RMS Counseling Chronicles
All Things Fall
Welcome Back To School!
The Rawlinson Counselors serve students by Alpha. Although we are each assigned to specific students we are all available to support every student on campus. It's going to be an AMAZING year full of new and exciting experiences!
Meet Your Counselors
Guidance and Counseling Program
Our Mission
As the counselors at Rawlinson Middle School, it is our mission to provide a comprehensive and developmentally appropriate guidance and curriculum program that addresses the social, emotional and academic developmental needs of all students in a safe and nurturing environment. We are committed to collaborating with parents, guardians, staff and other community members to provide the necessary support to enable and empower all students to become successful productive citizens and life-long learners in our diverse and ever changing world.
We the counselors, at Rawlinson, serve our students so they can reach their full social, emotional and academic potential. We strive to build emphatic leaders with strong character, who respect themselves and others. We are dedicated to helping students grow and continue to have life-long success and make a positive impact in their community.
We Believe That...
- Every student can succeed when provided the proper supports and encouragement.
- Learning is a lifelong process that requires risk-taking and a positive growth mindset.
- All children are unique and should be treated with respect and dignity.
- The diverse needs of all students must be addressed through the school counseling program.
- Fostering a positive self-image is the collaborative effort of the school, home, and community, and is necessary for students to reach their full academic, social and emotional potential.
- A comprehensive, developmentally appropriate school counseling program provides important benefits to individual students by addressing their academic, social and emotional needs.
- A comprehensive, developmental school counseling program is not a support service but an integral part of the total education program.
Guidance & Counseling Services
Since children may experience a variety of concerns at different developmental stages, Rawlinson's Guidance & Counseling Program offers many services that assist students in acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for healthy emotional and social development. Guidance and counseling services are offered for all children in grades 6th-8th grade.
The guidance and counseling program at Rawlinson is designed to be proactive and preventative as well as developmental. The counselors at Rawlinson work with students in three different settings:
- All students in 6th - 8th receive classroom guidance lessons.
- Students may be invited to participate in a small group counseling setting. In small group counseling, the counselor teaches specific skills to 3-8 students at a time. These groups meet during the school day for six to eight 30 minute sessions.
- The counselor sees individual students when they have a social, emotional or academic concern, which may interfere with their ability to learn or concentrate in school. An appointment may be made to see the counselor by the student, teacher, parent or by invitation of the counselor.
Calling All Parents!!!!
Be A Presenter!
Rawlinson Middle School is excited to announce our upcoming Career Day. This event will be held on Wednesday, February 14, 2024 and we need your help! We are in search of community members, parents, and family members to speak to our Patriots about employment, education requirements, special training, and other experiences relative to their careers. Our goal is to expose RMS students to a variety of career options while demonstrating how workers use the knowledge they have gained in school on their jobs. With your partnership we know we can meet our goal!
If you are interested in being a guest speaker and would like more information, please fill out this form. The RMS Counseling Department will contact you with specific details!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Back to School Transition Tips
RMS Counseling Reset Room
The Rawlinson Counselors are committed to enabling and empowering all students to become successful problem solvers. We value the importance of mental health and the impact it has on academics. The RMS Reset Room was created to provide a safe and private space that allows students to de-escalate and refocus on positive coping strategies and restorative practices so that students can promptly return to the regular learning environment with a minimal loss of instructional time.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month
Bully Prevention Month
October is National Bully Prevention Month. At Rawlinson, our goal is create an environment in which students feel safe and connected. During the month of October, the counseling team will deliver guidance lessons that focus on social behaviors that focus on showing respect and kindness to all. We will also discuss what to do if you if you or someone you know is in a situation that is unsafe.
National Parent Helpline
San Antonio Food Bank
Home Access Center
The Home Access Center (HAC) allows parents to register students, complete data verification, access report cards, and track attendance.