CPA Tiger Talk
March 4-8, 2024

Gently Used Uniforms Needed!
Does your family have gently used uniforms that you no longer use that you could donate to CPA? There is a CPA Uniform Drive from Feb 1- March 15 as part of the Senior Legacy Projects!
All sizes (PreK-High School) are needed. Drop off your donations in either CPA office between the hours of 8am-3pm by March 15.
For questions, please contact keng.yang@cpapk12.org, kian.xiong@cpapk12.org, sahil.karimi@cpapk12.org, or arash.rashid@cpapk12.org. Thanks for your support!
CPA Uniform Policy
All students must wear:
- A CPA shirt as the outermost layer
- Blue, Black, Khaki or Gray Solid Color Pants or Shorts
- OR Girls’ Navy Uniform Jumper, Skirt or Skort (elementary only)
Please review the full uniform policy in our Family Handbook for further details. Thank you!
Words of Wisdom
"Don't ever underestimate the importance you have, because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own."
-Michelle Obama
Ethical Principle of the Month
Monday March 11: Board of Directors Meeting, 6pm
Monday March 11-Thursday March 14: CPA Book Fair (see below)
Wednesday March 13: Elementary Conferences (In Person)
Thursday March 14: Elementary Conferences (In Person)
Thursday March 14: No School for Elementary (Grades PreK-4)
Friday March 15: No School for staff and students
Tuesday March 19: Middle School Conferences (In Person)
Thursday March 21: Middle School Conferences (Virtual)
Tuesday March 26: ACT Testing for 11th Grade Students
Tuesday March 26: Virtual Learning Day for 10th and 12th Grade Students ONLY
Tuesday March 26: High School Conferences (In Person)
Thursday March 26: High School Conferences (Virtual)
This Week's Menus
FREE Breakfast Daily from 7:40-8:30am
Free Breakfast is available to all students 7:40-8:30am every day.
Please encourage your students to arrive on time and eat a free breakfast!
Free Meals for All!
New this year: all Minnesota students will receive a free breakfast and lunch every day!
Students who wish to purchase a second lunch may do so. Students or staff can add money to their lunch account using the SchoolPay system.
Current breakfast and lunch menus can be found on the CPA website.
CPA Highlights
Community Partners read together recently & built relationships across grade levels.
Math students learned about apartment leases and signed one with Kumu Yerri.
Preschool students attended the wedding of the letters Q and U!
7th and 8th grade celebrated Leap Day with a leaping contest!
Mr. Carver challenged Isaiah to a push up contest in the hallway!
Follow CPA on Social Media to Stay Connected!
CPA Book Fair March 11-14
Join us for the CPA Book Fair March 11-14! Students will have a chance to shop for books during the school day, and families can visit the Book Fair during elementary conferences!
Visit this website to browse the selection, add money to your child's digital wallet, or make online book purchases. All purchases made through the Book Fair benefit our school. Thanks for supporting our kids! Happy reading!
FAFSA Support for Seniors
On Tuesday March 5 during periods 6 and 7, Ms. Hall and TRIO staff will be helping seniors complete the FAFSA. Students should check their email for details about what information to bring.
If you have any questions, please contact CPA Guidance Counselor Carmita Hall (carmita.hall@cpapk12.org or 651-280-4516).
High School Attendance Initiative
In our dedication to academic success, I’m excited to share our attendance initiative with you. Throughout the month of March, each ethics class will engage in a competition aimed at promoting regular attendance to school and punctuality throughout the day.
Your support is instrumental in ensuring your child's consistent attendance. Please continue to emphasize the importance of education for social and academic success.
-Jason Carver, High School Principal
Sign Up for PSEO!
PSEO registration for Fall 2024 is underway!
PSEO is a great way to start the college experience while in high school. Qualified students can take college classes for free, earning high school and college credits at the same time for no cost.
Please contact CPA Guidance Counselor Carmita Hall (carmita.hall@cpapk12.org or 651-280-4516) for more information or to sign up!
Fall 2024 Enrollment Requirements
Plan ahead so your family is ready for fall 2024! Before attending school, students in preschool, kindergarten, 7th grade, and 12th grade must have certain documentation on file in the CPA office.
- Families of preschool and kindergarten students must submit proof of a Birth Certificate, an Early Childhood Screening, and an Immunization Record.
