Highlights & Insights
January 26, 2024

April 26, 2024 (Volume 1, Edition 9)
Student Wellness and Social Media Impacts: Recent Studies and Active Litigation
By Douglas R. Wermedal, PhD
Executive Director
The parallels between the class action suits from the states and big tobacco of two decades ago and today’s litigation between the states (South Dakota included) and social media giant Meta (Facebook and Instagram’s parent company) are striking. If the results are similar to the tobacco settlements, schools may find themselves with improved resources for addressing the mental health impacts that social media platforms are having on students.
The central legal issues asserted by South Dakota and about 40 other states are that Meta’s configuration of Facebook and Instagram is designed to foster an addiction amongst children and teens. Platform features including “like alerts” and “infinite scroll” are designed to keep kids connected to the social media platforms. Simply put, the legal action seeks a modification of the damaging practice and some form of remuneration for costs incurred by states in responding to the costs of dealing with increased mental health issues amongst students.
The above is a broad characterization of the context surrounding this as a legal issue, but what are the conditions within the hallways, lunchrooms, and classrooms of your school? A recent study by EdWeek Research Center (see Education Week April 3, 2024) asked educators (n= 595) and students (n=1,065) about this very thing–the real-world impacts of social media platforms on students’ mental health including the use of AI.
Regarding AI, students saw the impact of AI on mental health as primarily neutral to no impact (45%). In fact, some students considered the impact of AI as somewhat to very positive (31%). Students were valuing the reduction in time to complete assignments and the perceived improvement in the quality of responses. One student commented, “If the computer makes it up, that must be the right answer.” (Klein, Alyson. 2024, April. Most Teens think AI Won’t hurt their mental health. Teachers Disagree. Education Week 43(22) 4.)
Educators differed from student’s perspective drastically, seeing the impact of AI on mental health as somewhat negative to very negative (68%). Citing the potential for AI to supplant creativity, erode the esteem boost that comes from original work and the potential for deep fakes in manipulating images and voices to bully other students were cited as the leading concerns. (Klein, Alyson. 2024, April. Most teens think AI won’t hurt their mental health. Teachers Disagree. Education Week 43(22) 4.)
Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the research was the fact that students understand the negative impacts of social media use, but in a truly addictive pattern, continue to use the sites anyway. More than one-fourth (29%) of students indicate that they see social media’s impact on their personal mental health as somewhat negative to very negative. The same metric for educators was much higher, up to 95% when controlled for gender. (Prothero, Arianna. 2024, April. Kids think social media is fine, but teachers see a mental health minefield. Education Week 43(22) 10.)
Whatever the impact, there is agreement between students and educators that schools have a role in working to ensure students learn how to engage social media in ways which do not risk their mental health. When asked whether educators had a role in this, both educators and students answered at nearly the same rate (52% and 51%, respectively). (Langreo, Lauraine. 2024, April. Social media is hurting social-emotional skills. How four school districts are fighting back. Education Week 43(22) 4.)
No technology is risk-free, so the challenge for school boards and educators will be to find the sweet spot which engages AI and other social media platforms in the most productive and developmental way while monitoring for the potential bad outcomes. Contemporary curriculum will need to include social media citizenship sequences which help students, and staff, navigate this constantly-evolving aspect of education.
Important School Law Topics being covered by our School Law webinars.
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 12:00 PM
Revised Title IX Regulations Have Been Released
By Jessica Filler
Director of Policy and Legal Services
Title IX is a federal regulation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities that received federal financial assistance (i.e., public schools). Title IX complaints range from bullying to harassment of students by other students or employees. On April 19, 2024, the Biden Administration US Department of Education released revised Title IX regulations (that were last updated during the Trump administration in 2020). Schools are expected to be in compliance with these new regulations by August 1, 2024, as the new regs apply to complaints of sex discrimination regarding alleged conduct that occurs on or after that date.
The new regulations broaden the definition of discrimination based on sex to include discrimination based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, and pregnancy or related conditions, as well as sexual orientation and gender identity. They also expand the duties of the Title IX Coordinator. Although more possible conduct may constitute sex-based discrimination or harassment, the regulations permit more flexibility and informality in the procedures schools must use, to account for variations in size of schools, enrollment, and administrative structures. The complaint process that schools must establish has been simplified, and schools may offer an informal resolution process unless the complaint alleges employee-on-student sex-based harassment.
