Brackenridge Library
Library Guidelines and Procedures
Brackenridge Library Mission
What we are about!
Library Procedures
Library Hours
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursday until 5:00 PM
How do I schedule time for my classes to come to the library?
Teachers can access the Library calendar via the Office 365 Brackenridge Library Group to make a reservation on the calendar.
Are there any special policies or procedures concerning the library that I need to be aware of?
The library will remain open during the school day unless there is campus wide testing, pre-planned events or extenuating circumstances. Teachers can reserve a space in the library if the calendar space is available, but other students on campus will also be utilizing the space. Teachers should not send more than 4 students to the library at a time, and students need a pass. Classroom passes and lunch passes will be in your teacher boxes. Please make sure to fill them in completely with your name and Room #. Include the lunch period and which section (i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd) your student belongs to, as shown below. Students and/or classes need to sign in on the computer at the front desk upon entry. Students need to return to class for the last 15 minutes in order to complete their exit tickets.
Other than books, what resources are available in the library?
The library provides a variety of district online resources, including eBooks and databases. The library also has other materials for check out, such as board games, video games, robotic kits, a 3-D Printer, VR headsets, poster making supplies, a laminator, research and printing services, resume writing software, and laptop checkout.
Which teachers are most effectively using the library? How are they using the library?
The teachers who most effectively use the Library, are those who are experienced in research and lesson plan development. These teachers vary by subject matter and are able to scaffold their assignments in a timely manner for research, writing, editing, and submitting their assignments.
About the Librarian
Year to date newsletters
Issue 2 - Library Guidelines and Procedures
Issue 3 - We Are With the Banned
Issue 4 - The Library Will Give You Goosebumps
Heidi Head
Phone: 210 228-1200