The IMS Connection
Volume 21, Issue 7: March 2024
March 2024
Greetings Islip Middle School Families,
It's hard to believe that spring is already upon us. We look forward to the students spending more time outside while at Islip Middle School. We ask that you encourage your children to be dressed appropriately to wait outside upon arrival.
I have received many questions about extra help. We offer extra help in the morning and afternoon. Morning extra help begins in the classroom promptly at 7:43 and students should not go to their locker before advisory. Students arriving after this time will not be permitted to attend extra help as it disrupts the learning environment for all in the class. For both instructional needs and student attendance, being on time is essential for a positive extra help experience for all in attendance. Ample time is permitted for students to attend breakfast if they take the early bus, therefore, they will not be dismissed from extra help to go to breakfast. To help with students arriving on time for extra help, students should take the early bus to school. All students attending extra help after the school day, are expected to go directly to the extra help setting. Students are not permitted to exit the school before extra help. A 3:15 late bus is available for all students to go home. However, the late bus has different drop off points and times when compared to the 2:30 bus. All of the bus schedules can be found in a ParentSquare message that was sent out on February 29th.
As we prepare for the 4th and final quarter, this is an excellent time to log on to the parent portal to check the accomplishments of your children. Any questions you have, please reach out to your child's teacher, counselor, or me and we will gladly assist with your requests.
Remember to Look Good, Feel Good, and Do Good as you stay healthy and well.
Warm Regards,
Timothy P. Martin
March 2024
Welcome Team IMS,
As we enter March 2024, we can take sight of the back stretch and move to June. With that being shared and with four months left of school, we would like to share with you the New York State testing for our Middle Schoolers.
IMS Testing information:
New York State Department of Education Assessments
IMS Administration Dates
Grades 6 & 7: NYS Math Assessment, April 30th & May 1st
Grade 6, 7, & 8: NYS ELA Exam, May 6th & 7th
Grades 8: NYS Science Exam, May 13th and 14th
- Most students will test in their period 1 classroom while some period 1 classes will be relocated to a more suitable testing location.
- Student assessments will be completed using their laptops; therefore they must be brought to school fully charged.
- The assessment will be over by the end of period 2 and all students will report to period 3.
Please take a look at Facebook & Instagram to view photos, videos, and news about our amazing students, staff, and school community @ IMS. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at cjuengerkes@islipufsd.org or (631) 650-8515.
As always, enjoy and thank you for making Islip Middle School a great place to grow up.
Be well,
Curt Juengerkes
Islip Middle School
Assistant Principal
March 2024
Welcome to Spring here at IMS!
In the month of February, we met with each of the grade teams for Town Hall meetings. During these meetings we discussed the importance of being a student in good standing. There are three parts of being a student in good standing:
Academics, Attendance, and Behavior
We reiterated to students that we are here to support them and that there are many resources available to help each student succeed. We have extra help, AAR, and homework support.
Attendance is important. We stressed that it is not just enough to be here, we also need to be present. We each need to take responsibility for our learning in order to grow.
Lastly, behavior. We’ve recently found an increase in inappropriate conduct, including “play-fighting” and teasing. Many of the students state that they’re just kidding with friends. There is no such thing as play-fighting. Here at IMS, students are expected to keep their hands to themselves and use kind words each and every day. We ask that you please reinforce this at home.
Also, with March, comes spring. We are excited that warm weather is hopefully just around the corner. As the warm weather approaches though, please remember that we do have a dress code here at IMS. A few points are shown below, but the Dress Code Policy can be found in its entirety in the student planner.
Tight, short, and/or see-through garments are not acceptable.
Undergarments are never to be exposed.
Excessive showing of skin, including bare midriffs, is not allowed.
Clothes may not contain vulgar, obscene, or offensive language or images
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to a wonderful remainder to the school year.
Ms. Wright
Dean of Students
Exploring Our Futures...
It's never too early to dream big! Students will explore college and career pathways in order to empower them to chart their own course.
Renaissance Rave
Luck of the Renaissance!! ☘️
The first couple of months of ‘24 have been amazing! Our raffle for the 3rd quarter grades will be held a few weeks after the quarter ends. There’s still time to BE IN IT TO WIN IT! As always, please check your planner for the Rules and Regulations of Renaissance. Replacement cards can be purchased for $5. Keep working hard and getting better every day! LOOK GOOD! FEEL GOOD! DO GOOD!
March 2024
Your counselors are very excited about your future plans! Together, we came up with a series of career exploration activities for students to part take in during advisory. Students will have the opportunity to learn about different careers such as veterinarian, fashion designer, robotics engineer, chef, and more! Students will be able to explore how to achieve their career goals, and whether they can see themselves in any of these various roles. We strive to expand student minds surrounding what they want to be when they get older, and give them new ideas on careers perhaps they have not heard of before! Here is an example of a School Counselor!
March is in full swing, and Team 8 Green is diving into a world of exciting subjects.
In math, students are mastering the art of arithmetic and geometric sequences, developing essential problem-solving skills.
Spanish classes are wrapping up a fascinating unit on homes, soon transitioning to a unit focused on the practical skill of packing for vacation. This promises to be a dynamic blend of language acquisition and real-world application.
General science students are currently immersed in the captivating world of genetics. From the intricacies of heredity to the building blocks of life, students are unlocking the secrets within our genetic code.
Meanwhile, Earth science students are delving into the complexities of Earth's atmospheric conditions, examining weather patterns, and gaining insights into the broader implications of climate change.
In English Language Arts (ELA), classes are actively engaged in the "culture and belonging" unit. Students are exploring characters from around the world through literature, fostering cultural appreciation and a sense of belonging within the classroom.
Social studies is guiding students through the historical landscape of the Great Depression. Simultaneously, anticipation is building as students prepare for an upcoming field trip to Washington DC, where they will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the living history of our nation's capital.
Team 8 Green continues to thrive in this dynamic learning environment, and we look forward to witnessing the continued growth and success of our students in the coming months.
This month 25 IMS students were selected to participate in the Suffolk County Honors Band, Chorus, and Orchestra Honors Ensemble Concerts. Students will attend several rehearsals with other musicians from across Suffolk County, performing some very demanding and challenging music at their concerts on March 10.
Representing IMS in the SCMEA orchestras are Titley Das, Milani Clendaniel, Emerson Cox and Malcolm Friedman. In the SCMEA chorus is Rocco Pollina, Shea Alfano, Donna Mondamiento,
Jason Desir, Colten Grace, Guilana Hubert, Jace Hunt and Gabriella Valdiviezo. Finally, representing the SCMEA band is Ryan Brown, Tillie Ancipink, Megan Soto, Teagan Quinn, Gwen Mcenaney, Lily Champion, Cassidy Chandler, Alice Champion, Ashleigh Galyardt, Jackson Bosley, Addison Auciello, Murphy Wallace and Elisabeth Volk.
Congratulations to all of these students for their wonderful performances and for representing Islip so well at this year’s SCMEA concerts!
5- Islip Multi-Cultural Family Night, 6pm, HS
8- MS/HS Progress Period Ends
14- No School For Students
15- World Language Immersion Day
25- MS PTA Meeting, 7pm, MS Library
28- School is OPEN
29-1- District Closed-Spring Recess
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
1-District Closed-Spring Recess
12-MS/HS Marking Period Ends
SEPTA Parent-Family Night, 6pm, SES
19-Islip Takes Adventureland, 7pm-10pm
22-26 Schools Closed-Spring Recess
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS