South St. Paul High School Weekly
The Principal's Newsletter: September 8, 2023
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From the Principal's office!
Happy Friday Packer Families,
What an awesome week we had at SSP High School. It has been a blast to have the students back in their classrooms, in the hallways, and in the cafeteria. It has been a great week.
Just a couple of reminders:
- Do not drop your student off in the parking lot or in the Central Square parking lot.
- At the start of the school day, please drop the students off on 2nd Street (south side of SSP Secondary) or on 3rd Street (north side of SSP Secondary- by the auditorium). Do not drop students off in the parking lot or in the Central Square Parking lot. Those drop off locations are reserved for our Students with Special Needs and our senior citizens.
- At the end of the day, please use 2nd Street (south side of SSP Secondary) or 3rd Street (north side of SSP Secondary- by the auditorium). Do not pick up students in the school parking lot or in the Central Square Parking lot. Those pick up locations are reserved for our Students with Special Needs and our senior citizens.
- We will be having several fire drills and lockdown drills this month and next month. More information regarding the drills can be found below.
Have a nice weekend! Go Packers!
Mr. Chuck Ochocki
South St. Paul High School Principal
700 2nd Street North
South St. Paul, MN 55075
(651) 457-9402
Packer Pride: Today. Tomorrow. Forever.
Weekly Activity HOME Schedule
Want to see our students and staff in action? Come watch them at a home event. Here is the link to this weeks schedule: Weekly HOME Schedule
Important upcoming dates:
September 14: Fire Drill at 9:00 AM
September 15: Lockdown Drill at 1:50 PM
September 20: Late Start-Doors open at 9:15 and school starts at 9:30
September 27: Late Start AND Packer Plus- W.I.N. Wednesday starts
September 28: Fire Drill at 8:00 AM
September 29: Lockdown Drill at 9:00 AM
Safety and Security Update
South St. Paul Public Schools (SSPPS) is committed to the safety of every student, staff member and person who enters our buildings. From the time they arrive in the morning to the time they leave in the afternoon, the wellbeing of our students and staff remains our top priority. District and school leaders continue to partner with local law enforcement and other agencies to plan, prepare, and implement a safe and supportive learning environment. This summer, SSPPS teamed up with the “I Love You Guys” Foundation and SSP Police to implement the Foundation’s Standard Response Protocol (SRP) system. A key part of this SRP is for all staff, students, and families to have the same knowledge of protocols in case of an emergency. Staff have been and students will be trained on the SRP system and have discussed what each of their roles are in the various situations. All families should take a moment to look over the Safety & Security webpage to learn more about the Standard Response Protocols at SSPPS.
Emergency Drills
Each school is required, per MN Statute, to perform five 5 lockdown drills, 5 fire drills, and 1 severe weather drill each school year. One lockdown and one fire drill must each be completed within the first 10 days of school and 4 fire drills and 4 lockdown drills need to be completed before November 1.
The primary objective of a drill is for participants to build muscle memory and practice an action to use in various events or situations. A secondary objective is for school staff to validate procedures, clarify roles and identify operational process gaps.
Drills are for staff and students and are educational opportunities to practice life safety skills. For example, an evacuation drill is conducted at schools worldwide regularly. A fire alarm goes off, students line up and head outside. There is no trauma in these events because there is no simulation of a threat or hazard. Schools do not light fires in the hallways to simulate an evacuation due to fire.
Lockdown drills are similar. There is no simulated violence needed to conduct them. The only information needed is for the protocol to be enacted, “Lockdown, locks, lights, out of sight,” and then students and staff perform those specific functions. Prior to a drill being conducted, an announcement will be made notifying students and staff that a drill is going to happen. Teachers will then provide a space for discussion both before and after each drill.
Listed below are the emergency drill dates for the 2023-24 school year. These dates are subject to change pending weather or other circumstances. If a scheduled lockdown drill changes, families will be notified of the new date. Families wanting their children to be exempt from the lockdown drills should contact the school office.
Fire Drills:
9/8/23 at 1:45 PM
9/14/23 at 9:00 AM
9/28/23 at 8:00 AM
10/16/23 at 1:40 PM
10/26/23 at 8:00 AM
Lockdown Drills:
9/15/23 at 1:50 PM
9/29/23 at 9:00 AM
10/17/23 at 11:40 AM
10/27/23 at 1:40 PM
10/30/23 at 7:55 AM
Student Classroom Passes- changes to our current practice
•No Classroom Passes the first 30 minutes of each class period*
•Students will need to turn in their phone/device in to use the classroom pass
•All bathrooms will be open 30 minutes into each class period and will remain open until the start of the next class period.
Why 30 minutes? The first 30 minutes of class period is crucial. It is the time where yesterday's lesson is connect to the lesson of the day. It is when direct instruction from the teacher occurs and when the most important details of the lesson are shared. We want all students in class so that they do not miss a single minute of this important instruction.
*IEPs and 504 Plans will be followed and in case of emergencies, educators you use their best judgement.
Packer Plus: "What I Need" Wednesdays-changes to our current practice
Here are the changes that we are making to the Packer Plus: "What I Need" Wednesdays program:
- Students that have a C or lower will be coming in to school to get additional support in their classes. Students that have a C+ and above in their classes can complete their school work from home (with parent/guardian permission).
All 9th graders will be attending school everyday in Trimester 1. Wednesday is still for additional support or extensions. We really want to teach the 9th grade students how to be high school students.
9th and 10th graders: If the student needs to come in for one class, they are attending all their classes. Students not needing additional support will be completing the extension assignment.
Additional Support/Extension on Wednesday: Teachers will create 2 W.I.N. Wednesday folders for each week: C and lower (for Additional support), C+ and higher (extension). These folders will be placed in each of your student's Schoology courses.
W.I.N. Wednesday will start after the 3rd week of each trimester and Late Starts will take place every Wednesday.
Acceleration- We are looking at a way of allowing students to do a free online course through Coursera or Khan Academy to possibly earn an elective credit.
*What is Extension ? Extension is a term we are using to describe the work students will be doing during W.I.N. Wednesday, if the student is not receiving additional support. Extension exercises will allow our students to dive deeper into the topic that the class is currently studying. This will allow are students to gain a more complex understanding of the current topic of study.
Traffic Flow Changes Near the Secondary Building
This fall there are changes to the traffic flow near the Secondary Building. Due to the construction of the new library adjacent to the high school, traffic flow on 7th Ave N and 2nd St N will change. The 100 block of 7th Ave N between Marie Ave and 2nd Street N will change to one-way traffic. One-way traffic will continue on the curve to 2nd St N (yellow arrows). The one-way traffic will end when 2nd St N meets 8th Ave N (red arrows). See the diagram below.
Want some new Packer Spirit Wear?
Want some new Packer Spirit Wear to wear at our events, around town, or just at home?
Here is the link: https://shop.game-one.com/minnesota/south-saint-paul/south-st-paul-packers
Password is: packers
If your family is experiencing homelessness...
For more information please look at the resources at the following link: https://www.sspps.org/departments/student-services/special-education
Additional resources can also be found at https://www.co.dakota.mn.us/HealthFamily/PublicAssistance/Housing/Pages/default.aspx or MDE's website: https://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/ESEA/home/
Join our Team!
We're looking for people interested in part-time work with the school district. Flexible, daytime hours for you to work while your student is in school. We are currently hiring for a variety of positions including, but not limited to: Lunch room, maintenance, student supervisors, paraprofessionals, and more. Click on the link below to view all openings and to apply.
Need to contact me?
Email: cochocki@sspps.org
Website: https://www.sspps.org
Location: 700 2nd Street North, South Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-457-9402