3/11/24 Oak Grove News

March 11, 2024
Oak Grove District 68 is inviting all community members to participate in the feedback portion of our strategic planning process. All residents are invited to weigh in on the process through our online survey (linked below).
Student Recognition
Oak Grove wrestlers Alexander Osborne and Elliott Hibbard placed 3rd earning all-state honors over the weekend. Way to go!
As a reminder, we will be conducting an additional active intruder drill with local law enforcement on March 13. Please take a few minutes to review the 23/24 school year ALICE family letter for more information.
Election Day
On Tuesday, March 19, OGS will again be the host of an election site for local voters in the Illinois Primary Election. We have taken several steps to ensure the safety of our staff and students on this day. Outside visitors (voters and election officials), will not have any access to hallways or the building where students and staff reside during the day. The election will take place in our Junior High Gym and a uniformed officer will be stationed in the lobby of this section of the building all day. Please be mindful of the extra traffic in our parking lots that day while you drop off and pick up your child.
CogAT Reports
Families of current 3rd and 5th graders can expect to receive CogAT reports via email this week. If you do not receive a report by Friday, please email Dave Huber (huber@ogschool.org).
Parent Session - Gifted Services
Join us virtually on April 29 from 6:30-7:30 pm to learn about services for gifted learners and updates to our talented & gifted courses offered in grades 4-8. This session applies to families of students of all ages. A Google Meet link will be shared closer to the date.
Track & Field
Track will begin April 3, 2024. Please meet the coaches in the JH cafeteria. There are no tryouts. If you’re a 6th - 8th grade student who wants to participate please sign up and pay here: https://ogs.revtrak.net/
A physical needs to be on file with our school nurses in order to participate. Please send any physicals to:
Any questions please contact coach Callahan at callahan@ogschool.org
Oak Grove golf is a co-ed intramural activity open to students in grades 6-8. Golf will begin shortly after Spring Break. Please email karolewicz@ogschool.org by March 19 if your student is interested. We will invite parents/guardians of the students who are interested to a Google Meet on March 21. All participants must have their own golf clubs, golf bag, golf balls, tees, etc. Golf experience is not necessary, but it is very helpful.
3/13/2024 - ALICE Drill
3/11/2024 - 3/15/2024 - Battle of the Books
3/16/2024 - Son + One Bowling 6:00 - 8:00 pm at Bowlero
3/19/2024 - Board of Education Meeting; Committee of the Whole 6:00 pm & Regular Meeting 6:45 pm (JH Cafe)
3/19/2024 - Illinois Primary Election (JH Gym)
3/25/2024 - Spring Break Begins
4/1/2024 - No Student Attendance
4/2/2024 - School Resumes
Additional events can be found on the athletics and band calendars.
Oak Grove Summer Camp
Summer Camp classes will be offered at Oak Grove by several OG teachers in June and July. Go to the RevTrak online store and select Student Summer Camps to register. The deadline for registration is April 30.
- Son + One Bowling Madness is this Saturday, March 16. Get your last-minute tickets HERE! We also need a few volunteers. Sign up HERE to help!
- Next Thursday (March 21) - don’t cook, think pizza! Click HERE for more details about our upcoming fundraiser with Antioch Pizza.
- The Kindergarten-1st Grade Social is happening at Ultimate Ninjas on April 5 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Sign your student up HERE!
- Mark your calendars for May 10 at 4:30 and 7:00 pm to see the PTO's annual Variety Show. This year's theme is OGPalooza! PTO volunteers will be in the JH Cafe on Wednesday (3/13) and Friday (3/15) to answer questions about tryouts and the show. See the PTO website for more information.
- The Nominating Committee is searching for volunteers for next year's PTO Committee Chairs. Click HERE for more information about the PTO's various committees and contact Beth Zender or Elizabeth O'Neill to share your interest.
Please click HERE to view the flyers in our virtual backpack. Flyers are updated weekly, so please check back often so you won't miss any of the events going on in our community.