The regulations do not specifically address use of restrooms and locker rooms. Proposed rules regarding athletic eligibility criteria under Title IX have not yet been finalized and will be coming at some point in the future, likely after the November election.
Under the new regs, all employees must be trained on the Title IX standards in terms of the school’s obligation to address sex discrimination, conduct that constitutes sex discrimination, and notification and information requirements. Additional training is required for investigators, decisionmakers, and others who are responsible for implementing the complaint procedure.
Changes to school’s harassment/Title IX policies as well as publication/dissemination of Title IX information will also be necessary. In this regard, ASBSD is working on training offerings as well as sample policy language to be released soon.
Academic Excellence Luncheon
Monday, Apr 29, 2024, 11:00 AM
Ramkota Hotel, West Sioux Avenue, Pierre, SD, USA
Legislature to study property tax assessment methodology
By Tyler Pickner
Director of Communications
A body of 11 legislators will study property tax assessment methodology.
Co-chaired by Sen. Randy Deibert and Rep. Drew Peterson, the property tax assessment methodology study scope includes:
To examine the methodology by which assessments are made for purposes of real estate taxation within the state of South Dakota. The study will research the relative roles of the state Department of Revenue and local government units in assessing real estate. The study may recommend policies to increase the efficiency or effectiveness of assessment. Further, the study may recommend policies with the goals of improving the accuracy and consistency of real estate assessment.
The nine fellow members of the study are Reps. Kirk Chaffee, Mary Fitzgerald, Ernie Otten, Marty Overweg and Tim Reisch and Sens. Jean Hunhoff, Liz Larson, Al Novstrup and Larry Zikmund.
In March, when the legislature’s Executive Board selected the property tax assessment methodology study, Rep. Will Mortenson said its purpose was “not talking about shifting property taxes” but rather to be “heavier on the education standpoint” for the legislature.
In addition, staff with the Legislative Research Council, which serves the legislature, will draft an updated issue memorandum on Property Taxation – A Modern History. A previous issue memorandum on the topic was completed in 2016:
Dates for study committee meetings have not been set yet, but ASBSD will closely follow the study and share the outcomes.
Artificial Intelligence in School Districts webinar recording
If you weren’t able to join the live discussions with fellow board members on AI in Schools, you can still watch the webinar recordings here. Board members who watch the recordings will earn 25 ALL points for their boards! Please contact Director of Communications Tyler Pickner at tpickner@asbsd.org to add points to your district’s total.
Friday, Apr 26, 2024, 12:00 PM
SDASBO meets for 57th annual Spring Conference
By Holly Nagel
Chief Financial Advisor and Director of Protective Trust Services
Pierre was busy this past week with over 140 school business managers gathering for the 57th Annual South Dakota Association of School Business Officials Conference. Add in the presenters and vendors, it made for a week of catching-up with old friends and making new ones, along with professional development opportunities to take back to their school district.
SDASBO members convene each April and September for their official meeting and educational sessions to empower business managers to achieve and maintain the high standards and expectations of school business management. The conference offers the time to collaborate with others in public education and the opportunity to volunteer.
The conference kicked off on Tuesday, April 23, with a new business manager luncheon and school nutrition training by CANS. Members then had the opportunity to spend a few hours packing boxes for Feeding South Dakota, just another way SDASBO gives back to the communities in which they serve.
Wednesday and Thursday agendas were full of presentations that included legal updates by Rodney Freeman, legal resource tools with Jessica Filler, DLA’s own Rod Fortin, two by SD DOE staff and several business managers who presented on their best practices. This conference would not have been possible without the generosity of the presenters and vendors.
Business managers do their jobs for the children of South Dakota, not for praise or recognition, however, this one night in April brings members together to celebrate each other at the banquet and awards ceremony. President Amanda Trople, New Underwood Business Manager, recognized members with longevity awards, the seven retirees, Shining Star award winner Mary Beyer, Ethan School District and Outstanding Business Official Kristi Lewis, Clark School District. The evening concluded with a performance by Rapid City senior and South Dakota’s own, Rowan Grace.
Congratulations to all those recognized and to the SDASBO board for a successful conference!
Staff Relations and District Culture webinar recording
If you weren’t able to join the live discussions with fellow board members on Staff Relations and District Culture, you can still watch the webinar recordings here. Board members who watch the recordings will earn 25 ALL points for their boards! Please contact Director of Communications Tyler Pickner at tpickner@asbsd.org to add points to your district’s total.
Friday, Apr 26, 2024, 12:00 PM
Board Member Spotlight: Lisa Snedeker
By Jacob Boyko
ASBSD Communications Intern
30 years ago, Lisa Snedeker was managing an emergency response system office in Seattle, Washington. And until 30 years ago, she’d never planned on settling in South Dakota.
It took the convincing of Mark Snedeker, a native to the Mount Rushmore State and Lisa’s soon-to-be husband, to sell her on the idea.
“When he asked me to marry him, he also asked me to move to South Dakota because he said it was ‘the best place to live in the whole world,’” Lisa chuckled.
30 years later, Lisa says Mark’s claim proved correct.
Mark is now semi-retired and farms the family’s land, and Lisa serves as the branch manager at the Dakotaland Federal Credit Union in their hometown (area) of Woonsocket, a community of about 650 in Sanborn County.
Snedeker said she’s always been passionate about education—especially small town education having grown up in Kalamazoo, Michigan—so serving her community on the local school board was a natural fit for her.
“I have five sons, and I just wanted to be an advocate for kids and kids who may struggle with learning,” she said.
Snedeker served on the board between 2000 and 2003, and then again starting in 2018 as her grandchildren entered elementary school.
“My older sons have children and they’re all in our area and all attend the Woonsocket public school,” she explained. “So I still have active investment and passion for making sure our kids have an excellent public education.”
As with any school district, Woonsocket has had its ups and downs; one challenge that stands out to Snedeker was navigating changes in state funding during years of declining enrollment.
“Sometimes there are frustrations with different finance categories, where there is money in one fund but not enough in the other fund,” Snedeker explained.
She chuckled, “We aren’t people who can wave a magic wand!”
Now, that trend of falling enrollment and funding is on the reverse as more young adults who left Woonsocket after graduation return and start their own families in the community.
Class sizes of just five students less than a decade ago have risen to often 20 or more, making Snedeker optimistic about Woonsocket schools’ future.
“[Class size is] a huge difference and it affects everything,” she said. “The students have the ability to be competitive in sports and academics, and there’s a vibrancy in the community when the school provides a place for people to go watch a game or see a play. We’ve really seen this turn around not just because of the school, but the whole great environment of the community.”
Jason White, chair of the Woonsocket School Board, confirmed Snedeker’s love for her adopted hometown.
“She’s very active in the Woonsocket community as far as working at the Dakotaland Federal Credit Union, has participated in the community play, on the ag advisory committee for the FFA program, and is always willing to help wherever possible,” he said. “Lisa is a true leader in our community.”
Snedeker took her school board service a step further, getting involved with Associated School Boards of South Dakota and serving as the board president for 2022-2023. She credits past board president Tom Farrell of Madison for guiding her when she first entered the executive committee serving as the board’s 2nd vice president.
“I thought of him as a mentor, and he always took the time to visit with me and talk with me,” she said. “So I see my role as past president as helping the new second vice president be comfortable and being approachable for questions.”
Snedeker also brings her experience from ASBSD back to the community and school board, keeping everyone up-to-date on the happenings in Pierre, White said.
Through ASBSD, Snedeker has attended Advocacy Institute in Washington D.C. and has built relations with South Dakota’s delegation, attended countless board events, and lead the association through various pursuits.
“Lisa’s leadership on the Executive Board of ASBSD has been characterized by creativity,” Executive Director Dr. Doug Wermedal said. “If an idea is outside the box, Lisa’s fingerprints are going to be on it. We need more leaders like Lisa who are authentically invested in serving students.”
Though Lisa has served an entire rotation on the executive committee, she says her work for school boards isn’t anywhere close to being complete.
“We have some extraordinary leadership on our state board, and I know that comes from the investment they’ve made over many years,” she explained. “They’re able to give back in an incredible way, and I hope to be a part of that group of people too.”
Recruitment & Retention of Staff Members webinar recording
If you weren’t able to join the live discussions with fellow board members on Recruitment & Retention you can still watch the webinar recordings here. Board members who watch the recordings will earn 25 ALL points for their boards! Please contact Director of Communications Tyler Pickner at tpickner@asbsd.org to add points to your district’s total.
Friday, Apr 26, 2024, 12:00 PM
Tardy Bell: Screaming Yellow Zonkers
By Douglas R. Wermedal, PhD
Executive Director
Kids start thinking about this day right about now. Teachers start fantasizing about it long before that. Parents start dreading this day even sooner. The mythical, magical, much longed for–dare I speak its name–LAST DAY of SCHOOL.
In truth, the last day of school was not a day at all, but rather a half-day with school dismissing just before noon. Early dismissal was likely done so the school district did not have to feed us little urchins one more lunch we would gratefully have avoided anyway. Our teacher had given up on scholarly pursuits long before the Last Day actually arrived on the calendar. All the signs were there, particularly a gradual proliferation of films during class time.
I recall with great fondness the feeling of coming in from recess and seeing the screen pulled down in front of the chalkboard and a hulking Bell &Howell projector at the ready on a towering metal cart. You could predict by the amount of film on the spool how much of the afternoon instruction the film would eat up. Some films were disappointingly brief and did not even occupy the entire spool. Other films, the good ones, spilled on to a second reel, which promised more instructional time consumed as the teacher had to navigate the challenges of threading the second reel; always a delicate operation and almost never worked right on the first attempt.
Another function of the last day was for students to empty their desks of a year’s worth of accumulated academic debris. We were told to bring a grocery bag from home to clear out our desks. My personal preference was for the Red Owl bags, because of their amazing angry-owl logo. Grocery bags of the era were sturdy, thick, brown paper affairs which could haul Buick transmission parts and still not risk exceeding the weight-bearing capacities of the bag.
My fellow third graders had various methods for cleaning out their desks. Some were meticulous and sorted the accumulated assignments and papers by subject, with a separate bag for each subject, and yet another bag for school supplies–I was not that kid. Other kids basically disgorged their entire desks into the grocery bags, lifting huge helpings of old spelling tests and stuffing them willy-nilly into the over-burned grocery sacks. Most of these grocery bags never even made it to the bus but were (somewhat gleefully) tossed into a dumpster before boarding.
When it comes to spring desk cleaning, I preferred a careful excavation–almost an archaeological method–of digging down through the layers of assignments, saving the good ones with the gold foil stars stuck to the top, and tossing the ones with the red-ink frowny faces and lots of check marks.
I enjoyed encountering the artifacts from the school year:
· A Tarkenton football card from a forgotten playground transaction.
· Bits of a half-dozen partially-used erasers (I must have made a lot of mistakes in 3rd grade).
· A lime green Mercury station wagon matchbox car, the one with the dogs looking out the back window.
· A Three Musketeers bar, now mummified beyond edibility.
· A library book about dinosaurs that I had vigorously claimed I returned–but now really could.
· A note from a brief flirtation with Janelle Miller, which I was convinced would lead to matrimony. Janelle and her family moved away before fifth grade started, perhaps to avoid the marriage.
· Some stray change, 77¢ worth, which figures prominently in the rest of the story.
After the desks were packed away, and we had watched one more film about “Our Friend Corn”, we were ready to be dismissed. Clutching over-stuffed grocery bags, we lined up at the door with our very relieved-looking teacher wishing each of us a “good summer."
Each year on the last day of school the buses would stop at Nick’s, the ultra-tiny, three-aisle grocery store before leaving town. In turn, the three buses that shuttled elementary-aged kids back to the area farms would pull up to Nick’s, and then forty or so kids would swarm the candy counter (strategically positioned at kid-height by the cash register) and kids were allowed to purchase whatever candy they could with the currency/coin their parents had sent. The last day of school was the one day a year we were allowed to eat anything on the bus. I guess they figured they had all summer to chisel off the stray gum and tootsie pop residue from the seats.
Pocket jingling with loot, I had a full $1.27 to spend; (50 cents sent by Mom for the occasion + 77 cents found in the desk), my third-grade math skills were sharp. Inside Nick’s, the bus kids were jostling for position like a flock of feeding pigeons in a park. Elbowing a couple of third graders aside and armed with my new-found wealth, I made my selections.
A pack of 1973 Topps baseball cards, Topps was still including gum in those days, but I strongly suspect the ’73 cards were packaged with 1960s gum, because that stuff was soooo stale and borderline dangerous to chew as it would break into little pink shards of stained glass before it became a gum-like substance.
I had enough money left over for a bag of Screaming Yellow Zonkers. If you are (sadly) unfamiliar with this item, Screaming Yellow Zonkers are to popcorn what frosted flakes are to corn flakes. Take a boring, ho-hum food, coat that food in a couple of inches of sugar and you have something any kid will enjoy. Zonkers were also an insanely bright yellow, incandescent light bulb yellow. And the taste, difficult to capture in words, let’s just say Screaming Yellow Zonkers taste like summer.