Monday Notes
March 25th, 2024

All-State Audition Material
Audition Dates
As you might know, the Executive Committee met in late March to finalize many details of the 2025 All-State Music Festival & In-Service Conference. One topic that was discussed was audition dates. The Committee made every effort to move choir audition dates earlier, however after considering the many fall breaks it became evident that an earlier window wasn't realistic. Hopefully in the future when school calendars become a bit more unified we can look at this again.
Advocacy Challenge
It is that time of the year to really start looking ahead and meet this week's advocacy challenge. Start now so the calendar can be shared with parents and administrators before summer break.
- Begin working on next year’s calendar
General Music Survey
An idea was brought forward to have the General Music Section meeting at the conference on Wednesday afternoon rather than at lunch on Thursday. General Music Teacher (only), please take this quick, one question, survey to provide feedback to the Executive Committee.
All-State Ensemble Programs
The 2025 All-State Ensemble programs have been finalized. Click here to view the exciting programs in store for your students! These programs are also accessible via the NMMEA website.