April Family Update
John F. Kennedy Elementary School
What's Happening This April
Hello, JFK families!
Spring is officially upon us, and at JFK we are looking forward to the excitement that comes with warmer weather!
Please consider joining our monthly Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) meeting on Tuesday, April 9th at 6:00 pm. The work of our PTO brings tremendous opportunities to our students, and its success depends on our volunteers. We thank you for your support of our March calendar and Art to Remember fundraisers!
On Thursday, April 11th and Friday, April 12th, students in grades 3-6 will participate in the New York State English Language Arts exams. Communication from Mrs. Bouchard has been shared with families, and will be shared again after our return from the spring break, outlining details for testing.
During the month of April, our Positivity Project focus will be on the character strengths of humor, purpose, and appreciation of beauty & excellence.
Humor means you like to laugh and bring smiles to other people. Humor is a sense of playfulness and lightness. It is a way of looking at and describing the world that brings laughter to people. A person with the strength of humor is skilled at seeing the funny side of things, bringing smiles and laughter to others, and identifying and communicating the absurdities in life. People with this strength don’t specifically need to be joke tellers, although many are.
Purpose means you have beliefs about the meaning of life and your life’s purpose. You seek to be part of something greater than yourself. Purpose gives individuals the sense that they are put on this earth for a reason and that they are somehow connected with humanity or the universe. People who possess a sense of purpose believe that they were put on earth for a reason. That reason can have all kinds of variety. It could be to create a unique invention, bring joy through art or music, or raise their children to become good people. These people have a true calling.
Appreciation of beauty and excellence means you notice and value the world’s beauty and people’s skills. You don’t take things for granted. Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence is the ability to identify and enjoy that which is admirable in the world. There are three types of goodness in which positive psychology focuses: physical beauty (e.g. a sunset, a song, or building); an exceptional skill or talent; and moral goodness (e.g. a character strength). Appreciation of beauty can generate awe; appreciation of a skill can generate admiration; and appreciation of moral goodness can generate moral elevation. All of these feelings (awe, admiration, and moral elevation) help us forget ourselves and find increased joy and meaning in the world.
We continue to be proud of the character displayed by all of our students here at JFK!
We look forward to an amazing April at JFK!
Mrs. Frank
Principal, UPK-2
Mrs. Bouchard
Principal, 3-6
Join our PTO
The John F. Kennedy Elementary School PTO is always seeking volunteers. Meetings are held monthly, with volunteers helping to provide our harvest reading event, family sleigh rides, holiday door decorating contest prizes, Art to Remember fundraiser, Scholastic Book Fairs, and much more. PTO events are much loved by our students, and we would love your support! Our next meetings for the 2023-2024 school year will take place on the following Mondays: April 9th, May 6th, and June 3rd at 6:00 pm in the library at JFK. Childcare is provided during each meeting. If you are interested in joining, please email Mrs. Frank at cfrank@ogdensburgk12.org or Mrs. Bouchard at sbouchard@ogdensburgk12.org, or join us at our next meeting! We are always open to new membership, new fundraising ideas, and your thoughts on what would benefit JFK. The PTO can also be reached at their new email address: johnfkennedypto22@gmail.com
JFK PTO Facebook Page
Don't forget to like the JFK PTO Facebook page for updates on fundraisers and PTO sponsored events. You can find it by clicking here, or search JFK Elementary School PTO on Facebook.
🍕 April Lunch Menu 🌮
JFK Student Council School Store
We hope you are excited for the JFK Student Council School Store! Students may shop on the following days of the cycle: Day 1 (UPK, Jr. Kindergarten, Kindergarten, Grade 1), Day 2 (Grade 2), Day 3 (Grade 3), Day 4 (Grade 4), Day 5 (Grade 5), Day 6 (Grade 6). Available items include pencils, fidgets, keychains, erasers, and more!
April Shout Outs
Each month, our special area teachers select one student from each grades UPK-2 and grades 3-6 deserving of recognition. Please join us in congratulating this month's recognized students!
