Stanley Stallion Update #19
2023-2024 School Year
From the Desk of the Principal...
Week of March 11, 2024
I hope you had a great weekend. The only negative was losing an hour of sleep, but the win will be that it will be light out longer into the evening. This is usually the sign that spring is getting closer, let’s hope the weather realizes it soon…please bring on the warmer days!
Ramadan begins this week. It is observed by Muslims worldwide through fasting, prayer, reflection, and community. The culmination of this month is the very festive occasion of Eid-ul-Fitr, which Muslims celebrate by sharing elaborate meals with family, friends, and their larger communities. At Stanley, some of our students will be fasting from sunup to sundown as part of their observance of Ramadan. We will be offering students who are fasting a food-free space during snack and lunch as needed. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like more information. Ramadan Mubarak to all who are celebrating!
Below are links to the Waltham Police Department's GREAT Summer Program for the WPD. This is a free program for students entering grades 5, 6 and 7. We have heard so many wonderful things about this program so please be sure to check it out!
English link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pL3xlnJdwhaqhKfyvLNmZBGaIO1qDjON/view?usp=sharing
Spanish link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YvRCLQj3g3e_f-0t7LYk17w3bzPJxsjx/view?usp=sharing
As you know we are focusing on the importance of school attendance. Below are paragraphs written by two fourth grade students about why being in school is so important.
I think I have perfect attendance. This is important to me because when you miss a day of school, you miss out on a lot of school work and learning. I want to grow as a learner and learn more new interesting things that I didn't already know. School makes me smarter and in school it's fun to learn. It's really important to me. Plus you get more time with your friends. I hope you love school too.
I think when you come to school each day you get perfect attendance but you learn more stuff in math, ELA, social studies and get good grades. Another reason is I think you always get to finish unfinished work and practice reading. When you practice you get better. One more reason is you always get to see your friends and do stuff together. If you come to school you grow as a learner. This is why I think you should come to school each day.
It is great to see that these students are taking ownership for being in school and wanting to learn everything they can!
As A Reminder:
March is National Literacy Month and we will celebrate with our "Wear it Wednesdays" focused on reading! Here is the schedule:
- March 6th - Read My Shirt! Wear any shirt/sweatshirt with words on it.
- March 13th - Cozy Up With a Good Book! Wear your your coziest and comfiest clothes.
- March 20th - Reading Knocks Our Socks Off! Show off your favorite pair of socks.
- March 27th - Reading is Dazzling! Wear your bright, sparkly or most colorful clothes.
Here is the correct MCAS schedule- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JEDuuLUoxq-gatNhgzFvMR9Qqlkf-3IV2b9kGHE4lUk/edit?usp=sharing.
This month’s Leader in Me Habit is Put First Things First! This means you get yourself ready and do the important things first!
Every year, each public school and school district in Massachusetts receives a report card. Just as your child’s report card shows how they are doing in different subjects, the school’s report card is designed to show families how our school is doing in different areas.
Here is our school’s report card in:
English- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TAv3UjtRjOG1oSfFuhJQWXr8KxOLx4X_/view?usp=drive_link
Spanish- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b9CJI8Ayslo_eu8afF9RgMZA2Gy9ybPR/view?usp=drive_link
Creole- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b9CJI8Ayslo_eu8afF9RgMZA2Gy9ybPR/view?usp=drive_link
Portuguese- https://drive.google.com/file/d/16Zn8AaAZyCMD_t6mrFZbWfAJSomPFziW/view?usp=drive_link
Kindergarten Registration for the 24/25 school year is already in the works. You can register your child if they turn 5 on or before September 1, 2024. Here is the link to registration: https://www.walthampublicschools.org/page/kindergarten-registration-information
We will also hold the Second Annual Kindergarten Fair on April 24th from 4:00-5:30. Here is a link to the flyer with information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yTdCbrdu8iZs5s6ebph_q7GHvFykli3V/view?usp=sharing
We still have some tuition based openings for our Pre-K programs this year and NEXT. Please find information here: Integrated Preschool Information & Application
There are 2 more times throughout the school year that we will run a "different day" schedule. The only thing that will impact your child is what specialist they might have or support staff that might work with them. Here are the dates that we will run a different day schedule.
- 3/27-run Friday schedule
- 5/28- run Monday schedule
As always, thanks for sharing your children with us!
Mrs. Hacker
Important Dates
3/13/24- Wear it Wednesday- Cozy Up with a Good Book- Wear your coziest and comfiest clothes.
3/13/24- Early Release at Elementary for Parent Conferences at 1:00
3/20/24- Wear it Wednesday- Reading Knocks our Socks Off! Show off your favorite pair of socks!
3/20/24- Early Release for PDRT at 1:00
3/27/24- Wear it Wednesday- Reading is Dazzling! Wear your bright, sparkly or most colorful clothes!
Stanley Website
Here is the link https://www.walthampublicschools.org/o/stanley to the Stanley School Website!!
Important School Contacts
Stanley Secretary- Tori Richardson- 781-314-5620-
Stanley School Adjustment Counselor- Karla Velapatino- 781-314-5698- karlavelapatino@walthampublicschools.org
Stanley TASC School Adjustment Counselor- Liz Costa- 781-314-5625- elizabethcosta@walthampublicschools.org
Stanley Student Resource Officer- Ryan Foley-
Stanley Absence Phone Number- 781-314-5630 - Please remember to call your child's absence in before 8:15 am to 781-314-5630. If you will be changing your child's dismissal, you MUST send a note in with your child. School hours are 8:25-3:00. Please do not drop students off before 8:25. If your child arrives after 8:42, you must enter the school with them to sign them in late.
