Tussing Tidbits
January 2019
Tussing Elementary
7117 Tussing Road, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
- Phone: 614-834-2600
- Attendance Voicemail: 614-834-2601
- Fax: 614-834-2610
Please call 614-834-2601 to report your child absent or tardy.
Tussing Elementary School Hours: 9:15 am to 4:05 pm
Students arriving after 9:15 am must be signed in the office.
According to state law, student's attendance is documented by minutes; every minute counts!
If school personnel has not been notified of an absence, a telephone call will be made to phone numbers within the student’s Infinite Campus.
Grade Cards
Please check backpacks and take-home folders to see your student's progress.
We strongly encourage open communication between students, parents, and teachers all year round! You may reach out to our administration and staff at any time:
- Call 614-834-2600
- Email https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/tussing-elementary/directory/
- Send in a note
- Stop by the classroom - see the Visitor Observation Form below
- Various apps - teacher specific
Snow Days & Blizzard Bags
The students (and teachers) have their fingers crossed wishing for a snow day!
Ready or not, inclement weather may be in our future. Please see the following information on Snow / Calamity Days / Blizzard Bags from Pickerington Schools:
Morning Drop Off
Please do not drop students off before 8:55 am (1:00 pm for PM Kindergarten).
Staff members are not available to watch children before these times and students will remain outside.
For those vehicles dropping students off in the morning, we ask that you use the front drop-off loop that goes by the main entrance. This is the only area that students may be let out of vehicles in the mornings.
Please DO NOT pull into the parking lot and stop to let your child out. However, you may park in the front lot and walk your child up to the building or down to class.
The front drop-off loop is designated from 8:55 am to 9:14 am so that students may be dropped off safely. Staff members are assigned to this area each morning to assist. We appreciate your cooperation.
Afternoon Pick Up
The end of day dismissal process begins at 4:00 pm.
During dismissal time, the front loop is for handicap parking and daycare vehicles only. Please do not park in the front loop.
Those picking up students may park in the front parking lot and wait outside the main entrance until staff opens the front doors into the lobby.
Students who are picked up on a regular basis will receive two parent pick up cards with the child’s name and an identifying number. This card is very important and will help make the pick-up process more efficient:
Keep one card handy and present it to the staff member upon daily arrival.
The extra card can be given to any individual who may pick your child up.
A staff member will take the pick up card and hand it to the student for release.
Please take the card from the student upon dismissal and keep it in a safe place.
Please continue to have a photo ID ready in case it is needed to verify.
If you do not have a student's parent pick up card, you will be required to show identification. The identification will be checked against the student’s Infinite Campus. You may add or remove friends and family to your student's Infinite Campus at any time.
Be advised students are not allowed to walk out into the parking lot by themselves. The children must be safely escorted at all times.
All students must be picked up by 4:30 pm.
No School Alert
- Friday, January 18 - No School, Professional Development
- Monday, January 21 - No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Wellness Wednesday
The Mobile Clinics will be at Tussing - Wednesday, February 13
Everyone is welcome to participate!
- If you have insurance, it will be billed accordingly.
- If you do not have insurance, all services are free of charge.
The idea behind the mobile clinic is to bring quality care to the children!
- Students won't be absent from school.
- Parents won't have to take time off work.
The Ohio State University Mobile Dentist Clinic will be on-site to perform preventative and restorative dental care. Please see the following link for more information:
Nationwide Children's Hospital Mobile Doctor Clinic will be on-site to perform routine physical exams, sick appointments, asthma therapy, vaccinations and more. Please see the following link for more information:
Help is Needed on Wellness Wednesdays
Please volunteer to help with our mobile clinics!
https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090944A8A72FA0FF2-tussing5Required Online Forms
You can find step-by-step instructions on how to update your Infinite Campus information and submit your emergency medical OneView forms on the Pickerington Schools website:
Required School Fees
The preferred method of payment is by logging into the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. While schools accept a check or cash, paying via the Parent Portal ensures there is a record of payment (and that students do not misplace a check or cash.)
- Kindergarten: $19.00
- First grade: $17.00
- Second grade: $17.50
- Third grade: $22.00
- Fourth grade: $22.00
Where applicable, the cost of student planners is included in school fees. Families who are financially unable to pay for necessary materials should refer to Board Policy 6152.01 regarding fee waivers. Applications are available in the school office. Failure to pay school fees will result in school records being held until payment is received.
Students with limited or no internet access in their homes can gain access to WiFi for their homework and other school projects thanks to a new Pickerington Schools program.
Students can borrow the devices from their building media center. There is no cost to students to borrow the hotspots, which were funded by the district and through a grant from T-Mobile.
Complete information about the program, including instructions for requesting a hotspot, are available online under Every-1-Connected.
Free & Reduced Price Meals
Additionally, each week the H.O.P.E. Packs Program offers a weekend bag of food for children. Please complete the below application to receive the weekly food bags throughout the school year.
Music Message from Mr. Joy
Do you like to sing and have fun with your friends? We will be holding our second annual PLSD Elementary Music Festival. This year’s theme is Sing! and will feature music from around the world and tons of fun games. There will also be performances by the combined Pickerington North and Pickerington Central High School Choirs.
Keep an eye out for registration information in January!
Who: All 4th Grade Students
What: Sing!
When: Saturday, March 2, 2019 (9am Start, 2pm Concert)
Where: Pickerington Central High School
*Cost $10: Includes Lunch and a T-Shirt
*Payment waived for students who qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch
Lost & Found
Stop by our Lost & Found by the cafeteria; Your stuff misses you too!
Does Your Child Need a Coat?
Please make certain your child has dressed appropriately for the weather. We do go outside for recess, weather permitting unless the temperature feels below 28 degrees. If we see a student without a coat, we will make sure they have one.
If your child does not have a coat, please let us know by calling (614-834-2600) or emailing Mrs. White (annette_white@plsd.us).
If you would like to donate a coat, we can use sizes to fit school-aged children. Thank you!
Adult English Classes
Please see the below flyer and contact Cara Brill (cara_brill@plsd.us) for additional information.
Dates to Remember
1/7: Classes Resume
1/11: Grade Cards Sent Home
1/17: Limo Rides for Qualifying Students
1/18: No School - Professional Development
1/21: No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
2/6: Delayed Start - Professional Development
2/18: No School - as long as we do not have a snow day before then
Tussing Elementary
Email: tes_attend_vm@plsd.us
Website: https://www.pickerington.k12.oh.us/tussing-elementary/
Location: 7117 Tussing Road, Reynoldsburg, OH, USA
Phone: 614.834.2600
Facebook: facebook.com/tussingelementary
Twitter: @Mr_Dansby