NUMS Monthly Update
January 2025
🍎 Principal Update
A couple of Updates/Reminders:
Hope everyone is having a great and relaxing holiday break!!! We will be back in school on Monday, Jan. 6th, 2025. We are looking forward to having everyone back as we get started with the second half of the school year. Crazy to think we are almost half way through the year already!
A couple of reminders:
1. The end of the second nine weeks/first semester will be Friday, Jan. 10th. Please take a look at your students grades and keep an eye on where they are at. They will have one more week to get items and grades caught up before the end of the grading period.
2. The 8th Grade Washington DC Trip registration is in full swing. If you have not registered yet, there is still time. If you have any questions or need additional information please reach out. Parent registration links will be coming out soon. Please keep an eye out for this.
3. A huge shout out to our NUMS Student Council Members as well as all of our families that supported our fundraising efforts during the holiday season. As a part of that, we had a lot of fun before Thanksgiving and Christmas Break!!! See images below. Your hard work and generosity helped our building support multiple families this holiday season. We have such an amazing community and are so thankful for all of you!!!
4. Looking ahead at next month:
- Parent Teacher Conferences will be Feb. 6th and Feb. 11th.
- We will have our second Little Caesar's Fundraiser Feb. 3 - Feb. 14th, This fundraiser will help with payment for upcoming school trips.
Turkey Feather Fundraiser
Band and Choir Performances
Student Council Assembly Activities
👩🏻🎓 NUMS Students of the Month
6th Grade Students of the Month
7th Grade Students of the Month
8th Grade Students of the Month
🏀 NUMS Events
NUMS Athletic Events
1/6- Ben Logan (Boys Home)
1/9- Indian Lake (Girls Home)
1/13- Kenton Ridge (Boys Home)
1/16- Shawnee (Boys Home)
*1/18- Bexley (Girls Only - Home)
1/21- Pleasant (Boys Home)
1/23- London (Girls Home)
*1/25- Northmor (Boys Only - Away)
1/27- Tecumseh (Girls Home)
1/30- Jon. Alder (Girls Home)
*2/1- Bexley (Boys Only- Home)
CBC Tournament Girls TBD (Feb. 1st-Feb. 8th)
CBC Tournament Boys TBD (Feb. 8th-Feb. 15th)
Wrestling- Boys
1/4- @ Triad Invite
1/11- @ New. Catholic Invite
1/29- @ Pleasant (Tri-Match)
2/1- CBC Finals
Wrestling- Girls
1/12- Fredericktown Invite
1/24- Bellefontaine Invite
👪 Parent Volunteer and Chaperone Information
All volunteers who are in the classroom or chaperone field trips must have current BCI and FBI prints on file in the district office. Please use the link below to schedule appointments for the background check. Appointment times will only be as the schedule permits on Tuesdays and Thursdays from
8:00 AM-1:45 PM. If you need a different time than these, you may have prints done elsewhere and send them to North Union Local Schools at 12920 State Route 739 Richwood, Ohio 4334.
A valid BCI and FBI prints must be on file before entering the classroom or going on field trips. The cost for both background checks is $60.00.
👨🏻⚕️Career Pathways Open House
🏫 Important Information/Reminders
- Parents/guardians can access their child's class schedule in ProgressBook. Please contact the MS Office if you have any questions.
- Parents/guardians may pay for your student's school lunches and fees and/or complete a Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Application by accessing the PaySchool site.
- ALL student absences must be reported by parent/guardian by calling the MS office or using the district app.
- ALL students arriving after 7:40am must check in to the main office to sign in.
- If you are picking your child up early from the MS, you will need to come into the Main Office to sign them out. You MUST have a State ID to be able to sign them out.
North Union Child Find Statement
North Union Local Schools is responsible for locating any child birth through 21 with a suspected disability who resides within the North Union Local School District. The school district provides special education services to any child who qualifies as having a disability according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act ages 3 through 21 years of age. If you know of a child who is suspected to have a disability, please call Deana Adams, Director of Student Services, at 740-943-1610 or contact your building principal for more information.
- We value all students and their well being. If there are issues that are occurring at school where you suspect potential harassment/bullying or concern for a students welfare there is a system to process this. Please report this to our Public Works system.
- The online reporting system and the 1-866-listen2me phone system are for staff, students and parents to report concerns which may affect the peace of mind of students or jeopardize the safety of people or school facilities. Concerns may include, but are not limited to, bullying, abuse, bomb threats, cyber crimes, discrimination, drugs, health concerns, suspicious behavior, vandalism, fighting, & weapons. Helpline information helps us maintain school environments that are safe and conducive for learning.
- The ability to report Bullying and Harassment can be found on our website at the top right corner indicated by the blue hand (see graphic above).
- Once a student, parent, or staff member reports an issue it goes directly to the principal of the building for investigation.
- Administration will coordinate the appropriate investigation and communicate findings and outcomes to those involved.
- Administration will document the investigation and outcome in Public School Works.