Marian Central Friday Focus
287th Issue - March 15, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Kelly Hilton
One of the most important things I’ve learned as a school counselor is that there is no textbook or YouTube video that instructs me how to “fix” the concerns that are presented to me. I must rely on my students to teach me what I need to know. Throughout my time here at Marian, I’ve been inspired by my students and have learned a myriad of lessons I could never have picked up in graduate school.
One of the life lessons that stands out in my mind is to keep showing up no matter how difficult life can be.
~ The students who face mental health struggles every moment and yet they...keep showing up.
~ The students who have learning challenges, who put in the extra work for every point they earn in their classes...keep showing up.
~ The students who deeply grieve the loss of their cherished loved ones...keep showing up.
~ The students who don’t make friends easily who desperately yearn for connections to their peers...keep showing up.
~ The students whose home life is unstable or unpredictable...keep showing up.
~ The students who generously share their God-given talents – arriving before me and leaving after me, staying up all hours of the night to complete their homework...keep showing up.
~ The students who provide a listening ear to their friends even while their life is difficult...keep showing up.
~ The students who suffer through long-term illnesses...keep showing up.
To all the precious Marian Central Catholic students who keep showing up when things are dark who hold out hope for brighter tomorrows, I am eternally grateful!
Mrs. Kelly Hilton
Director of Guidance
Seniors - Baby Pictures Wanted
Traditionally, the Marian yearbook contains a baby picture of each senior. We would like to continue this tradition with our members of the Class of 2024!
Please upload your picture to the Senior Class Google Classroom (please note change from sending to English Teachers) no later than Friday, March 22nd. Classroom code: dwxlff5
Planned Absences of 2 or More Days
If your student will be absent two or more consecutive days, please contact the office in advance. Students are then given an Advanced Leave Form that is used to notify the teachers of the absence and to collect assignments. Thank you.
Mentor Applications for 2024-25
Attention all current sophomores and juniors, the mentor application for the 2024-2025 school year is now open.
Please use the following link https://classroom.google.com/c/NjU5NTIzODUxNjEz?cjc=xbgbryz to join our Google Classroom and to access the application. The class code is xbgbryz.
All applications must be submitted on the Google Classroom by 3pm on Friday, April 5th. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Littner at llittner@marian.com.
Parents and students, please be aware that this Friday, March 22 is the last day to change your course choices for the 2024-2025 school year.
There will be an additional $30 fee for any course changes made after March 22. Please contact Mrs. Hilton (khilton@marian.com, ext. 121) or Mr. Kruse (tkruse@marian.com) if you wish to make any changes.
2024-2025 AP and Dual Credit Fees
Attention students who registered for AP courses for the 24-25 school year. There is a mandatory $100 fee per course which covers the course and the exam. The fee is due no later than Friday, March 22, 2024. Please drop off your payment in the Guidance Office or pay online. Please note that there is a 4% additional fee if you submit payment online. If the payment is not received by Friday, March 22, your course will revert either to the honors level or to one of the alternate electives you chose at registration.
After March 22, there will be an additional $30 fee to re-register for the AP course(s).
For all students registered for dual credit courses for the 2024-2025 school year, McHenry County College charges $25 per dual credit course. That fee will be submitted through an online registration system called DualEnroll at the beginning of the school year for all first semester and year-long dual credit courses and in early January for 2nd semester courses.
Please contact Mrs. Hilton if you have any questions at khilton@marian.com or 815-338-4220, ext. 121.
PCCS Courses for 2024-25
If you are a junior or senior interested in enrolling in any of the MCC Partnership for College and Career Success (PCCS) courses (see Curriculum Guide p. 54-57) for the 2024-2025 school year, please see Mrs. Diamond in Guidance ASAP to be certain that you're registered for a study hall as one of your electives and to receive the link from MCC to register for the course(s). Early registration helps to ensure that there are spaces available in the course(s) and helps to ensure that all of the programs will run as scheduled. Unfortunately, MCC had to cancel the Culinary Arts program last year due to lack of student registrations.
College Visits for Next Week
Monday 3/18: St. Mary's College (Indiana)-10th Period
Wednesday 3/20: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology-3rd Period