The Bear Necessities
December 19, 2023
Updates & Reminders:
Happy Tuesday Hannum Families and Happy Last Take Home Tuesday of 2023!
I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for welcoming me into the Bear Cave with such open arms. I am beyond grateful to lead at such a special school. Thank you for sharing your most precious gifts with me each day...your children! Enjoy winter break and time with your loved ones. ❤️ Cheers from my family to yours!
Winter Concerts
What an amazing afternoon of performances from our Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, and chorus students. Mrs. Glikis and Mrs. Hemminger sure know how to direct a show! Thank you both and all our Hannum Bears for such an enjoyable concert and to our wonderful audience for packing our gym. Parents, please note that we will be following the same system for entry for our Spring Concerts too. We appreciated your support with letting us know who would be in attendance and for putting your information into our Visitor Aware Program. I understand that this may have been different from past practice, but know that our staff is committed to best practice-- especially regarding school safety.
Bear Booth 🐻💵
It was a very BIG day in the Bear Booth last Friday. Not only did we have a special visitor, Mr. Grinch {our Board President, Mr. Nichols}, but we celebrated the "adoption" of our big dog as one of our students saved over 100 Bear Bucks to claim her fur-ever pal. Check out our Hannum Highlights section below and our Twitter account for more pictures.
Countdown to Winter Break Calendar 📅⛄❄️
It has been so fun seeing so many Bears participating in our Countdown to Winter Break spirit days. Check out our countdown calendar below. 3 MORE WAKE UPS!
Trimester 2 Continues
We have reviewed our expectations with the students to kick off the new trimester. Please continue to reiterate the importance of demonstrating our Bear Behaviors so that your child can participate in the Trimester 2 Celebration. Just a reminder that the criteria set forth by our PBIS team is as follows:
- Having fewer than 5 missing assignments
- Receiving 3 or fewer behavioral referrals throughout the trimester
- Serving a suspension of any kind
Flash After School Program ⚡
If anyone is interested in learning more about the Flash After School Program, please click on the bottom below.
Important Dates
- Saturday, December 23rd-Sunday, January, 7th-Winter Break ❄️
- Monday, January 8th-School Resumes 🏫
Hannum Highlights
Big Day and Big Dog in the Bear Booth
Our stars shining bright
And a couple of Kindergarten Whoos
PE & Encore Newsletters
Please click on each of the buttons below to check out newsletters from our PE and Encore Classes.
Spirit Blankets and Stickers
Spirit Blankets and stickers are available and on-hand. Both make great gifts or just because items. They can be ordered online or by filling out the form and returning it to the office. We can set up a time for delivery or pick-up, so they remain a surprise, if you choose, please just make note of it on the form. Items are in stock, so orders will have a quick turnaround.
Mark your calendars!
Open gym – January 18th from 6:30-8pm in the Hannum gym
Attention all dads and special men out there. Save the date for the special man & daughter dance on Friday, February 16th from 6-8pm. Theme and more details to come after the holidays!
If you are interested in becoming a PTA member, it is not too late. Sign-up online or you can fill out the form and return it to the office. The cost is $8 for the school year. We appreciate your support.
Social Media
Connect with the Hannum PTA on social media.
Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HannumPTA?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/hannum_pta/?utm_source=qr&igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ%3D%3D
PTA Meeting
Thank you to those who came to the special meeting today. Our next regular meeting will be next year, January 10th at 6:30pm in the multi-purpose room.
Box Tops
Please support our school with Box Tops!
Use this referral code JAN118W4 when you sign up and you’ll get 25 Bonus Box Tops when you scan your first receipt now through 05/31/2024, while supplies last!
Download the Box Tops for Education app here: https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=JAN118W4
Dates to Remember:
Winter Party: January 12th during student’s PE class
Open Gym: January 18th from 6:30-8pm
Special Man & Daughter: February 16th from 6-8pm
Special Man & Son: March 20th from 5:30-8pm
PTA Meeting Dates:
*The PTA is holding a special PTA meeting on Tuesday, December 19th at 4:00pm in the library.*
January 10th at 6:30pm
February 7th at 6:30pm
March 13th at 6:30pm
April 10th at 6:30pm
Questions? Email Hannum PTA at yourhannumpta@gmail.com
Enjoy the rest of your day...the Hannum Bear Way!
Hannum Elementary School
Website: d123.org/hannum
Location: 9800 S Tripp Ave, Oak Lawn, IL, USA
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @d123hannum
Ms. Doornbos - Principal
Email: mdoornbos@d123.org
Website: d123.org/hannum
Phone: 708-423-1690
Twitter: @meagan_doornbos
Upon their arrival, Bears should line up with their grade level peers in the locations listed below. Students will be escorted into the building by staff at 8:30 am. Students participating in the breakfast program will be permitted into the building at 8:10 am.
KDG & 1st: Arrive and Dismissed at Door 9
G2: Arrive & Dismissed at Door 2
G3: Arrive Door 2 & Dismissed at Main Entrance (Door 1)
G4 & G5 Arrive & Dismissed at Door 8
When school is dismissed at 3:20 pm, students are able to walk home or meet their parents/ caregivers outside of the school. Older children who walk younger siblings or neighbors should meet them in a prearranged location outside of the building and will be dismissed first in order to pick up their sibling or relative.
***This year 2nd grade students and 5th grade students end their day with Encore Classes and PE which go until 3:20.
Lunch will be ordered with your child's classroom teacher every morning. Students will be able to choose from 2 choices. Student can also bring a home lunch and only order a milk. Milk only is $0.65 and students can choose white or chocolate. You can add money to your child's meal account through Skyward. You may access the menus below.
KDG- 12:55
3RD: 11:25
4TH: 11:25
5TH: 11:55
Click the link below for a visual on how our lunch procedures work.
Here are some reminders for helping us get kids in and out of school safely.
- Pull up as far as you can go w hen you are letting students out of the car.
- Refrain from parking across the street and having kids run across to get either to the school or back to your car.
- Be patient as kids are getting out of the car.
- Refrain from blocking the entrance and exit of the school parking lots.
- Please do not park in the driveway of St. Germaine School. (You may pull into the spots in their parking lot, but do not park in the driveway. )
Hannum Visitor Information
Last year D123 began using the Visitor Aware program to immediately identify visitors, along with when they arrived, and where they are going
In order to ensure a smooth visit to the school, please use THIS LINK to complete the pre-registration for Visitor Aware.
Once pre-registered, you will be prompted to take a picture of yourself and answer the questions, including DL#. Once you do this they will be in the system. You will receive their QR code via text and email. This QR code is what you will use when checking into the school for a visit.
If you have any questions, please contact the front office.