LISD Expect Excellence Newsletter
February 5th, 2024
Hello Levelland Lobos. The spring semester is moving quickly. I hope you realize how important you are to your students.
I want to share some words of positivity from Jon Gordon.
Three truths to remember:
1) Happiness is an inside job. Don't expect other people or things to make you happy.
2) Don't chase success. Decide to make a difference and success will find you.
3) Abundance flows into your life when gratitude flows out of your heart.
Have a great week.
Go Lobos!
Levelland ISD Expect Excellence.
Best Regards,
Becky McCutchen
Levelland ISD
Superintendent of Schools
All Things LISD..................
National School Counselor's Week!
It's National School Counselors Week! We plan to celebrate our counselors all week long! These ladies provide a wealth of support throughout a student’s academic career. They help students when they face adversity such as bullying, trouble at home, academic performance, and relationship issues. They also listen to students’ interests, assess their skills and personality, and help them decide their future academic and career goals. Our counselors make a difference in our students' lives every day and we thank them for that!
LMS Solo & Ensemble Choirs!
LMS Choir Director Mr. Josh Ballard #expectsexcellence and is pleased to share the results from the LMS UIL Solo and Ensemble competition last Saturday! Students signed up to sing a whole song as a soloist or to sing in a small ensemble. They had three weeks to study their music and then sing it for a judge. They can score a 1, 2, or 3. The scores are 14 ones, 6 twos, and and 2 threes. Mr. Ballard says, "These numbers are much better than the past 2 years." We send out a big congratulations to them!
LMS Earth Layers!
LMS #expectsexcellence and Science students displayed their Solar System projects, showing the layers of the Earth for everyone to see. There was a lot of great creativity and ideas, from Legos to edible cakes, and from drawings to 3-D designs. Great job LMS kids, on coming up with great designs that will help you remember this concept for the rest of your life!
Technology All Around!
Levelland ISD is so proud of our over-the-top Technology Department! Our Tech Gurus #expectexcellence, are constantly learning, and they stay on top of everything from broken things to new computers! That's just what is happening at LISD now! Each campus is scheduled for educators to receive a new laptop, and LHS is the first on the list. Our Techies were caught installing all over the LHS building, making teachers happy. Each school will receive new teacher laptops soon, and we are thankful for the resources that our technology department helps us integrate into our classrooms for interactive learning. Our Technology Department also invites you to their Second Annual Technology Expo on February 29th at LHS at 5:30!
LMS Spelling Bee!
Levelland Middle School #expectsexcellence and held their annual 5th, 6th, 7th & 8th-Grade Spelling Bee on Friday! There were 23 participants and the Bee went for 7 Rounds. The winner was 5th-grader Caleb Willey. He spelled the word fallow to win the LMS Championship. Katherine Bunker was the Runner-Up. Thank you to Mrs. Mixie Clowe, Principal Mr. Eric Eugenis, and all the parents for working with and encouraging your kids to step out of their comfort zone to do something challenging! Thank you also to our judges Mrs. Treva Potter and Mrs. Christi Peck. These students will compete in the District Bee on February 27th at LMS at 1:00. They will be joined by Capitol & South winners. Great work, kids!
NHS Active Every Month
The National Honor Society always has a community service project going on, and last month our LHS National Honor Society's January Project was to gather dog & cat food for the Levelland Animal Shelter. The NHS students brought in 668 pounds of dog & cat kibble to give, hoping this would help out for a while! The NHS Officers delivered all those bags and got to see a few dogs and kitties while there! Officers Taylor Perez and Ashley Puente were very appreciative of receiving the amazing donation. They informed the LHS students that adoptions are free at the shelter and that pets often serve as therapy pets for many! Thank you to the NHS kids for completing this great project!
100 Days of Learning...................
Last week was the 100th Day of School for LISD. This important day is an excellent resource for LISD educators to celebrate the various mathematical concepts that can be taught using the number 100 and ways to find it. Students and teachers alike enjoyed dressing up as 100-year-olds!
What does 101 mean to you? Does it mean a college course number? Does it mean the most basic of learning? Well at ABC, it means 101 Days of School, and the teachers went all out. Cruella Deville was in attendance, and she brought 101 puppies with her! This made for a fun day of teaching for the ABC educators and a great day of learning for the students! Thank you ABC, for keeping the learning so fun!
District Champs again!
Our Loboettes beat Estacado last Friday for the District Championship. We are so proud of our girls and coaches! Keep chasing the gold ball! They play Lakeview tomorrow night here! Come on out and cheer them to victory.
Bill's Backpacks!
Granola Bars
The item of the month is Granola Bars!
BBP is always accepting donations.
NHS Helps Out
NHS Members brought 494 cereal boxes for Bill's BackPacks in January! Thank you so much for doing that!
Levelland ISD
Location: 704 11th Street, Levelland, TX
Phone: 806-894-9628
Twitter: @LevellandISD