Hazel Miller
Mrs. Willmart
Hazel (UPK with Mrs. M. Williams) comes to art class with a smile and she is always ready to get right to work! Hazel is very kind to all of her classmates and she helps everyone when it is clean-up time. She creates beautiful works of art and she really takes her time thinking about what she makes! Great job Hazel!
Scarlett LeClair
Physical Education
Mrs. Halladay
Scarlett LeClair (grade 5 with Mrs. Woods) is the PE student of the month. Scarlett is a well rounded student athlete. She is good at everything I throw at her. Scarlett thrives on a challenge. I am excited to see what the future holds for her. Keep pushing yourself Scarlett. The sky's the limit.
Lily Savino
Mrs. Willmart
Lily (grade 4 with Mrs. Tebo) has a wonderful imagination and she can draw wonderful works of art just from memory! Lily comes to art class with a positive attitude, and she treats all of her classmates with kindness and respect. It is a joy to have Lily in art class and I can’t wait to see what she creates each time she comes in! Keep up the great work Lily!
Jazarah Scott
Ms. Sheats
Jazarah Scott (Grade 1 with Mrs. Hammond) is our Music Star of the Month! Jazarah is a musical genius! She tells the class facts about music that I haven’t even taught yet! She has endless creative ideas and is always kind to her teachers and classmates. Amazing work Jazarah!
Joplin Reed
Physical Education
Mrs. Halladay
Joplin Reed (Grade 2 with Mrs. L. Smith) is the PE student of the month. Joplin is a go-getter. She is always ready to play. Joplin's love for athletics is contagious. I can always count on Joplin to follow the rules and to be a great role model. Joplin has a bright future ahead of her. Keep up the good work.
Jason Rafter
Ms. Sheats
Jason Rafter (Grade 5 with Mr. Baxter) is our Musician of the Month! Jason’s excellent composition skills and creative musical ideas make him a fantastic musician! Jason is always helpful to his classmates and always comes to music with a smile and a positive attitude! Great work Jason!
Emma Polniak
Physical Education
Mr. Vernsey
Emma (Grade 1 with Mrs. Hammond) has a never quit attitude in PE class. Emma always gives 100% no matter what sport/game we are playing. Emma is a wonderful teammate to the other students in her class. Keep up the good work Emma!
Logan Amerson
Ms. Huto
Logan (Grade 2 with Mrs. Williams) is very kind, and always comes in to say hello and talk about Art with me. He has a love of Art, and takes time to complete his creations carefully. Logan has a big bright smile, like sunshine, that is contagious. I look forward to seeing more of his artistic creativity!
Lincoln Oakes
Physical Education
Mr. Vernsey
Lincoln (Grade 3 with Mrs. Marshall) is one of the nicest students in all of my PE classes. Lincoln enters PE class with a bright smile and excitement about what we are doing in class today. Lincoln is always helping other students in class or telling them "it's ok" if they make a mistake. If I see Lincoln in the hall he says, "Hi Mr. Vernsey! How are you today? Lincoln is an absolute pleasure to have in PE class.
Vanessa Thomas
Instrumental Music
Mr. McAfee
Vanessa Thomas (Grade 6 with Mrs. Baxter) has taken the band room by storm this year! Vanessa has an excitement to learn and grow that is absolutely infectious, and everyone around better because of it. Thank you Vanessa!
Quinton Farrand
Ms. Huto
Quinton (Grade 5 with Mrs. Woods) has excellent listening skills. Quinton follows directions and takes his time creating his artwork. He cares about his work and his work space. He works very hard to ensure he leaves his space as neat and clean as when he arrives. I appreciate his caring, respectful nature and look forward to seeing what else he creates with us this year!
Sophia Halpin
Instrumental Music
Mr. McAfee
Sophia (Grade 6 with Mrs. Baxter) is the rock of my clarinet and woodwind sections. Sophia is a natural leader and takes on that role by example and by creating an environment where those around her are also excited to learn. Thank you Sophia!
Aiden VanGorden
Physical Education
Mr. Sholette
Aiden (Grade 2 with Mr. Dwyer) enthusiastically participates in Library class. He demonstrates excellent listening skills. He shows enthusiasm for reading and always looks forward to book check out! Keep up the good work, Aiden!
