County Fair 4H Schedule of Events
4-H Alumni Invited to Participate in Species Shows
Redwood County Fair July 17-20, 2025
Updated 3/3/2025
Photo Credit: Brittany Johnson
June Due Dates
June 23
- Due date for Cloverbuds bringing live animals to the fair to report the animal species to 4-H staff by calling 507-637-4025 or emailing mnext-redwood@umn.edu
- County Fair Project Registration/Sign Up Due - http://redwoodmn.fairentry.com/
June 30
- Auction Bio's and Signature Sheets are due to the 4-H office.
- Ok to mail, email, or scan and send. These must be legible!
- Signature sheets must be completed and signed by the business entity or business card attached.
- Members can add to the details following their species show during the county fair.
Pre-Fair Judging Events
All Clothing & Textiles, Performing Arts, Demonstrations, Needlework, & Quilting
- July 10, 2025
- 8:30 am - 12noon. Later appts may be available upon request and need.
- Location: First United Methodist Church, 601 Veda Dr, Redwood Falls, MN 56283
Project Books Required: Include patterns, pictures of your process, music, etc
- Clothing and Textiles
- Performing Arts
- Needlework
- Make your project book into a record and add this information to your binder/folder.
- Records qualify for record judging and premium
Prefair Clean Up
July 9, 2025 at 6:00 pm
Clubs wanting alternative dates/times please contact 4-H office at 507-637-4025
Golden Gophers:
Food Stands & Grills - detailed cleaning list available in food stand. Cleans both food stands, grills, counters, dishes, floors, walls as needed, hangs curtains, wipes down seating area.
- Food Stand Deck - Vesta Vikings
Milroy Go-Getters:
Grounds Crew - cleans up litter, garden areas, may do some flower planting, weed trimming, wildflower area maintenance. Focus area is around all the 4-H buildings but should include the fairgrounds in general. Bring gloves, garbage bags, rakes, weed whips.
Shooting Sports & Springdale Climbers :
Exhibit Building - sets up the stage, sweeps, removes spider webs, dust, etc from walls, doors, display equipment. Sets up display and judges tables. Bring rags, swiffer dusters, brooms - barn brooms especially needed.
Barns & Show Arena: Animal Science participants should plan to help clean your respective barns and help with the show arena as directed by your species superintendents.
Members and families will work with your clubs to sign up for both pre-fair and post fair clean up nights. Independent members will be assigned by 4-H Office.
Thursday - Sunday Exhibit Activities
Activities to try at the fair are open to the public and 4-H youth!
- Agriculture Alley located in the dairy barn will have agriculture related activities for youth and families to try and see the baby pigs, calves, chicks, and more.
- Passport to 4-H - complete the checklist and win a prize!
- Create it Stations are back in the 4-H Exhibit Building
- Scavenger Hunt
- See 4-H Staff and Volunteers in the 4-H Exhibit Building for more information.
2025 County Fair Week Schedule
General/Static Projects
Monday July 14
- General/Static Project Judging
- All project areas including pets
- Does not include beef, dairy, dog, goat, horse, Poultry, Rabbit, Sheep, or Swine live animal projects
- 2:30 pm - 7:00 pm
- Redwood County Fairgrounds, 201 North Dekalb Street, Redwood Falls MN 56283
- Concessions available
Vet Check In for Animal Science Projects
Wednesday July 16 - later afternoon. Time to be announced
Thursday July 17 - morning. Time to be announced.
All Trailers off fairgrounds by 10 am. Horse trailers off fairgrounds following your horse show.
Livestock Interviews & Barn Meeting
Wednesday July 16
- Horse Project begins at 6 pm
- Poultry Project begins at 5 pm following the barn meeting
Thursday July 17
- Goat Project begin at 1 pm following the barn meeting
- Swine Project begin at 1 pm following the barn meeting
- Dairy Project begin at 1 pm following the barn meeting
- Beef Project begin at 2 pm following the barn meeting
- Dairy Project begin at 3 pm following the barn meeting
- Sheep Project begin at 2 pm following the barn meeting
- Rabbit Project begin at 2 pm following the barn meeting
- Horse Barn Meeting TBA
Species Shows
Back in 2025!
Open Novice: All species shows will have a new class called OPEN NOVICE. This class is intended for all youth grades 3+ interested in exploring/experiencing showing that particular animal at the Redwood County Fair. This is a non-competitive experience and an excellent way to showcase your learning. Youth grades K-2 should sign up as a Cloverbud. Contact the 4-H office for more information. 507-637-4025.
Back in 2025! Alumni Shows!! Alumni, get ready to compete in a fun show following each species 4-H show. Bring on the competition!
Thursday July 17
- 8:30 am Poultry Show
- 9:00 am Horse Show
- 4:30 pm Goat Show
- 6:00 pm Swine Show
Friday July 18
- 8:00 am Dairy Show
- 9:30 am Beef Show
- 12:30 pm Sheep Show
- 1:30 pm Rabbit Show
** 6:00 pm All auction bio updates/changes due. (rabbits project please come following your show)
Saturday July 19
- 8:00 am Welcome breakfast for the 72nd Annual Ribbon Auction
- 8:30 am Auction will begin
- 11:30 am Premiere Show Competition
Sunday July 20
- Horse Fun Show TBD
Auction and Premiere Show Competition
Saturday July 19 Auction & Premiere Show
- 7:30 am Auction participant meeting and group pictures
- 7:45 am Auction participant breakfast
- 8:00 am Auction Welcome Breakfast
- 8:30 am Auction Begins
- 11:30 am Premiere Show
Fashion/Talent Show, Champions Showcase, State Fair Meeting
Farm Family Celebration, Ice Cream Social, and Celebration of our Graduates!
Saturday July 19 - Back in 2025!
- 3 pm Snacks and Refreshments for members in the Exhibit Building
- 3 pm State Fair Orientation - time for questions and answers - meet the chaperones - 4-H Exhibit building
- 6 pm State Fair Trip Acceptance (or Decline) Deadline. Trips not accepted by 6 pm will be given to the next person on the state fair line up list. This INCLUDES general/static projects.
Sunday July 20
- 7 - 9 am early removal of extra supplies for all animal species. Trailers may NOT remain on grounds.
- 11 am - Fashion & Talent Show Practice (4-H Exhibit Building)
- 1:00 pm Fashion and Talent Show - 4-H Exhibit Building
- 1:00 pm Farm Family Celebration - 4-H Exhibit Building
- 4:00 pm Champions Showcase
- 4:30 pm High School and 4-H Graduation Celebrations - 4-H Exhibit Building
- Ice Cream Social - Pick up a token for Lingen Dairy Ice Cream
- 6:00 pm TBD - goal is to have premium checks available in 2025 - more information available closer to fair time. - 4-H Exhibit Building
- 6:00 pm State Fair and State Shoot paperwork due to the 4-H office
- 7:00 pm Exhibits Released
Post Fair Clean Up
Sunday July 20 at 7 pm
Barns and Show Arena : All participants assist in cleaning stalls and barns. You must receive approval to leave the fairgrounds from your species superintendent at the conclusion of the county fair. Many hands make light work and everyone can go home as quickly as possible following the fair. Participants should have your own wheel barrow, pitch fork, and supplies as needed to clean your own stalls and help with barn clean up.
Food Stands & Grills - cleans both food stands, wipes down counters, wipes out coolers, floors are swept, grills if possible are cleaned, detailed cleaning list is available and under the direction of the Food Stand Manager.
Valley Blazers & Lamberton Leprechauns
Exhibit Building Clean-Up - cleaning out display cases, folding tables, putting the stage away, and sweeping the building out, helping to load out the 4-H office area and initial set up for Dog Show.
If you or a 4-H participant need disability-related or other accommodations to participate in this program or have questions about the physical accessibility of the event location, please contact Stacy J at 507-637-4025 or email skjohnso@umn.edu at registration or at least 2 weeks prior to the program or event. Late notice may limit our ability to provide requested accommodations.
Redwood County 4-H Staff
- Stacy - skjohnso@umn.edu
- Jessica - mnext-redwood@umn.edu
- 507-637-4025
© 2023 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
Updated 3/22/2024 Photo Credit: Brittany Johnson Photography