C.I.S. April Newsletter
April 2024
Cameron R-I Mission and Vision
Mission - The mission of the Cameron R-1 School District is to educate and empower our students to reach their full potential.
Vision - The vision of the Cameron R-1 School District is to offer an exceptional educational experience.
Character Students for March
Congratulations to our dynamic C.I.S. students for showing Respect in March. Pictured are the students that represented their class as the March Character Students of the Month!
No School Days This Month
April 1-2 was Spring break
Celebrations for the Month
April 3 was Paraprofessional Appreciation Day. Thank you to Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Strohm, Mr. Blake, Mrs. Ashlock, Mrs. Slates, Mrs. Ritter and Mrs. McCullough for thier dynamic work!
April 4 was School Librarian Appreciation Day. Thank you to our Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Pennington, for her outstanding literacy work.
April 5 was Assistant Principal Day. Thank you to Mrs. Sedgwick for her unwavering support of students and staff.
April 24 is Administrative Assistant Day. Thank you to Mrs. Morley for her spectacular work with the community, parents, students and teachers.
Please try to schedule appointments around these weeks. If your child will miss a day during these weeks please let us know as soon as possible so we can get them on a make-up schedule.
Students will be testing the following weeks.
STAR Reading - Week of April 15
Missouri Assessment Program - 5th grade Science on April 23 and 24
Missouri Assessment Program - 3rd-5th grade ELA the week of April 29
Missouri Assessment Program - 3rd-5th grade Math the week of May 6
C.I.S. Spring Musical Dates
April 18 - 5th Grade Musical at 6:00p.m. at the High School Performing Arts Center
May 13 - 3rd Grade Musical at 6:00p.m. at the High School Performing Arts Center
May 13 - 4th Grade Musical at 7:00p.m. at the High School Performing Arts Center
Welcome to Cameron R-I Video
Specials Color Days
Cameron R-I School District Character Traits
C.I.S. School Day Hours
2023-2024 Cameron R-I School District Calendar
Cameron Intermediate
Website: www.cameron.k12.mo.us
Location: 915 Park Avenue, Cameron, MO, USA
Phone: 816-882-1046
Facebook: facebook.com/cameronintermediateschool