Kane Williams
Physical Education
Mr. Sholette
My student of the month for April is Kane Williams (Grade 1 with Miss Smith). Kane is an excellent athlete and always comes to gym and work hard. Kane does a great job in gym class and helps out classmates if they are struggling with an activity. Great job Kane keep up the good work.
Landon Beaulieu
Ms. Seymour
Landon (Grade 4 with Mrs. Morley) loves to participate in Library class. He is kind and always ready to help others. He shows enthusiasm when selecting books for book check out. Keep up the good work, Landon!
First in Math News with Mrs. Green
Hello again from First in Math! Our students are doing wonderfully with this online program. They have earned 302,867 sticker points and solved at least 908,601 problems.
Our top 5 students are Isabella Farrell, Luke White, Aspen Wulf, Elliana Willard, and Elijah Vernsey.
We have students who have put in over 60 hours using FIM. That is amazing that students are putting in this much time and therefore learning math in a fun, engaging way. These students are: Isabella Farrell, Elijah Vernsey, Zander Power, Luke White, Aspen Wulf, Elliana Willard, and Wyatt Yerdon.
From our School Counselors & Social Worker
Dear JFK Families,
On April 16th, 17th and 18th, a representative from Renewal House will be at our school giving presentations to each classroom in grades UPK through sixth on personal safety. Picture books will be used for grades UPK-4 followed by a short discussion and a handout or coloring sheet, and a PowerPoint Presentation will be used for grades 5 & 6. Each presentation should take about 30 minutes and either a School Counselor or School Social Worker will be present along with the representative from Renewal House. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with your questions or concerns.
Thank you!
And if you're looking for something to fill your days during the spring break, check out the scavenger hunt below!
Mrs. McNichol (UPK-2 Counselor)
(315) 393-4264 x32068
Mrs. Arika Bateman (Grades 3-6 Counselor)
(315) 393-4264 x32868
Mrs. Misty Fishel (School Social Worker)
(315) 393-4264 x33033
From the Health Office
Paige Thornhill, RN, BSN and Adriana Whitmarsh, RN, BSN
2024 Total Solar Eclipse in New York State: Health and Safety
from: https://www.iloveny.com/events/eclipse-2024/safety/
Keep Your Eyes Protected
Do not look directly at the sun during the eclipse (except during the limited time of totality when the sun is completely covered by the moon—and even then, with caution).
Sunglasses will NOT protect your eyes.
If your eyes are exposed to the sun without the appropriate protection, it can cause “eclipse blindness,” which can temporarily or permanently damage your eyes.
One of the best ways to view a solar eclipse is through a pinhole projector where you look at a projected image made through a pinhole in cardboard paper. Or even easier, grab a colander from the kitchen (not the mesh kind, the one with holes in plastic or metal)!
Another way to view a solar eclipse without harming your eyes is by using International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 12312-2 certified eclipse glasses from a trusted source. Further information about safe viewing, including a list of eclipse glasses suppliers, can be found on the American Astronomical Society website.
Don’t Forget the Sunscreen
Springtime weather can be warm and sunny.
The sun throughout the day can be very bright, including during the partial phases of a solar eclipse. It can damage your skin, even in cooler temperatures or on a cloudy day.
To help prevent skin damage, wear a wide-brimmed hat, long-sleeved shirts, and long pants if possible when outdoors.
Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher.
Sunscreen should be applied to dry skin at least 15 minutes before going outdoors and again after swimming or perspiring. Get more information about sun safety from the New York State Department of Health.
Be Prepared While on the Road
Traffic volume is expected to be very high on the day of the eclipse. Plan on staying in one place for the day. If you must be out, allow for plenty of extra travel time.
Consider using 511NY for current travel conditions. Streets or bridges may be closed and depending on your location you may run into extensive traffic jams. 511NY apps can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices.
Prepare by bringing water, fuel, medications, and food in your vehicle.
Do not stop to view the eclipse along the roadway, especially interstates, parkways, and freeways. Choose a safe viewing destination off the road and arrive early to ensure you are ready for the big show!
