Raccoon Reporter
April 19, 2024

Key Dates
19 Middle school dance with Roy Cloud 6-9pm
23 School Site Council meeting 4pm
23 PTA meeting 6pm
24 ELAC meeting 8:15am
25 RFEP celebration 8:30am
29 State testing begins in 3rd-8th grades
2 District-wide SUPER minimum day - 11:50am dismissal
6-10 Mental Health Awareness Week
6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week
9 8th grade car wash
10 Variety Show, McKinley auditorium 6pm
14 Fire drill
16 Jog-a-thon
23 Coffee with the Principal
27 Memorial Day - no school
28 PTA meeting 6pm
29 Open House & Art Show 5-7pm
Yearbooks Are On Sale!
Yearbooks are on sale now through April 26. They are $20 each and can be ordered online using this flyer, or students can pay cash to the office.
8th Grade Parents
Next Thursday, April 25, Kennedy Middle School is hosting an event regarding summer opportunities for Redwood City 8th graders (rising 9th graders). Students and their families are welcome to join the event in the Kennedy Library to hear about academic summer options from BGCP, PAL, and SUHSD. For more information about the event, please see this flyer.
Panorama Climate Survey
While you should have already received a link from the district, if you have not yet filled in the twice yearly Climate Survey, please do so using this link: https://surveys.panoramaed.com/redwood/spring24family/surveys. Your feedback gives us valuable information on how we can improve our work educating your children.
State Testing Begins
Each year, 3rd-8th graders take the CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) in English language arts and mathematics (and science for 5th and 8th grades). This year, testing begins the week of April 29 for most grades, although teachers will share their actual schedule with you. While the testing window is open for over a month, classes generally take 2-3 weeks to complete the assessments. This time can be stressful for students, so it is important that you support your child to come to school ready to do their best.
A few helpful hints:
Ensure your child goes to bed at a reasonable time and gets a good night’s sleep–this means making sure your child logs off any technology at least 2 hours before bedtime.
Encourage your child to eat a good breakfast–try to stay away from foods high in sugar, as this can cause a drop in energy levels an hour or two later.
Make sure your child gets to school on time.
Message from Roosevelt PTA
Jog-a-thon fundraising starts this week!
The Jog-a-thon is the annual fundraiser that pays for the programs funded by the Roosevelt PTA and it is coming up on May 16! With your help, we hope to raise approximately $80 per student. Fundraising starts this week. If you have “opted in” for school communications, you will automatically be set up with a 99 Pledges online fundraising page with your child’s personal fundraising page details! Look for an email in your inbox. If you are not automatically set up with 99 Pledges, follow the instructions on this link to set up a page.
Open PTA Board Positions
The Roosevelt PTA is seeking new board members for the 2024-2025 school year and will be voting on new positions in the coming months. The Roosevelt PTA mandate is simple: we strive to build a community and fund enrichment that the school does not pay for. Being on the PTA Board is a great way to give back. If you would like to join our team or have questions, email Whitney at whitney@roosevelt-pta.com. To learn more about all we do for Roosevelt School, go here or attend our Tuesday, April 23 PTA meeting. The meeting takes place in the staff room at 6pm.
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6-10 is Teacher Appreciation Week, and we are working on making the week as special as can be for the amazing Roosevelt School teachers! Look for an email from your Room Parent with more information about how you can help with the celebrations.
Camp Galileo
Looking for a summer camp with STEM, outdoor games, and classic camp fun? Enroll in Camp Galileo using code ROOSEVELTPTA50 and save $50 off your purchase! Plus, Roosevelt PTA gets a $50 donation for each family registration. Visit galileo-camps.com.
Parent Workshops
Teaching Boundaries and Consent to Young Children (for parents and caregivers of TK-2nd graders) on May 7, 5:00-6:00pm. As part of the Parent Power Online Programs and presented by Kidpower, adults will learn boundary and consent principles and skills to use and practice with kids. For more information, please see this flyer. To register: bit.ly/3Q3x7mq
Helping Young People Lead Lives of Purpose on Wednesday, April 24, 5:30-6:30pm. Drawing on nearly two decades of scientific research, Kendall Cotton Bronk, PhD, will explore: What is purpose? Why does it matter? And how can we — as parents and caregivers — help our children discover their purpose in life? Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://kendallbronk2024parentventure.eventbrite.com
Cyberbullying Prevention: Navigating the Intersection of AI, Social Media, and Digital Ethics on Thursday, April 25, 6:00-7:00pm. In this presentation, Sameer Hinduja, PhD, cyberbullying expert, will share "best practices" around cyberbullying, artificial intelligence (AI), and safe social media use that can be implemented in your home and family. Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://sameerhinduja2024fuhsfoundation.eventbrite.com
Community Resources
LIBRE is a program to help families and individuals access benefits such as Medi-Cal, CalWorks, CAPI, Unemployment Insurance, State Disability and Social Security. For more information here is the flyer with all the details.
Here is the March/April schedules for the Second Harvest Food Bank.
HIP Housing's Self Sufficiency Program provides housing assistance and support services to low-income for low income families with children. They currently have openings to share homes in Redwood City and San Carlos. More information about the program can also be found here or reading this flyer.
Previous Newsletters
August 11, 2023 // 11 de agosto, 2023
August 18, 2023 // 18 de agosto, 2023
August 25, 2023 // 25 de agosto, 2023
September 8, 2023 // 8 de septiembre, 2023
September 22, 2023 // 22 de septiembre, 2023
October 6, 2023 // 6 de octubre, 2023
October 20, 2023 // 20 de octubre, 2023
November 3, 2023 // 3 de noviembre, 2023
November 17, 2023 // 17 de noviembre, 2023
December 1, 2023 // 1 de diciembre, 2023
December 15, 2023 // 15 de diciembre, 2023
January 12, 2024 // 12 de enero, 2024
January 26, 2024 // 26 de enero, 2024
February 9, 2024 // 9 de febrero, 2024
March 1, 2024 // 1 de marzo, 2024
March 15, 2024 // 15 de marzo, 2024
Roosevelt School
Website: https://www.rcsdk8.net/roosevelt
Location: 2223 Vera Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2413
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RooseveltElementarySchool