Welcome to Thomas Middle School
A Newsletter for Future 6th Grade Timberwolves
April 10, 2024
Tomorrow, Thursday, 4/11/24, is the big day! We have two Parent Sessions planned and hope that you'll attend one (or both) Parent Presentations. These sessions are intended for parents as students will have Student Sessions later this month.
We have 6 STEPS in the transition process from elementary school to Thomas Middle School:
STEP #1 - PARENT PRESENTATIONS: Thursday, April 11th @ 9 AM via Zoom & 6 PM in person at TMS.
Here is the Zoom information which is also located on the TMS Calendar:
ID: 81502170772
Passcode: 077714
(US) +1 386-347-5053
Passcode: 077714
Both of these sessions are identical, but the evening session provides time for parents to tour the building. These Parent Presentations are an adult only events and all parents are welcome to join us for one or both sessions. These events will give parents an opportunity to learn about the amazing programs we offer and gain insights on what the middle school journey entail
STEP #2 - STUDENT VISIT/CLASS FIELD TRIP - During the last week in April, all of the future 6th graders from Olive, Greenbrier, Ivy Hill, Patton, Westgate, and Windsor take a field trip to TMS with their class. At that time, students will learn all about what to expect in middle school. The students will meet the school administrators, take a tour of the building, and attend a question and answer session with TMS student leaders.
STEP #3 - TMS WEBQUEST ASSIGNMENT - On the TMS website you'll find a Quick Link on the TMS homepage called "6th Grade & New Families Start Here." This link has several resources such as online videos for future 6th graders and families new to District 25. There's also a link called TMS In's and Out's which lists essential information about TMS protocols and procedures. These resources are currently available and will be explored through the Webquest assignment given to the students during their field trip to visit TMS in April. Students can work on this assignment at home, at their leisure with friends and or family members. This activity allows the students and families to take a deep dive into all things TMS. The Webquest directions will be given to the students at the Student Visit in April.
STEP #4 - 6TH GRADE STUDENT ORIENTATION: Friday, August 23rd from 9-11 AM. All incoming 6th grade students are invited to attend this event. Students will have an opportunity to tour the building, visit their homeroom classroom, and meet peers that are in their homeroom. This is a student only event.
STEP #5 - LOCKER SET-UP: Friday, August 23rd from 11:15 AM - 3 PM. All Students and families are welcome to attend this drop in event to set-up student lockers. This is an ideal time for students to practice opening their lockers and to organize all of their school materials.
STEP #6 - BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT: Thursday, August 29th from 4-7 PM. All TMS students and parents can walk the hallways and complete the locker set-up during this time.
As Timberwolves, we take great Pride in our Pack, and look forward to welcoming all of the new members!
Lori, Nick, & Greg
Nick Filipowski, Associate Principal
Lori Naumowicz, Principal
Greg Keadle, Associate Principal
Check out what the amazing TMS PTA has going on:
- The TMS PTA Spirit Wear Sale is open now through 4/18/24
- The TMS PTA Flower and Plant Sale is open now through 4/10/24 *This deadline was extended!
- PTA Nominations: The TMS PTA is taking nominations for the 2024-2025. We are looking for a President-Elect and Vice-President. Please nominate yourself or anyone interested in this linked form. Reach out to Thomasmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com with questions.
- All 6th grade physicals must be dated on or after 8/29/23 and are due by 10/15/2024. The physical must be turned in by October 15th, 2024 OR YOUR STUDENT WILL BE EXCLUDED.
- All 6th grade students will also need to provide proof of the Tdap and Meningococcal State required immunizations.
- Dental Forms must be dated after November 15th of 2023 and are due 5/15/25.
- If the 6th grader is participating in Cross Country we must have the physical by the first day of practice which starts in early August.
- PLEASE do not wait until the last minute to schedule appointments as they fill up quickly.
- Paperwork can be mailed or dropped off at the Thomas Middle School Office or emailed to the TMS Nurse - Laura Toussaint (ltoussaint@sd25.org).
- Health Forms can be found at this link.
TMS PTA Information
Join the TMS PTA and help support the TMS community! Check out the TMS PTA Website.
2023-2024 Executive Board Members
- President: Megan Puzen
- President-Elect: Kris Dugan
- Vice President: Nora Muenkel
- Treasurer: Diane Beardmore
- Secretary: Joclyn Katz
All parents, guardians, and staff are welcome to be members of the PTA. As a member of the PTA, you are welcome to attend the monthly meetings, share suggestions, discuss events, and volunteer your time. PTA membership includes 1 copy of the TMS yearbook.
PTA Nominations: The TMS PTA is taking nominations for the 2024-2025. We are looking for a President-Elect and Vice-President. Please nominate yourself or anyone interested in this linked form. Reach out to Thomasmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com with questions.
PTA Flower and Vegetable Sale: Don't forget, click here to place your order for the PTA Flower and Vegetable Sale - Sales end on April 5th!
TMS PTA meetings are held in the TMS LMC and via Zoom at 7 p.m. All are welcome to attend!
- Tuesday, May 7 *Last meeting of the year!
Do you have questions or wish to put your name in for a position with our PTA? Email the PTA at: thomasmiddleschoolpta@gmail.com