St Bernadette's Primary School
NEWSLETTER | TERM 2 | WEEK 0 | 12 April 2024
Good afternoon all,
Welcome back, the holidays have flown by and we are now gearing up for another exciting term!
A quick reminder that school starts on Tuesday as our teachers have a Professional Development Day on Monday. We are all looking forward to ensuring that students are straight back into their learning and enjoying an engaging learning environment from Day 1.
As always, it would be great if our students came back well-rested and ready to hit the ground running. We were so proud of the hard work, positive attitude and excellent behaviour of our students in Term 1 and we look forward to continuing this throughout Term 2.
Over the holidays we have had some more maintenance work done around the school. Our front admin and entrance has had a new coat of paint and the guttering has been replaced which I think looks great. Our Jnr grassed area is back in operation and we have a new plan for how to look after it in the cooler months. This will be our first year so while it is not perfect yet, we are hopeful it will stay green and be mud free – fingers crossed! Our oval plan is now into its 2nd year and we are really starting to see the results with a beautiful, thick and robust lawn for our students to use. A huge thanks to Annie and to Luke from Silverstone for their hard work!
Our Parent Teacher Interviews are happening over the first two weeks of term, and I encourage all parents to book in a time to meet their child’s teacher. The link is below, and can I please remind parents that it is important to be on time and to stick to the time allocation. When teachers run late, it is frustrating for everyone and can have a flow on effect to other class teachers who have siblings in their class.
A reminder to our Year 3 parents that the Parent/Student Reconciliation Workshops are on Thursday the 18th of April (Week 1). Information was sent via SeeSaw on Wednesday the 10th and is also below.
Finally, as Mrs Bowe is currently on Maternity Leave, we welcome Mr Quinn McColl and Mrs Hannah Sinclair to the Bernie’s team this term. Quinn will be covering PE for the remainder of the year and Hannah will be joining the Year 1 Team. Please make them feel welcome if you see them around!
I look forward to seeing you all out the front on Tuesday!
Merit Award Assembly - Friday 19 April
The following students will be receiving an Award at next week's assembly. Family and friends are welcome to attend.
We will be holding our Parent & Teacher Interviews from next week. These will be held before and after school from Tuesday 16 - Friday 26 April.
Interviews are 10 minutes long, the teacher will begin to conclude the interview after 8 minutes.
For the smooth running of this event, it is important that we all keep to this schedule and end the appointment in a timely manner. If you think you will need more time, please discuss this with your teacher at the appointment.
Book your time by using the link or QR Code or the link:
Reminders are not able to be sent so, please add this to your calendar now.can be held in person or over the phone. If you select an in person interview please arrive at your child's classroom 3 minutes before your appointment time.
Please ensure we have your correct phone number on record if you choose a telephone meeting. Please be ready to take the call.
Last call to register for our 1-2-3 Magic & Emotion Training
Our very popular course is back again this term and is highly recommended for all families with little people! 😀
Mother's Day
Remember to hop onto the Spriggy App to purchase your gifts. Orders close on Friday 3/5/24 at 9.00am.
Time to get your Running shoes on again!
Ibu Krisy, Mr Mac and our Year 6 Sport Faction Captains are excited to be bringing Bernie's Running Club back again in Term 2.
The Club is open to students from Yr 1 – Yr 6
Yr 1 – Yr 3 – Sessions will be catered for with junior running drills.
Yr 4 – Yr 6 – Sessions will be catered for with senior running drills.
When – Monday’s, from 3:10pm to 4pm, starting week 2, Mon 22nd April until Mon June 17th.
Where – School Oval. Please meet near the Year 6 area on the limestone wall for the roll at 3:10pm
Change of Clothes – Students may change into their appropriate active wear, bring hats and sneakers for their training session straight after school.
Commitment and Behaviour – Students will be expected to commit to running club every Monday unless students are unwell or absent from school. Behaviour will be in accordance with our behaviour management policy and any mis-behaviour may result in being asked to leave the club.
Registration – Please register your child below. Registrations close on Tues 16th April.
Please RSVP on the link below:
Looking for photo's!
ANZAC Day Service - Friday 26 April
In preparation for our ANZAC Day Service, we are looking to grow out collection of servicemen and women photographs. Please send any photos of current or past serving family members to so we can add these to our presentation.
We would also love it if any of our currently serving parents or carers could attend our service and seek permission to come in uniforms. Please let us know if you are able to do so. More details will be sent out shortly.
Rainbows Program is back!
Rainbows is a program that assists children who may be grieving a loss or life altering experience. The essence of the program is centred on trust, acceptance and sharing. It supports those students who are hurting, to understand their feelings and develop some of the tools required to move forward in helping to resolve their grief, loss or trauma.
The program encourages children to speak about their feelings, improve their self esteem and connect with other children who may be experiencing similar situations.
If you feel your child may benefit from a program such as Rainbows, we invite you to complete the nomination form. If you have any additional questions about the program please contact Mrs Deshon through the school office.
The Rainbows Program will run on a Thursday afternoon commencing this term. In order for children to gain the most benefit from the program, group sizes are usually between 4-6 children of similar age who are facing similar challenges.
If you would like to register your child for this program please complete the form below.
After school Music Lessons at Bernie's
Please enrol directly with Keyed Up Music - as per below:
Save the Date!
Walk Safely to School Day is happening in May! Please
diarise Friday 17 May as a day to walk to and from school.
All participants will receive a piece of fruit on the day.
More information will be sent out shortly.
Please note some changes to the Sacramental Programs
Auskick Afterschool Program PP - Year 6
Auskick will be back in this Term for students in Pre-Primary to Year 6!
Registrations open on Monday 15 April - please see below.
First Day of Term 2 - Tuesday 16 April
Parent Teacher Interviews - Tuesday 16 - Friday 26 April
Year 1 Spare Parts Excursion - Wednesday 17 April
Year 3 Reconciliation Workshops - Thursday 18 April
School Canteen: Kingston's Kitchen
Our school canteen is only open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Orders can be placed online via the Spriggy App.
before 9.00am or in person at the canteen.
Term Dates 2024
Term 2: Tuesday 16 April - Friday 28 June 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Please note that as this is a live calendar, dates and times may change occasionally.
Coming soon!
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Location: 252 Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9593 4066