- Families of 7th grade students must submit proof of an additional Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis) booster and a Meningococcal immunization.
- Families of 12th grade students must submit proof of a second Meningococcal immunization.
If you have questions, please contact the school office.
11th Grade ACT Update
All CPA 11th Grade students have been registered to take the ACT exam on Tuesday, March 26th at CPA. The ACT is a standardized test used for college admission. You can find more information at the following links:
Apply with Tree Trust!
Tree Trust is hosting a Spring Career Fair on Wednesday, March 6th from 11am-5pm at Arlington Hills Community Center!
They are currently hiring for:
- Summer Youth Employment Program (ages 14–21)
- Branches Tree Care and Landscaping Program (ages 18–28 with high school degree or in Transitions Program)
- St. Paul Planting Program (St. Paul residents ages 16 -28)
- Summer Staff (age 19 or older)
This event will feature a hands-on landscaping design activity, big ideas career lab, and free food from Brasa!
RSVP to Joan.Frentz@treetrust.org so they can plan enough food for guests.
This is a community event. CPA staff is not coordinating or leading this event.
MN Department of Revenue Updates
Child Tax Credit
Minnesotans can now claim the Child Tax Credit, with no limit on the number of children claimed. You must file a 2023 individual income tax return in order to claim the credit. Most taxpayers who are eligible to claim the new Child Tax Credit are also eligible for free tax preparation assistance. Learn more about income requirements and qualifications on the Child Tax Credit webpage.
The tax credit of up to $1750 per child is estimated to cut child poverty by up to one third in Minnesota. Nearly 300,000 households including 513,000 children are estimated to qualify for the credit.
Save Receipts for School Supplies
The Minnesota Department of Revenue offers two valuable tax benefits for parents who purchase school supplies for their K-12 students: the K-12 Education Credit and Subtraction. These benefits can reduce parents’ taxes to increase their refund, but is only available for those who keep their receipts. Purchases for most school supplies, field trips, and musical instruments for school band are eligible.
Most Minnesota parents qualify for the K-12 subtraction, which reduces their taxable income. Parents under certain income limits may also qualify for the K-12 credit, which can refund up to 75% of their costs – even for parents who do not owe any taxes. Visit Revenue's website for details.
CPA 2024-2025 Calendar
The CPA Board of Directors approved and published the 2024-2025 Calendar. You can access the calendar here or by clicking on the download below.
Athletics Shirts for Sale!
The shirts feature the CPA Athletics logo and cost $20 for adult sizes and $15 for youth sizes. A portion of the proceeds from sales will go toward the CPA Athletics department. Thanks for your support! GO TIGERS!
Get your CPA Swag!
CPA uniform shirts can be purchased through the office. Anyone who is interested in additional uniform clothing options is encouraged to visit CPA's Online Spiritwear Store to personalize and order CPA apparel and accessories. Discount codes change frequently but are visible on the spirit store website.
Please Note: Names on any student apparel must be your last name only. If the name on your apparel is not your last name, the item is considered out of uniform and you will not be allowed to wear the item during the school day.
Student Drop-off Procedures
If you drop your students off at CPA, they must be dropped off at Door E on Jessamine (by the RGA).
Please do not drop students off in the bus zone on Magnolia prior to 7:55am.
How do you want us to contact you?
Visit the SchoolNow website (https://www.schoolnow.com/get-started/comofpeace) and sign in with your email address or phone number. You can also download the SchoolNow app to stay even more connected!
Attendance Reporting
- Elementary School Attendance Line: 651-280-4534
- Middle School Attendance Line: 651-289-3740
- High School Attendance Line: 651-280-4535
- Email: CPAAttendance@cpapk12.org
- Attendance Online Form: Available through the CPA Website
Every Meal Weekend Food Support
Translation Support
If you prefer, our liaisons will be happy to translate or explain any announcements in Tiger Talk or answer any questions you have about CPA. Contact Maikao Lee at 651-280-4545 (Hmong), Mariana Majil at 651-289-3742 (Spanish), or Paw Nay Bu at 651-280-4591 (Karen) for support.
If your phone number, address, or enrollment plans change, please call 651-776-5151 to let us know. Thank you!
Community of Peace Academy
Email: connect@cpapk12.org
Website: cpapk12.org
Location: 471 Magnolia Avenue East, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-776-5151
Facebook: facebook.com/CPATigers