Elevate Monthly

Superintendent's Message
Dear Laramie County School District 1 community,
As the season changes and we are seeing more sunshine, I am excited to report that our spring activities are well underway. From athletic events to academic competitions, our students are engaged in a variety of extracurricular activities. Many of our students are competing at the regional, state, and national levels, and it is always the highlight of my week when we can recognize them for their achievements at our Board of Trustees meetings.
When students get involved, we know it not only helps foster their talents but promotes teamwork, school spirit, and personal growth. Additionally, data shows that involved students tend to perform well in the classroom, which increases our students’ likelihood of success.
Speaking of springtime, testing season is also upon us. Our students are preparing to take a variety of assessments including WY-TOPP, ACT, AP and IB exams. I am excited to see them excel and demonstrate what they have learned over the school year.
As we approach the culmination of another academic year, graduation is rapidly approaching. Dates and times are on the district website as well as each school’s website. It is always an exciting time for celebrating our students’ accomplishments and all those who have helped them along the way.
Looking ahead, summer school is around the corner. Please contact your child’s teacher if you believe they need an additional boost. Additionally, online household registration will continue throughout the summer. More information can be found on the district website.
Thank you for your partnership this school year. I look forward to working with you as we finish this school year on a strong note.
Dr. Stephen Newton
Superintendent of Schools
April is the Month of the Military Child! LCSD1 extends its greatest respect to all military families.
In honor of Month of the Military Child, a variety of events and celebrations are being held around the district. Many schools are holding Purple Up days, during which the color purple is worn to honor military families.
Hobbs sixth grader wins American History Essay Contest
Brylee Bean, a sixth grade student at Hobbs Elementary, recently won the Cheyenne chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution's American History Essay Contest.
Bean acted as a newspaper reporter and wrote about the 1897 song "Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Philip Sousa. The report included the story behind the song and Sousa's life, thoughts about the music, and how the audience reacted when they heard it. -Photo courtesy of Hobbs Elementary
A Piece of the Outback
Alta Vista Elementary students were treated to a weeklong visit from Australian performing artist Paul Taylor, who shared Australian and Aboriginal Australian culture through a number of fun games and activities.
Taylor, who describes himself as a storyteller, didgeridoo player and traveler, worked in Alta Vista’s art, music and P.E. classes to introduce the students to many aspects of Australian history, art, music and dance.
Liane McIlwaine, a resource room teacher at Alta Vista, said Taylor was invited to the school to give students an enriching exposure to another culture.
“Paul taught them about how history plays out and impacts our everyday lives,” McIlwaine said. “He showed students how music, art, P.E. and academics can cross-inform and enhance performance in each area, respectively.”
During Taylor’s time there, students made didgeridoos, bullroarers and boomerangs. They also participated in dances and even a makeshift game of cricket.
“The students had smiles on their faces, enjoyed learning new dances and are still singing the songs he taught them,” McIlwaine said.
At the end of Taylor’s visit, students performed these dances for the entire school and for the proud parents that joined the audience.
McIlwaine said the visit was funded by the Laramie County School District 1 Curriculum and Innovative Program Council, the Alta Vista Parent-Teacher Organization and by private donors.
“The students enjoyed the visit with Paul and loved his willingness to share his culture.” -Photos & text by Brad White
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality speaks at East science class
The Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) was invited to give a presentation on landfills to students in East High's advanced placement science program.
The lecture detailed the design and construction of landfills, as well as the many types of scientists working with the DEQ.
The AP science students are learning about solid waste in their next topic. -Photo courtesy of the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
Ms. Martin's fourth grade class at Dildine Elementary learned about the solar eclipse by completing multiple activities. They even had the chance to go outside and view it in person! -Photos courtesy of Dildine Elementary
LCSD1 Superintendent Dr. Stephen Newton recently spoke about his vision for the district at the Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce luncheon. -Photo by Megan Case
Parent Updates
2024 LCSD1 graduation ceremonies to be held at Frontier Park
Laramie County School District 1 will once again be partnering with Cheyenne Frontier Days to host its 2024 graduation ceremonies at Frontier Park, 1230 W. 8th Ave.
With the exception of Triumph High School, all ceremonies will be held on Friday, May 24. Triumph High’s graduation will be held on Thursday, May 23 at 4 p.m. in Storey Gymnasium, 2811 House Ave.
The ceremonies on Friday, May 24 are scheduled as follows:
- 9 a.m., East High School
- 1 p.m., Central High School
- 5 p.m., South High School
To accommodate picture opportunities for family and friends, each high school campus will be open immediately following graduation.
April Events
April 22 - Board of Trustees meeting, 6 p.m., Storey Gym Boardroom
May 6-10 - Teacher Appreciation Week
Sept. 14 - Cheyenne Schools Foundation Run for #1 - Early registrations accepted at https://www.raceentry.com/cheyenne-schools-foundation-virtual-run-for-1/race-information