LMS Weekly Reminders
No School for Students on Monday April 1st
Tuesday 2nd is an A-Day
LMS Weekly Showcase
Students of the Month
Brennan Borror; Anna Downs; Jayshawn Estep; Kieran Frost; David Hayden; Hailey Higgins; James Manning; Ace McCauley; Emma McDonald; Lily Ream; Kylie Robinson; Jaylen Wheeler
MTSS Walk & Talk
Ms. McDowell's Class Working Hard at Math
LMS Presents 3 performances of Bye Bye Birdie in the LMS Cafetorium.
- Friday, April 5 at 6:00 p.m.
- Saturday, April 6 at 1:00 p.m.
- Saturday, April 6 at 5:00 p.m.
Rising 7th Grade Vaccination Clinic Here on April 9th
All Maryland 7th-graders are required to have a Tdap and Meningitis vaccine before entering 7th grade.
(Exceptions: Documented medical or religious contraindications. Please call the school nurse if this is the situation.)
St. Mary's County Health Department is offering to administer the vaccines to LMS students on April 9th, here at LMS. Pre-registration is required.
Click here to register or scan the QR code on the attached fliers.
Please call or email the school nurses if you have any questions.
8th Grade, Please Note ...Academies & Pathways
St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS) will accept online applications for
its three Academy Programs: The Academy of Visual and Performing Arts, The Academy of Global
and International Studies, and The STEM Academy. Applications can be accessed online and will open beginning Tuesday, April 2, 2024. The application window will close on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Please note that no late applications will be accepted. Students interested in the Academy of Finance should contact their 8th-grade counselor.
SMCPS will host a virtual Academy Open House on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. Middle
school STEM and all high school academy programs (Academy of Finance, Academy of Visual and
Performing Arts, Academy of Global and International Studies, and STEM Academy) will be
represented at the event. Potential applicants are encouraged to attend to learn more about what
academy programs offer.
Additional information about the Academy Programs, including course offerings, application criteria,
and frequently asked questions, can be found at. For more information, contact the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at 301-475-5511, extension 32104.
Spring Picture Day will be Here Soon
Parents, Earn Your Students MTSS PAWS Tickets
MTSS stands for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support. This is the system we use at LMS to promote learning and positive behavior support for all students. Click HERE to see our PAWS Matrix
PAWS stands for Positive, Accountable, Work Hard and Service. Our PAWS pledge is read during every morning announcement:
- I will have a POSITIVE attitude and treat others the way I want to be treated.
- I will be ACCOUNTABLE for my actions and reactions.
- I will WORK HARD, be open-minded, and ask questions when I don’t know.
- I will show SERVICE by doing my part to keep my school safe, help others, and contribute to my community.
This month, students are focusing on "Bathroom Expectations". Let's work together to promote efficient and responsible bathroom use at school.
Parents, take this short quiz to earn your child a free PAWS ticket!
LMS Track
Tryouts for the Spring track season will take place on Tuesday, April 9. Permission slips will be available beginning April 2 and may be picked up from Ms. Dade or Mr. Brady in rooms 304 and 303. They will also be available in the main office. Students must have a signed permission slip to try out. Anyone interested in trying out should pick up a permission slip the week of April 2.
The state of Maryland has a high school graduation requirement for students to learn how to practice citizenship. As part of their student service learning, all 6th graders are teaming up to sponsor a Spring Food Drive for local food pantries.The food drive will take place April 22-26. Students are asked to bring in nonperishable or boxed foods to help restock the pantry and help our local community for their student service learning project. Our sixth grade students have been learning about Classical Traditions and Giant Empires.
Students have previously studied hunters and gatherers. One standard that they spent a large portion of time on is: Describe the characteristics and innovations of hunting and gathering societies, such as nomadic lifestyles, inventors of tools, adaptation to animal migration and vegetation cycles, and the shift from food gathering to food-producing activities. We thank you in advance for your support.
For Parents/Guardians of Students Receiving Special Ed Services
Summer Classes
SMCPS students can sign up for the following summer courses for original credit: Health 2, Foundations of Computer Science, Geometry, Spanish 1, and Spanish 2. This FLYER includes all of the details on how to register and course dates and times. Any questions can be directed to Heather Wysokinski.
Did you miss getting a yearbook last school year (2023)? Well, you are in luck. We have a few copies on sale for $10.00 each....first come, first served.
Copies available for sale in the front office.
What You Need to Know About Testing
Testing Dates:
MCAP (Whole School) ELA - April 15-18, 2024, Math - May 1-2, 2024
Social Studies (8th Grade Only) - May 15-16
- Students need to arrive on time as testing will begin promptly at 7:30, no students will be allowed in the testing environment after that time.
- Should students need to miss one of the above test dates they will be placed in a make up testing group and need to be pulled out of class at a later date to complete the testing missed.
- All students should come prepared to test with a charged laptop. No other electronics will be allowed in the testing environment.
- Students will need to utilize homeroom time to update their laptops weekly (most teachers are giving this instruction already). Any additional apps/programs that students have placed on their laptops that are not for instructional purposes should be removed as these may interfere with testing.
Spotlight on Special Education
Does Your Child Need Counseling Support Out of School?
Upcoming Events:
- PTA Board Meeting -- April 11 at 6:00 p.m.in the LMS Media Center
- 8th Grade graduation sign pick-up (at LMS) - Info coming soon
- Staff Appreciation Week – May 6-10
- End of the Year Meeting – May/June – come join the leadership team! More info coming soon
We have 84 members and growing! Join the PTA and helping support our school! https://lmspta20.memberhub.com or scan the QR code. Be a part of the LMS School Improvement Plan!
https://www.facebook.com/LeonardtownMiddleSchoolPta Don’t forget to Like the Leonardtown Middle School PTA Facebook page!
Box Tops for Education Fundraising
https://www.boxtops4education.com/s/get-the-app - Scanning your receipts for BoxTops and help raise money for LMS!
Harris Teeter Together in Education Fundraising
https://tie.harristeeter.com/together-in-education - LMS #6498 - Link your HT VIC account to LMS, for easy fundraising!
LMS Beautification Committee
We are interested in improving the path to the school’s mailbox! Do you have ideas or equipment that could help and you are willing to donate your time or supplies? Want to be on or lead the committee? Please contact the LMS PTA at asklmspta@gmail.com. Thanks!
Student Resource Accountability
About Leonardtown Middle School
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/lms/
Location: 24015 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650, USA
Phone: (301) 475-0230
Twitter: @lms_smcps