From the Nurse...
Important Information and Reminders from the Stanley Health Office
Updates from School Nurse
A physical is required for students entering 4th grade next year. If you have a 3rd grade student when they have their physical this year please send in a copy to the school.
There will be field trips during the Spring. If your child has a life-threatening food allergy, bee allergy, asthma requiring a rescue inhaler, or a seizure disorder they must have all required paperwork in the health office and any medications in order to attend a school field trip. If you have not sent in required paperwork and/or medications please make sure you do, so they can attend the field trip.
The school has gotten a new supply of Covid testing kits. They are available to families upon request. If you would like testing kits you can come in person to the school to pick them up.
Thank you.
Nurse Katie
Community Information
March Lunch Menu: https://drive.google.com/file/d/122Fn7FwFxraRgc0wv8UXhbnkWSTHsI2s/view
Brandeis Festival of Creative Arts- April 7th: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUoPO76ImxCfcWGVcXQnKxqeWAZEQqws/view?usp=sharing
Library Programs - Meet the Instruments- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EU9sDQ5QW04F-4pScOJ2ETfvjCS3WDgi/view?usp=sharing. Meals at the Library- English https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AZXLrhwJV9NGm44BsAEgDUalR91UWb0n/view?usp=sharing Meals at the Library -Spanish https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TQEm7j1k0eFRv8L40cp7_C3JnLJmnaPO/view?usp=sharing Makers Club- English https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zc5vRK2CchVmbRb6oTXFb5B8rGr0DOss/view?usp=sharing. Makers Club-Spanish https://drive.google.com/file/d/1piLMpNAeKwKIX0x_PPKxfog8dnPyjBxa/view?usp=sharing
Skating Program Information: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JvxbVvnPboqe85iQVNS6dKOxdUd6md0-WPwR1f4OPeU/edit?usp=sharing
Land Trust Vacation Program- Owls. English. https://drive.google.com/file/d/18zYOfRw_PUXmk-ebibG_QFEeBPAwXEWB/view?usp=sharing. Spanish- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UaHUBpicRH01xfEl5oQBL8Ork2OclKQj/view?usp=sharing
Parks and Rec. Information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zrlQa2I4gCFSC3KClqPWf_i1f6zVGy4r/view?usp=sharing
- Parent Consultation Services at Wayside- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KUWwDQXboAPK-D1mtek3LOjOk8dy0BzA/view?usp=sharing
Waltham Food Pantry Information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eNdlG2-rjy7p3m8_elBZ9pqM5Cwey1Ru/view?usp=sharing
- Here is information for the Appetgy App to get important Waltham Public School Info: Apptegy App
Xfinity is proud to participate in the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which provides qualified households with a credit of up to $30/mo towards internet and mobile services. Xfinity ACP FAQ's
- The Department of Children and Families is seeking to keep Waltham children in their schools and communities. We want to ensure that when DCF assumes care and custody of a child, that child is able to remain in their school, with their friends and the adults that support them. In order to accomplish this, DCF is looking for Waltham parents who would consider becoming a short-term caregiver for a student in need at their child’s school. Please complete this brief survey if you are interested in participating or learning more. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFpF-HviiDtALO9qtEglU65WxWos9Fq0C9BCy5FxkHKMGeRQ/viewform
PTO Updates
- Our next PTO meeting is Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 7:00 virtual at Join Zoom Meeting holcim.zoom.us/j/9102021188?pwd=... ID: 9102021188 passcode: 123456789. Join by phone (US) +1 470-250-9358 passcode: 123456789
Arrival and Dismissal Information
Arrival in the morning at Stanley is very busy. We have plenty of adults on duty to make sure that your child gets to the correct line in the morning. We ask that you follow the directions below to ensure every child's safety.
**Drop-Off Procedures**
Morning drop-off is a LIVE drop-off. If you are dropping off you should not exit your car.
Pull over to the sidewalk to drop children off. DO NOT let them off in the street. This is very dangerous.
Do not drop off or park in the area past the crosswalk. This is reserved for our vans.
Children cannot be dropped off before 8:25 in the morning as we do not have staff available until that time.
All Students who are eating breakfast will enter the main door. All other students will line up at their designated spots outside and wait until 8:35 to enter the building.
Students in grades 1 and 2 who are not eating breakfast will line up outside the the door near the Pre-K playground when you first enter the Stanley parking lot.
Students in Grades 3 and 4 who are not eating breakfast will will line up outside near the far end of the school near the Kindergarten playground. Grade 3 will line up in front of the windows and Grade 4 will line up on the ramp.
Kindergarten students with Mrs. Doherty and Mrs.Swartz who are not eating breakfast will line up in front of the windows outside their classroom doors.
Kindergarten students with Mrs. Wegrzyn who are not eating breakfast will line up in front of the school near the yellow pole.
Grade 5 students who are not eating breakfast will line up in front of the school outside the main doors.
**Dismissal Procedures**
All Students are either walkers or bus students based upon eligibility.
If your child is a walker he/she can be met at the designated locations across the street at Wheelock or Shakespeare. If you are not there to meet your child please have a plan for your child whether he/she waits at a certain location or continues to walk home.
There is no parking on school property for dismissal unless you are picking your child up from our Pre-K program or our TASC program.