.com to purchase cards, gifts, and more! Use code FUNDRAISETALLEY at checkout to get 20% off (some exclusions apply) and 15% of sales will be donated to the Talley Street PTO. Happy shopping!
Helpful Links
www.csdecatur.net/opening - a repository for all documents, announcements, and communications about how CSD is handling the 2020-2021 school year.
www.csdecatur.net/nutrition - How to order meals
www.csdecatur.net/bustracker - How to sign up for the new Predictable Ryde Bus tracking app used for meal delivery, soon for the Fly-brary, mobile book delivery and when in-person learning resumes to track students on their buses
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/tech-help (how parents and staff can put in a tech support request)
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/students - classroom login information
https://virtual.csdecatur.net/parents - Virtual Learning Handbooks
Social Media and Contact Information
Talley Street Upper Elementary School PTO
Talley Street Upper Elementary School Parents
For news in the Media Center and from our school counselors, check out their websites:
For more about the Talley Street PTO, visit their website here: https://talleypto.org/