You May Need Boots and a Jacket
Springtime weather can be cold, snowy, or have significant rainfall.
Be prepared with the appropriate clothing/footwear--such as jackets and boots.
Have alternate plans should the weather present hazards.
If heading out on the trail to see the eclipse, check trail conditions: the Adirondacks can have snow, icy, and muddy conditions depending on elevation. And carry enough safety gear by checking out the Hike Smart and Winter Hike Smart tips.
Watch Out for Ticks and Mosquitoes
If you will be camping or outdoors, be aware of ticks, mosquitoes, and plants like poison ivy that can cause skin irritations. Remember the two adages: “Leaves of Three, Leave them Be!” and “Don’t be a Dope and Touch the Hairy Rope.” Even before the leaves are out, the hairy vines of poison ivy will carry the oils that cause skin irritations.
Cover your skin as completely as possible when in woods or fields. Wear shoes and socks, long pants, and a long-sleeved shirt when outdoors in a tick habitat.
Check yourself for ticks during the day and do a thorough check at the end of the day. If you find a tick, use fine-point tweezers to remove it. Learn about Lyme Disease and other diseases carried by ticks from the New York State Department of Health.
Consider the use of mosquito and tick repellents, which should always be applied according to label directions.
From the Ogdensburg Public Library
This April we are will be focusing in on the Eclipse. The Library will have educational and craft programs all week leading up to the big event. Remember to protect your eyes!
Library Hours
Mondays and Tuesdays 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesdays 11:30 am to 7:00 pm
Thursdays and Fridays 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
Bookstore Hours
Wednesdays 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Thursdays and Fridays 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Take Home Crafts: Available for pickup during library hours. A new craft to pick up and finish at home each week!
Music and Movement: Tuesdays at 11:00 am
A preschool movement and socialization class. Jump your jiggles out and wiggle your waggles away with music, instruments and sensory play. Designed for ages 18 months – 4 years.
Story Time: Thursdays at 11:00 am
Stories, activities and crafts for young children. Socialize, gain early literacy skills and learn to love books during this preschool program. Designed for ages 2-6. A special eclipse Story time will take place on April 4th.
Egg Hunt: Monday, April 1st at 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
An egg hunt followed by Easter activities, designed for ages 3 and up.
Eclipse Glasses Holder: Tuesday, April 2nd at 4:00 pm
Learn to make a shield to place around your eclipse glasses to protect your and your family's eyes, designed for ages 2 and up (with parental assistance).
Eclipse Shirt: Wednesday, April 3rd at 5:00 pm
Use glow in the dark paint to make your very own eclipse shirt. Only size small available - feel free to bring your own dark colored t-shirt, for all ages!
Constellations: Friday, April 5th at 4:00 pm
Learn about and make your own constellations, designed for ages 5 and up.
Paper Beads: Wednesday, April 17th at 5:00 pm
Learn to make paper beads and complete a bracelet, designed for ages 9 and up.
Lego Play: Wednesday, April 24th at 5:00 pm
Complete a challenge or just experiment on your own with Lego bricks. Designed for ages 6-12.
Fishing Gear Checkout
The library loans out fishing gear. Fishing equipment can be checked out by children and adults (those 16 years and older must have a fishing license) You can keep fishing items for up to one week. Available items include:
- Adult Fishing Poles
- Tackle Boxes
- Nets
- Pliers/Grippers
- Children’s Fishing Kits
Library tours and classroom visits are available upon request by emailing dlenney-wallace@ncls.org for more information.
🗓 Coming Up!
School Closed - Spring Break
Thursday, March 28th - Monday, April 8th (including give back snow days)
Grades 3-6 NYS ELA Exams
Thursday & Friday, April 11th & 12th
💡 Reminders
Who to Contact
Have questions? Reach out to your building principal!
Mrs. Frank
Grades UPK-2
Email: cfrank@ogdensburgk12.org
Phone: 315-393-4264
Mrs. Bouchard
Grades 3-6
Email: sbouchard@ogdensburgk12.org
Phone: 315-393-4264