Maple Grove Fox Report
March 12, 2024
Principal's Corner
If your child is currently attending MGCS and plans on attending MGCS next school year please fill out the Athens Registration. The deadline to register is May 24, 2024 to hold your child's spot here at MGCS https://www.athens1.org/page/online-registration
What amazing weather we have been having! It is perfect weather for our Maple trees to run. The kids love this long standing tradition that teaches encompasses a hard work ethic, math, literacy, team work.
Please continue to have your child read nightly to continue their monthly reading log goal! Our school goal is to have 100% attendance at our next reading incentive. Students who meet their reading goal each month and miss no more than 1 month get to be put in a drawing for a bike and sweatshirts from our Hamburg and Corning Fire Department. Keep reading!
I hope to see everyone at our Family Night/Open House on Thursday this week and dinner will be served!
Parent Teacher Conferences
THANK YOU to families for your attending conferences! If you are still in need to meet with a teacher, please reach out to a specific teacher!
THANK YOU to the PTO and parent volunteers for the 2 amazing meals for the staff. We are blessed to have giving and thoughtful parents!
Open House / Family Night
Our Open House / Family Night will be Thursday, March 14th from 4:30-6:30. We will have Olive Garden soup and breadsticks along with a campfire and art show in the gym. This is a time to ask questions and visit new classrooms and teachers.
Raffle Donations Needed
We are looking for donations for our upcoming Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser if you have some items you would like to donate from you, someone you know, or a business you know is willing to donate please drop it off to school by March 25 and we will get it to Trina, who is organizing all the baskets. Any little bit helps! Thank you so much for your support with this!
No School Dates for March/April
- March 28th
- March 30th
- April 1st
Maple Grove Charter School Application for 2024-2025
Enrollment Application is happening now until April 30th. If you are currently NOT enrolled or know someone who is looking to come to Maple Grove please have them fill out the application at this link. This is for new families or new incoming Kindergarteners. If the child does not live in the School District of Athens they will also need to fill out the form on the DPI site that is linked in our application. If you know a family that is thinking about enrolling I am more than happy to talk with them and give them a tour of our amazing school and grounds, just have them contact me or the main office. We are looking forward to another great year in the 2024-2025 school year!
Spare Change - Student Council
Student Council raised $138 to go towards the school dance they will sponsor later this spring!
Thank you to our student volunteers and student council for your help in this!
Maple Syrup Fundraiser - 5th grade sponsored
All fundraising forms are due March, 15th to the Maple Grove Office. Syrup pick up date is yet to be determined.
Also congrats to Briana Beaty on her winning logo design!
Read Across America Week
MGCS celebrated Dr. Seuss Week/Read Across America Week last week! Every student also went home with a book!
Monday, March 4: Wear your favorite hat, Cat in the Hat
Tuesday, March 5: Wear a shirt you can read, I can Read with my Eyes Shut
Wednesday, March 6: Wear your wacky clothes, hair, socks, etc. Wacky Wednesday
Thursday, March 7: Pajama Day, Sleep Book
Thank you to our guest readers - you are always welcome to read again!
Kwik Trip Fundraiser - Maple Grove Foundation
We are continuing to promote the Kwik Trip Giftcard fundraiser! 5% of each card purchased benefits our school! If you have any questions please contact Cindy Artus at 715-551-3808. If you are in need of another order form, contact Ms. Byer. Thank you for helping our learners!
Artastic Club
Congrats to Melody for winning the "Wearable Art" contest.
Upcoming Events
3/11 Artastic Club 3:00-5:00
3/11 PTO Meeting 3:30
3/11 Governance Board Meeting 5:30
3/13 Puberty Talk (grade 5 only) at Athens
3/14 Open Enrollment Opens - https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment
3/15 Maple Syrup Fundraiser Order form due
3/18 Athens Board Meeting 5:00
3/20 End of 3rd quarter
3/22 Popcorn day
3/26 KG school forest / 4th student council *weather permitting*
3/27 Student birthday lunches
3/28-3/29, 4/1 NO SCHOOL