NHS Family Newsletter- April 2019
April 7, 2019
10 more weeks!
Baseball wins the tournament!
Boy's Volleyball wins the Redwood NorCal Invitational
Senior Banquet is a hit!
Next Week at a Glance
- Monday April 8th- Welcome back from Spring Break!
- Tuesday April 9th - Consent Assembly; Softball vs College Park; Baseball vs Benicia; Boys VB @ Las Lomas for Battle of the Creek
- Wednesday April 10th- Track vs Campo;
- Thursday April 11th- MDUSD Dance Concert 7pm in the Gym; Boys Golf vs Miramonte; Boys Tennis vs Campo
- Friday April 12th- Girls Lacrosse vs YVHS
- Saturday April 14th- Color Run/ Egg Hunt; MDUSD Honor Band/Orchestra Concert
For full calendar details, see the school website!
Bell schedule changes for April and May!
Consent Assembly
Consent Assembly
Tuesday, Apr 9, 2019, 09:30 AM
Northgate High School, Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
PSAT-10 Testing
Tuesday, Apr 16, 2019, 08:00 AM
Northgate High School, Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Wellness Day
Thursday, Apr 18, 2019, 08:00 AM
Northgate High School, Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
CAASPP Testing Summary
11th graders will be taking the CAASPP and CAST tests in their English and US History classes. 12th graders will take the CAST (science) test in their Economics classes.
School-wide we will be on a block schedule for two weeks to accommodate for these tests.
22-Apr ELA- Adaptive 11 English
23-Apr ELA- Adaptive 11 English
23-Apr CAST 12 Economics
25-Apr ELA-Performance 11 English
26-Apr ELA-Performance 11 English
26-Apr CAST 12 Economics
29-Apr Math-Adaptive 11 US History
30-Apr Math-Adaptive 11 US History
2-May Math-Performance 11 US History
3-May Math-Performance/ CAST 11 US History
7-May CAST Completion 11 English
2019-20 Academic Calendar
Upcoming Important Dates
- March 29-April 5- Spring Break
- April 8th- PSAT Pre-Administration in World History
- April 9th- Consent Assembly
- April 16th- PSAT
- April 18th- Wellness Day
- April 22nd- CAASPP Testing begins
- May 11th- Crimson and Gold Gala (NHS Athletics)
- May 16th, 17th and 18th- Dance Production Showcase
- May 17th- Movin' on Up Rally
- May 20th- Jazz Band at Yoshi's in Oakland
- May 21st- Senior Circle
- May 22nd and 23rd- Spring Choir Concert
- May 23rd and 24th/May 30th- Senior Finals (TBD)
- May 25th- Senior Ball
- May 27th- Memorial Day- No School
- May 28-29th- Senior Project Presentations- altered bell schedule
- May 30th- Graduation Rehearsal 9am
- May 31st- Summit Awards Assembly (am)
- June 1st- Baccalaureate 2pm
- June 2nd- Graduation 7pm
- June 3-4-5th- Finals (non-seniors)
- June 5th- Last Day of School
Walk-Through 2019-20
Wednesday, Aug 14, 2019, 08:00 AM
Northgate High School, Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Save the Date! Junior Prom 2020
Saturday, Mar 14, 2020, 08:00 PM
Save the Date! Senior Ball 2020!
Friday, Apr 3, 2020, 08:00 PM
Northgate High School
Email: cooperk@mdusd.org
Website: http://northgatehighschool.org
Location: 425 Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Phone: 925-938-0900
Twitter: @northgatehs